• Mini Episode: Taking Action
    Apr 2 2022

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    In today's mini-episode I talk about how to take action so you can start fulfilling your Divine Purpose.

    When you feel like there's more to life, but you feel unfulfilled, there's a sort of unhappiness that you can't shake off. That's a call into something bigger and with more purpose for you.
    Taking steps into the unknown can be scary. In this episode, I share how you can learn to pay attention to the clues around you that are telling you to take a leap of faith and follow your heart. All so you can take ACTION and ultimately, begin fulfilling your Divine Purpose.

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    6 mins
  • En Español: Tomando Decisiones Dificiles y Buscando Tu Proposito de Vida con Tatiana Viecco
    Dec 29 2021

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    Bienvenidos al Statement Makers Podcast. Este es nuestro primer episodio en Español. Acompañanos mientras hablamos con Tatiana Viecco, quien fue otorgada varías becas y se graduó como ingeniera industrial con una maestría en ingeniería para desarrollo sostenible de la universidad de Cambridge de Inglaterra.

    Tatiana se mudo de Colombia a los Estados Unidos a los 15 años junto con su familia en busca de mejores oportunidades y despues de mas de una decada de estudios, regresó a su pais para aportarle su conocimiento y con mucho deseo de mejorar el futuro de su comunidad.

    En nuestra conversacion hablamos de:

    • La importancia de la educacion
    • Las oportunidades para los migrantes a Estados Unidos
    • Su decision al ser aceptada al National Science Foundation como candidata para el programa de doctorado
    • Las decisiones dificiles que se deben tomar cuando estas en busca de tu proposito divino
    • Como el impacto social se puede hacer a nivel pequeño y puede tener un efecto positivo en nuestras comunidades

    Conectate con nosotros y ayudanos a crecer:

    • Envianos una nota con tus comentarios sobre el podcast a karen@statementmakerspodcast.com
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    50 mins
  • Mini-Episode - What are Talents vs. Gifts?
    Dec 14 2021

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    In today's mini-episode I share with you the difference between Talents and Gifts.

    Talents are things you are naturally good at, but gifts are connected in a spiritual way to your Creator. It’s crucial that you understand the difference so you can use your talents and gifts to effectively live a life of purpose.
    Listen to this episode and discover how gifts and talents are related and how they play an important role in helping you fulfill your divine purpose.

    Connect and help us grow:

    • Send Karen (our host) a note with your thoughts on the podcast, karen@statementmakerspodcast.com
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    9 mins
  • From Opera Singer to Non-Profit Founder with Theresa Smith-Levin
    Mar 30 2021

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    Theresa Smith-Levin is an opera singer and voice teacher who attended the University of Central Florida and University of Miami to study music and vocal performance. She wanted to have a career in the arts, when one day she woke up and realized that there was a need she could fulfill with her skills.

    Her love of the arts led her to found the non-profit organization, Central Florida Vocal Arts. This organization is dedicated to re-imagining the future of vocal arts by providing the highest quality training to young artists and opportunities to emerging and professional artists of all ages. Their goal is to use the arts to create tangible social good in our community.

    Topics of conversation in this episode:

    1. Why Theresa decided to have a career in the arts.
    2. What led her to found her non-profit.
    3. Running a non-profit as a business
    4. Female and Male representation in non-profits
    5. Challenges in running a non-profit
    6. Stories of success
    7. Advice to others on making a difference

    Non-profit Leadership - Gender Gap

    Connect and help us grow:

    • Send Karen (our host) a note with your thoughts on the podcast, karen@statementmakerspodcast.com
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    43 mins
  • Mini-episode: Your Calling is NOT Your Purpose
    Mar 11 2021

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    Join me, your host Karen Vergara, as I pick up the mic to share my thoughts on a subject I'm very passionate about, purpose.

    There are big misconceptions around your purpose and your calling. In this episode, I explain the difference between those two concepts. Your calling is tied to your position, your title or your job, but if we don't understand the difference between the two, there is a possibility that you find yourself living a life misaligned with your DIVINE purpose.

    Connect and help us grow:

    • Send Karen (our host) a note with your thoughts on the podcast, karen@statementmakerspodcast.com
    • Tag us on Instagram: @statementmakerspodcast
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    9 mins
  • Volunteering for the Peace Corps and the Importance of Literacy with Gina Solomon
    Feb 23 2021

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    "It's never too late", it's Gina Solomon's motto. After taking a decade to finish her post-secondary education degree, she decided to join the U.S. Peace Corp where she served as a teacher volunteer in Kyrgyzstan for two years. That experienced changed her life and career goals.

    Today she's the Executive Director for the Adult Literacy League. In this podcast, Gina shares her journey into finishing her degree, what it was like to volunteer for the U.S. Peace Corps and multiple stories on how how literacy affects more than just reading and writing and the difference it can make in someone's life.


    • U.S. Peace Corps
    • Adult Literacy League
    • Gina Solomon's Linked In Profile

    Connect and help us grow:

    • Send Karen (our host) a note with your thoughts on the podcast, karen@statementmakerspodcast.com
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    50 mins
  • Mini-Episode: Accepting Your Purpose
    Feb 2 2021

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    Join me, your host Karen Vergara, as I pick up the mic to share my thoughts after a break from the podcast.

    I believe we all have a purpose, but it all starts with accepting we have one. I have some thoughts regarding this subject and although I'm not an expert, I have a real passion for helping others DISCOVER, DEFINE and LIVE OUT their purpose.

    Join me for this short episode where I share my thoughts and also, ask you a very important question regarding YOUR purpose.

    Connect and help us grow:

    • Send Karen (our host) a note with your thoughts on the podcast, karen@statementmakerspodcast.com
    • Tag us on Instagram: @statementmakerspodcast
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    9 mins
  • Living Authentically and The Power of Family with Betty Martinez Lowery
    Dec 1 2020

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    Betty Martinez Lowery is an icon in her community. She has had a very impressive career, holding numerous leadership roles, serving on several non-profit boards and receiving various awards for her achievements and community involvement.

    She is going through a major transition in her life as she was recently laid off from a job she loved due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Betty was the Senior Manager of Corporate Citizenship with Walt Disney World where she led a team that developed community outreach and contribution strategies that made the greatest impact.

    She says however, that her most important role is that of wife, mother and grandmother. She has been married to her middle school sweetheart for 45 years. She is also the proud mother of four grown children and grandmother to 7 grandchildren ranging from 24 to 6 years in age.

    Join us as we discuss her transition into retirement, her thoughts on family and how social media helped her overcome grief. We also discussed her newest award, the Don Quijote Lifetime Achievement Award and what that means for her.

    Connect and help us grow:

    • Send Karen (our host) a note with your thoughts on the podcast, karen@statementmakerspodcast.com
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    41 mins