• Chapter-14 | पुरुषोत्तम योग | The Yoga of Supreme Person | Bhagwad Geeta - As it is by Harish Tolani (Chikoo Bhaiya)
    Jun 6 2022

    The “tree” of this material world is but a reflection of the real “tree”, the spiritual world. Just as a tree’s reflection is situated on water, the material reflection of the spiritual world is situated on desire, and no one knows where it begins or ends. This reflected tree is nourished by the three modes of material nature. Its leaves are the Vedic hymns, and its twigs are the objects of the senses. One who wants to disentangle himself from this tree must cut it down with the weapon of detachment and seek shelter of the Supreme Lord.

    Everyone in this world is fallible, but in the spiritual world everyone is infallible. And beyond all others is the Supreme Person, Krishna.

    Everyone in this world is fallible, but in the spiritual world everyone is infallible. And beyond all others is the Supreme Person, Krishna.

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    7 mins
  • Chapter-14 | प्रकृति के ३ गुण | The 3 Modes of Material Nature | Bhagwad Geeta - As it is by Harish Tolani (Chikoo Bhaiya)
    Jun 5 2022

    The total material substance is the source of the three modes of material nature: goodness, passion and ignorance. These modes compete in exerting their influence upon the conditioned soul. By observing the modes at work, we can understand that they are active, not we, and that we are separate. In this way, the influence of material nature gradually diminishes and we attain Krishna’s spiritual nature.

    The mode of goodness illuminates. It frees one from all sinful reactions but conditions one to a sense of happiness and knowledge. One who dies in the mode of goodness attains the higher planets.

    A person influenced by the mode of passion is plagued by unlimited desires for boundless material enjoyment, especially sex pleasure. To satisfy those desires, he is always forced to engage in hard work that binds him to sinful reactions, resulting in misery. A person in the mode of passion is never satisfied with the position he has already acquired. After death, he again takes birth on earth among persons engaged in fruitive activities.

    The mode of ignorance means delusion. It fosters madness, indolence, laziness, and foolishness. If one dies in the mode of ignorance, he has to take birth in the animal kingdom or the hellish worlds.

    A person who transcends the three modes is steady in his behavior, aloof from the temporary material body, and equally disposed towards friends and enemies. Such transcendental qualities can be achieved by full engagement in devotional service.

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    8 mins
  • Chapter-13 | क्षेत्र-क्षेत्र के ज्ञाता का भेद | Nature,Enjoyer & Consciousness | Bhagwad Geeta - As it is by Harish Tolani (Chikoo Bhaiya)
    Jun 4 2022

    Arjuna wants to know about prakriti (nature), purusa (the enjoyer), ksetra (the field), ksetra-jna (the knower of the field), jnana (knowledge), and gnaya (the object of knowledge).

    Krishna explains that the ksetra is the conditioned soul’s field of activity the body. Within it reside both the living entity and the Supreme Lord, who are called ksetra-jna, the knowers of the field. Jnana, knowledge, means understanding of the body and its knowers. Knowledge involves qualities such as humility, nonviolence, tolerance, cleanliness, self-control, absence of false ego, and even – mindedness amid pleasant and unpleasant events.

    Jnaya, the object of knowledge, is the Super soul. Prakriti, nature, is the causes of all material causes and effects. The two purusas, or enjoyers, are the living entity and the Super soul. A person who can see that the individual soul and the Super soul remain unchanged throughout various types of material bodies they successfully inhabit and is said to possess the vision of eternity. By understanding the difference between the body and the knower of the body, and by understanding the process of liberation from material bondage, one reaches the supreme goal.

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    10 mins
  • Chapter-12 | भक्ति का विज्ञान | Devotional Service | Bhagwad Geeta - As it is by Harish Tolani (Chikoo Bhaiya)
    Jun 3 2022

    “Who is more perfect,” Arjuna asks, “the devotee worshiping and servicing the Lord’s personal form or the transcendentalist meditating on the impersonal Brahman?”

    Krishna replies, “the devotee who fixes his mind on My personal form is most perfect.”

    Because devotional service employs the mind and senses, it is the easy, natural way for an embodied soul to reach the supreme destination. The impersonal path is unnatural and fraught with difficulties. Krishna does not recommend it.

    In the topmost stage of devotional service, one’s consciousness is totally fixed on Krishna. A step lower is the practice of regulative devotional service. Lower than that is karma-yoga, renouncing the fruits of action. Indirect processes for attaining the Supreme include meditation and cultivating knowledge.

    A devotee who is pure, expert, tolerant, self-controlled, equipoised, non-envious, free from false ego, friendly to all living entities, and equal to friends and enemies is dear to the Lord.

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    6 mins
  • Chapter-11 | विश्वरूप दर्शन | Cosmic Form of God | Bhagwad Geeta - As it is by Harish Tolani (Chikoo Bhaiya)
    Jun 2 2022

    To protect innocent people from imposters, Arjuna asks Krishna to prove His divinity by exhibiting His universal form – a form that anyone who claims to be God should be prepared to show. Krishna gives Arjuna divine vision by which to see the brilliant, glaring, unlimited universal form, which reveals, in one place, everything that ever was or now is or will be.

