
  • 2: Songs of a Lifetime - Circle The Drain by Soccer Mommy
    Oct 15 2021
    [TW: baby loss, ectopic pregnancy]
    For every song that evokes happy memories, there is one that gets us through a tragedy. Circle The Drain by Soccer Mommy helped Sally heal after losing her second child. A song that discusses the black cloud of depression over a melody that's upbeat and catchy af, Circle The Drain helped Sally appreciate everything in her life and look positively towards the future.

    Intro/Outro Music by Rich Barlow

    Logo by Katie Feltham

    Edited by Paul Whitehouse
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    25 mins
  • 1: Songs of a Lifetime - When I Come Around by Green Day
    Oct 13 2021
    Welcome to Songs of a Lifetime! For our first episode we take you back to the beginning of Sally's musical journey and the song that reminds her of her first crush. 

    Intro/Outro Music by Rich Barlow
    Logo by Katie Feltham
    Edited by Paul Whitehouse
    Show More Show Less
    26 mins