• STOP Pretending You Still Control Your Attention | Peasant Radio #11
    Mar 25 2023

    You can feel it, I can feel it, we all feel the pull of the algorithms that try to direct our attention in whichever way they decide today.  

    We're still in the denial/dismissal stage of social media's influence on our attention. Some admit it's a problem, but most brush it off at the end of the day.   

    In reality, social media's impact on what we pay attention to is probably worse than we're willing to contend with.   


    ◬ In this episode:

    ⋗ What's the problem with how social media directs our attention?  ⋗ Become unbrandable!  ⋗ How can you take your attention back?  ⋗ How deep has the influence of social media seeped into us?  ⋗ Does the internet degrade creativity? ⋗ We're being incentivized to be worse


    ◬ Join Justin's schizo Substack 

    ◬ Justin's latest horror story (audio version) 


    ◬ Listen to the podcast via:

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    28 mins
  • Is Mulholland Drive a Vampire Movie? | UNAUTHORIZED
    Feb 22 2023

    Vampire movies are either beloved or hated, but your feeling might be complicated if that vampire movie was directed by...David Lynch.   

    A little-known novel matches the story of Mulholland Drive perfectly. 

    Here's the interpretation of this movie that will make David Lynch's unusual style crystal clear.  


    ◬ In this episode:   

    ⋗ How David Lynch's Mulholland Drive is based on an old novel 3:56 ⋗ Is Carmela in Mulholland Drive actually a vampire? 6:32 ⋗ Psychic vampirism 13:57 ⋗ The folklore about vampires spreading vampirism 17:07


    ◬ Join your fellow peasants to theorize about the state of our world at the Silver Eye Society on Patreon.


    ◬ Listen to the podcast via:

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    22 mins
  • We’ve Been Dairy Deceived | Peasant Radio #10
    Feb 12 2023

    More people are drinking an illegal, dangerous, highly legislated beverage you've likely been warned about since childhood: raw milk.

    Are these raw milk extremists just throwing another contrarian tantrum or is there something deeper to why more people are opting for FDA-unapproved milk?

    Milk is an ancient food that can tell us more about our culture and government than you'd expect.


    ◬ In this episode:

    ⋗ Worry about your SALADS, nerd ⋗ How pasteurized milk differs from raw milk ⋗ Why do we pasteurize milk if raw milk is better?  ⋗ How dairy pasteurization laws are flawed and encourage dishonesty  ⋗ Raw milk as a window into the new counter-culture ⋗ The one thing the French are winning at  ⋗ Milk Pilled? 


    ◬ Join your fellow peasants to theorize about the state of our world at the Silver Eye Society on Patreon.     ◬ Listen to the podcast via:
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    35 mins
  • The Black Pill and White Pill Inside You | Everything, Everywhere, All at Once
    Feb 2 2023

    Do you find yourself unable to discern between reality and satire some days?  

    When serious headlines seem identical to The Onion's headlines, absurdism is the language of our time.

    Everything, Everywhere, All At Once is a movie that understands we're all losing our minds; is that a good thing or just another sign of our impending doom? 


    ◬ In this episode:   

    ⋗ Word of the podcast: Simultaneous ⋗ Do chaotic times require an absurdist outlook? ⋗ Battle between the black and white pill ⋗ Why Everything, Everywhere, All At Once is a ladies' movie ⋗ Is social media a feminine technology?


    ◬ Join your fellow peasants to theorize about the state of our world at the Silver Eye Society on Patreon.


    ◬ Listen to the podcast via:

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    33 mins
  • Trad Lyfe: CORRECT or COSPLAY? | The Wickerman (Unreleased Episode)
    Jan 20 2023

    The trad movement is yet another internet subculture that exposes the strange psychology of our time. Can we really RETVRN or is every belief system that claims to bring something back from the past a nostalgic delusion?


    The Wickerman is one of the great folk horror films that show us the psychology at play behind nostalgic movements and the horrific outcomes they can yield.


    ◬ In this episode:

    ⋗ Word of the podcast: Druid ⋗ Explaining the trad movement to a misanthropic hermit ⋗ Can the Trad Lyfe movement work or is it a cosplay? ⋗ Why "making America" anything again is impossible ⋗ Is the Wicca religion fake? ⋗ Beliefs without sacrifice are a hobby (NOTE: we do not endorse human sacrifice).


    ◬ Join your fellow peasants to theorize about the state of our world at the Silver Eye Society on Patreon.     ◬ Listen to the podcast via:
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    35 mins
  • Does Modernity Kill Art? | Nietzsche Roulette #11
    Jan 10 2023

    Our modern society is a totally different place from the one that artists we still idolize lived in, so how does modernity affect today's artists?

    Can atheists make good art or do artists need some relationship with divinity to create inspiring art? When it feels like so much mainstream art is tepid and ugly, what is really the purpose of art today?


    ◬ Featured quote:

    "125. Irreligiousity of Artists. Homer is so much at home among his gods, and as a poet takes such pleasure in them, that he, at any rate, must have been profoundly unreligious.

    With that with which popular belief presented him - a paltry, crude, and in part horrible superstition - he trafficked as freely as a sculptor with his clay, that is to say, with the same ease and impartiality as that possessed by Aeschylus and Aristophanes, and which in more recent times, distinguishes the great artists of the Renaissance, as it does Shakespeare and Goethe."


    ◬ In this episode:

    ⋗ How an artist's relationship to religion impacts their art ⋗ Denis Forkas: https://www.instagram.com/denisforkasofficial/ ⋗ Is fine art over? ⋗ Art dies when people can't honestly criticize bad art ⋗ Salomé attacks her art enemy, Jeff Koons ⋗ Art conspiracy 


    ◬ Book Mentioned: Human, All Too Human


    ◬ Join your fellow peasants to theorize about the state of our world at the Silver Eye Society on Patreon.     ◬ Listen to the podcast via:
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    29 mins
  • Rejecting Ideology: Freedom or Political Schizophrenia? | Nietzsche Roulette #10
    Dec 27 2022

    Are people becoming more attached to their political identities than their own individuality?


    A better future requires more freedom from our political labels, not stronger shackles. But how?


    We're mixing a little Nietzsche, anarchy, and philosophy to find out whether relying on your internal compass can beat relying on ideology.


    ◬ Featured quote:

    "569. Self-Satisfaction. The golden fleece of self-satisfaction protects against blows, but not against pinpricks."


    ◬ In this episode:

    ⋗ The myth of the golden fleece ⋗ Why the natural progression of human society is toward anarchy ⋗ Justin denounces time ⋗ Is everything getting worse or better on average? ⋗ Why being politically detached makes you a clear thinker ⋗ Developing an internal compass vs ideology


    ◬ Book Mentioned: Human, All Too Human


    ◬ Join your fellow peasants to theorize about the state of our world at the Silver Eye Society on Patreon.     ◬ Listen to the podcast via:
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    35 mins
  • Bad Morals, Bad Movies | Absolution (Halloween Leftover Episode)
    Dec 14 2022

    Nietzsche. 70s British horror. What more can you ask for?

    The film Absolution is a good window into two major problems we face today: confused morality and boring movies.


    ◬ In this episode:

    ⋗ Word of the podcast: Confess ⋗ When did movies start getting stale? ⋗ How this movie shows us Nietzsche's warning ⋗ Why do movies feel commercial and unoriginal now? ⋗ We need working-class artists


    ◬ Join your fellow peasants to theorize about the state of our world at the Silver Eye Society on Patreon.     ◬ Listen to the podcast via:
    • Spotify
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    29 mins