• 01 | It's All in Your Chart (Breaking Down the Signs)
    May 28 2020

    We don’t want to divert your attention from what’s happening in North America right now, so before listening to the first episode of our podcast, please consider donating to these organizations and signing these petitions:

    • https://www.justiceforbigfloyd.com/#petition
    • https://www.knowyourrightscamp.com/legal
    • https://www.change.org/p/mayor-jacob-frey-justice-for-george-floyd?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_22414602_en-US%3Av7&recruiter=1099335111&recruited_by_id=3e036b60-a2a0-11ea-b1ff-fd686fc822b0&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_abi
    • https://blacklivesmatter.ca/donate/
    • https://www.reclaimtheblock.org
    • https://www.standwithbre.com
    • https://linktr.ee/blacklivesmatter
    • Google Document with Resources: tinyurl.com/blmforever

    In this first episode Sofie & Dana explain all the basics you need to know to help you understand your birth chart. The first portion of this episode will explore all of the sun signs and will provide brief descriptions (and STRONG opinions) of all 12 signs. We've put time stamps for all you narcissists out there:

    Aries- 6:33

    Taurus- 8:01

    Gemini- 10:48 

    Cancer- 12:49 

    Leo- 15:23 

    Virgo- 18:15 

    Libra- 19:32 

    Scorpio- 21:33 

    Sagittarius- 25:56 

    Capricorn- 28:35 

    Aquarius- 30:36 

    Pisces- 34:27 

    This episode will include the modalities, the elements and the personality characteristics associated with your sign. Later in the episode Sofie & Dana will touch upon the topic of houses in your chart and what that means for you and your life path. 

    Sofie & Dana share their opinions and knowledge through their emotional water sign lenses and help guide you through with their general knowledge of the zodiac and through personal experiences and stories. 

    In no way are Sofie & Dana certified experts in astrology, but they are bound to give you some insight and make you laugh along the way. 

    Subscribe for more in depth episodes coming soon! 

    Follow us on Instagram: 

    Sofie | www.instagram.com/sofiaslez/

    Dana | www.instagram.com/danapay/

    *Intro Music by www.instagram.com/beatsbymour/

    We also have a Youtube channel with BONUS content:


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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • 02 | The World is Ending!!! (A Revolution During a Pandemic)
    Jun 10 2020

    As most of you are aware we are currently in the midst of a revolutionary social justice movement, Black Lives Matter (BLM). This movement gained extreme traction after the murder of George Floyd by the hands of the police. Since then there have been worldwide protests and a lot of conversation surrounding police brutality in the US and around the globe. Please take a look at these links we provided below:

    • https://www.justiceforbigfloyd.com/#petition
    • https://www.knowyourrightscamp.com/legal
    • https://www.change.org/p/mayor-jacob-frey-justice-for-george-floyd?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_22414602_en-US%3Av7&recruiter=1099335111&recruited_by_id=3e036b60-a2a0-11ea-b1ff-fd686fc822b0&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_abi
    • https://blacklivesmatter.ca/donate/
    • https://www.reclaimtheblock.org
    • https://www.standwithbre.com
    • https://linktr.ee/blacklivesmatter
    • Google Document with Resources: tinyurl.com/blmforever

    As the episode opens up, we will discuss our stance on racism and our thoughts on what can be done moving forward. Please direct your attention to the links that are provided. We encourage you all to do your own research, educate yourselves as much as you can and contribute to the progression of this cause. Be on the right side of history. 

    In addition to this major revolution, we are also living through a global pandemic. Small business’ have died, the service industry is obsolete and we’re at home creating a podcast. (The one thing everyone told us not to do). 

    Nobody expected 2020 to turn out this way, but this is our reality and we need to find a way to adapt and deal with it as best we can. Not only do we discuss the different mental stages we’ve experienced in quarantine but we also talk about the future of our careers (or lack of). 

    We hope you enjoy this episode, we know it’s heavy but we feel as though it’s needed. Subscribe and leave us a review! 

    Follow us on Instagram: 

    Sofie | www.instagram.com/sofiaslez/

    Dana | www.instagram.com/danapay/

    *Intro Music by www.instagram.com/beatsbymour/

    We also have a Youtube channel with BONUS content:


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    47 mins
  • 03 | Let's Talk About Sex, Baby!
    Jun 19 2020

    Episode 3 PART ONE

    This is a juicy one! Living and dating in Toronto doesn’t come without some awful sex. And we’re here to experience it for you, so you don’t have to, even though you will. BEST OF LUCK!!! So in this episode we planned on talking about our top 5 best and worst sexual experiences but we only got through our worst. So welcome to our first 2 part episode! Enjoy, as we walk down the memory lane that we try to forget. 

    Subscribe and leave us a review! 

