• Ep 42: you know you're 30 when... you are happy to spend $300 on Kmart fridge organisers but not avocado on toast
    Feb 6 2023

    Blessing you with another podcast. You're MF welcome. 

    You know when you're 30 when...

    you are more than happy to spend $300 from Kmart fridge organisers because Pinterest made you buy it, yet you will now refuse to spend $20 on avocado on toast. 

    Yep, those avo on toast days are not over because you know the real cost to produce those and you know you could make it cheaper at home... 

    Activate your accountant mode.

    Let's add this to the therapist list for sure.

    #thisis30 #adulting #avocadoontoast #accountant #kmart #fridgeorganisers #houseorganisation 

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    6 mins
  • Ep 41: you know you're 30 when... YOU CAN'T GO TO SHOP WITH DAD COZ PEOPLE THINK HE'S YOUR DADDY
    Feb 1 2023

    Blessing you with another podcast. You're MF welcome. 

    You know you're 30 when you...


    yes... in your 30's you hit the age where you could be dating someone's son or dad. 

    NOT COOL when you have younger parents in their later 40's and people look at you both like seedy people. 

    My therapist will have a field day with this one. 

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    5 mins
  • Ep 40: you know you're 30 when... YOU HAVE THE WORST MEMORY, BUT CAN REMEMBER 20 YR OLD LYRICS
    Jan 30 2023

    Blessing you with another podcast episode. Your MF welcome. 

    Yesss you know you're 30 when...

    You can't remember anything from your childhood, high school, what you did last year, where your keys are, how old you are BUT you can remember all the lyrics to Mambo No 5. 

    You can even meet someone at work 10 times and still have no clue who they are, but your brain holds onto lyrics from 20 years ago because that's more value adding than the person's name you're working with. 

    Let's unpack this and add this to the therapist list.

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    6 mins
  • Ep 39: you know you're 30 when... you realise you're an anti-social loner & ok with it
    Jan 25 2023

    Blessing you with another podcast episode. Your MF welcome. 

    You know you're 30 when...

    You finally realise you're an anti-social loner and you accept your fate 

    Most of our lives growing up we were told in order for people to like us, and for us to be noticed, successful etc... we had to be loud, extroverted and have lots of friends. 

    Then in your 30's you discover that you don't want to be that and you accept your fate that you are an anti-social loner. 

    I do think covid helped many of us self explore and discover this side of ourselves as we were forced to stay home and never leave. And now covid is "over" many of us still don't want to leave cause we like being a loner. 

    OK let's add this to the therapist list. 

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    6 mins
    Jan 23 2023

    Blessing you with another episode. You're MF welcome.

    This episode is dedicated to all of my tattooed women out there. 

    That moment of realisation I had when I realised that I have never dated a guy when I have had all my legs and arm tattoos done. I realised that I don't sound like every mothers dream woman for their son.. 

    But also you don't see many clean skin guys dating women covered in tattoos. I would look like their local drug dealer standing next to them...

    Ok I am totally overthinking everything here, but you get where I am coming from. 

    Let's proceed to add this to the therapist list. 

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    5 mins
  • Ep 37: you know you're 30 when... YOU LOOK AT BREAD & PUT ON WEIGHT
    Jan 18 2023

    Another episode, you're MF welcome. 

    You know you're 30 when...


    Pleeeaaaaase child. It happens to most of us, our bodies start to betray us towards our late 20's and then all of a sudden you can't even look at bread, pastry, rice, pasta, nothing fun in life without putting on weight. 

    Let's add this to to the therapist life and have a chat about it. 

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    5 mins
  • Ep 36: you know you're 30 when... YOU'RE RIDE OR DIE ONLY BETWEEN 6AM-6PM NOW
    Jan 16 2023

    Blessing you with another episode. You're MF welcome. 

    You know your 30 when...

    You're ride or die only between the house of 6am-6pm...

    Remember when you were younger and your friends would go out with you and then they would call you at 2am for updates and you were ok with this? This changes in your 30's. 

    You will have do not disturb on at 6pm, be starting your 20 step skincare routine at 6pm and wanting to not be woken up at night cause you need your beauty sleep. 

    You don't have FOMO. You are completely fine with not being updated. 

    That's when you know you're 30. 

    Let's add this to the therapist list. 

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    5 mins
  • Ep 35: You know you're 30 when... YOU ARE SELECTIVE WITH WHAT MESSAGES YOU OPEN
    Jan 11 2023

    You know you're 30 when....

    You are super selective with what messages you open.

    Don't MF lie right now, we all do this. 

    Ohhh who is it from, what time did they send it, what you think their intentions will be. 

    Then when you respond days later, you avoid all social media so they even think you're super busy.... 

    Let's unpack this a little in today's episode. 

    Another thing to add to the therapist list.

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    5 mins