    Follow us on Instagram: 

    Sofie | www.instagram.com/sofiaslez/

    Dana | www.instagram.com/danapay/

    *Intro Music by www.instagram.com/beatsbymour/

    We also have a Youtube channel with BONUS content:


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    1 hr and 30 mins
  • 04 | Let's Talk About Sex, Baby! (Again, BUT Better)
    Jun 22 2020

    Episode 3 PART TWO

    Welcome to part two of our 3rd episode! In this one we talk about our best sexual experiences while living in Toronto! Ugh this one is good. If this makes you re-visit memory lane, we’re sorry! However, sometimes the best moments are fleeting. Join us as we recall some of the best memories that made us fall in love even if the love was not reciprocated (That water sign life). 

    Subscribe and leave us a review! 

    Follow us on Instagram: 

    Sofie | www.instagram.com/sofiaslez/

    Dana | www.instagram.com/danapay/

    *Intro Music by www.instagram.com/beatsbymour/

    We also have a Youtube channel with BONUS content:


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    1 hr and 21 mins
  • 05 | The 12 Houses (Dissecting Our Birth Chart)
    Jun 29 2020

    Get out your birth charts, its our 2nd astrology episode! This one is all about the houses (a super important aspect of your birth chart). There are 12 houses in total and each one represents a different part of your life. There’s one representing career, one representing love, etc.

    We have provided for you the time stamps of each house:

    1st House- 2:58

    2nd House-4:51

    3rd House-5:43

    4th House-6:31

    5th House-7:32

    6th House-8:28

    7th House-9:38

    8th House-11:29

    9th House-13:17

    10th House-14:47

    11th House-16:26

    12th House-17:52

    In this episode, we explain what each house embodies according to our queen, Susan Miller and then we go through each one of our placements and tell you if they make sense to us.

    If you have some of the same placements, congrats boo! We hope you enjoy this one and please tell us if you’re houses make sense too! To find out more about houses, we’ve added our favourite astrology websites below:

    Susan Miller aka AstrologyZone: https://www.astrologyzone.com/learn-astrology/the-12-sectors/

    Astro Twins: https://astrostyle.com/learn-astrology/the-12-zodiac-houses/

    Cafe Astrology: https://cafeastrology.com/articles/housesofthehoroscope.html

    Subscribe and leave us a review! 

    Follow us on Instagram: 

    Sofie | https://www.instagram.com/sofiaslez/

    Dana | https://www.instagram.com/danapay/

    *Intro Music by https://www.instagram.com/beatsbymour/

    We also have a Youtube channel with BONUS content:


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    1 hr and 1 min
  • 06 | How To Get What You Want (Stop Settling!)
    Jul 6 2020

    It's Sofie's birthday! Quarter life crisis time! In this special episode, we talk about the power of manifestation, the law of attraction, our psychic & our own goals. The universe is a magical thing, it protects you and leads you in the right direction even when you think your life is going to shit. Attitude is everything. If you think negative thoughts, you're attracting them to you., So stop being miserable and start envisioning positive things into your life!

    Subscribe and leave us a review! 

    Follow us on Instagram: 

    Sofie | https://www.instagram.com/sofiaslez/

    Dana | https://www.instagram.com/danapay/

    *Intro Music by https://www.instagram.com/beatsbymour/

    We also have a Youtube channel with BONUS content:


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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • 07 | Dump Him Sis! (Relationship Advice From Single Girls)
    Jul 13 2020

    We're single for a reason! But, just because we're single doesn't mean we don't have genuine opinions & advice on dating and relationships.

    We've done a lot of soul searching and in this episode we break down common relationship themes from "taking a break" to long distance relationships.

    Since we're in our mid 20's we have realized we have no interest in getting into serious partnerships that we don't see ourselves in for the long haul. We both believe in focusing on yourself first, and manifesting the life you want, which includes a partner that is truly right for you.

    Our standards our higher than ever and yours should be too!

    Subscribe and leave us a review! 

    Follow us on Instagram: 

    Sofie | https://www.instagram.com/sofiaslez/

    Dana | https://www.instagram.com/danapay/

    *Intro Music by https://www.instagram.com/beatsbymour/

    We also have a Youtube channel with BONUS content:


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    52 mins
  • 08 | Porn And Celebrities!! (Life Of A Makeup Artist)
    Jul 20 2020

    In this episode we FINALLY talk about our careers! Through the last 6 years working in the makeup industry we have done everything from retail, commercials, T.V. productions, film, music videos, photoshoots and even makeup for porn and celebrities.

    We tell you all the ins and outs of set life, how to get into the industry and how to succeed. We also touch upon whether or not going to makeup school is necessary to get ahead in the field. The makeup industry has changed so rapidly, even in the 6 years of us working, and adapting is crucial for ongoing success.

    From the time we recorded this episode to now posting it- we have been severely impacted by COVID-19 and our jobs are no longer operating. We wanted to be realistic with you all, and express to you that getting into the makeup world now, would be even more competitive because there are hardly any job opportunities. Follow your passions, but also be realistic given the time. We love you all and we hope you enjoy this episode and that it gives you a glimpse into our lives working as makeup artists!

    Subscribe and leave us a review! 

    Follow us on Instagram: 

    Sofie | https://www.instagram.com/sofiaslez/

    Dana | https://www.instagram.com/danapay/

    *Intro Music by https://www.instagram.com/beatsbymour/

    We also have a Youtube channel with BONUS content:


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    59 mins