    Arjuna offers obeisances with folded hands and glorifies the Lord. Krishna then reveals that except for the five Pandavas, all the soldiers assembled on the battlefield will be killed. Therefore Krishna exhorts Arjuna to fight as His instrument and guarantees him victory and a flourishing kingdom.

    Arjuna requests Krishna to withdraw His fearful form and show His original form. The Lord then exhibits His four-armed form and at last His original two-armed form. Upon seeing the Lord’s beautiful humanlike form, Arjuna becomes pacified. One who is engaged in pure devotional service can see such a form.

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    16 mins
  • Chapter-10 | भगवान के अनंत वैभव | Infinite Opulence of God | Bhagwad Geeta - As it is by Harish Tolani (Chikoo Bhaiya)
    Jun 1 2022

    Devotees know Krishna as the unborn, the beginning less, the Supreme Lord of all worlds, the creator of the patriarchs from whom all living being descend, the origin of everything.

    Intelligence, knowledge, truthfulness, mental and sensory control, fearlessness, non-violence, austerity, birth, death, fear, distress, infamy–all qualities, good and bad, are created by Krishna. Devotional service helps one develop all good qualities.

    The devotees who lovingly engage in devotional service have full faith in Krishna’s opulences, mystic power, and supremacy. The thoughts of such devotees dwell in Krishna. Their lives are devoted to His service, and they derive great bliss and satisfaction by enlightening one another and conversing about Him.

    Devotees engaged in pure devotional service, even if lacking education or knowledge of the Vedic principles, are helped from within by Krishna, who personally destroys the darkness born out of ignorance.

    Arjuna has realized Krishna’s position as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the ultimate abode and the Absolute Truth, the purest, the transcendental and the original person, the unborn, the greatest, the origin, and the Lord of all. Now Arjuna wants to know more. Lord Krishna tells more, and then concludes: “All opulent, beautiful, and glorious creations spring from but a spark of My splendor.”

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    10 mins
  • Chapter-9 | परम गुह्य ज्ञान | Most Confidential Knowledge | Bhagwad Geeta - As it is by Harish Tolani (Chikoo Bhaiya)
    May 31 2022

    According to Lord Krishna, the most confidential knowledge, knowledge of devotional service, is the purest knowledge and the topmost education. It gives direct perception of the self by realization, and it is the perfection of religion. It is everlasting and joyfully performed.

    Krishna’s unmanifested form pervades everything, but Krishna Himself remains detached from matter. Material nature, working under His direction, produces all moving and non-moving beings.

    Krishna’s unmanifested form pervades everything, but Krishna Himself remains detached from matter. Material nature, working under His direction, produces all moving and non-moving beings.

    Different worshipers reach different goals. Men who want to attain the heavenly planets worship the demigods and then take birth among them to enjoy godly delights; but such men, after exhausting their pious credits, return to earth. Men, who worship ancestors, go to the planets of the ancestors, and those who worship ghosts become ghosts. But one who worships Krishna with exclusive devotion goes to Him forever.

    Whatever Krishna’s devotee does, eats, offers, or gives away in charity, he does as an offering unto the Lord. Krishna reciprocates by carrying what His devotee lacks and preserving what he has. By taking shelter of Krishna, even lowborn people can attain the Supreme destination.

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    10 mins
  • Chapter-8 | अक्षर ब्रह्म योग : अविनाशी भगवान का योग | Attaining the Supreme | Bhagwad Geeta - As it is by Harish Tolani (Chikoo Bhaiya)
    May 30 2022

    Arjuna asks Krishna seven questions: What is Brahman? What is self? What are fruitive activities? What is material manifestation? Who are demigods? Who is the Lord of sacrifice? And how can those engaged in devotional service know Krishna at the time of death?

    Krishna replies “brahman” refers to the indestructible living entity (jiva): the “self” refers to the soul’s intrinsic nature of service; and “fruitive activities” means actions that develop material bodies. The material manifestation is the ever -changing physical nature; the demigods and their planets are part of the universal form of the Supreme Lord; and the Lord of sacrifice is Krishna Himself as the Super soul.

    As for knowing Krishna at the time of death, it depends on one’s consciousness. The principle is this: “Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, that state he will attain without fail.”

    Krishna says, “whoever, at the end of life, quits his body remembering Me alone at once attains My nature without a doubt. Therefore, My dear Arjuna, you should always think of Me in the form of Krishna and at the same time carry out your prescribed duty of fighting. With your activities dedicated to Me and your mind and intelligence fixed on Me, you will attain Me without doubt.”

    During each day of Brahma, all living entities become manifest, and during his night they merge into the unmanifested nature. Although there are auspicious and inauspicious times for leaving one’s body, devotees of Krishna do not care about them, for by engaging in pure devotional service to Krishna they automatically attain all the results derived from studying the Vedas or engaging in sacrifice, charity, philosophical speculation, and so on. Such pure devotees reach the Lord’s Supreme Eternal Abode.

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    10 mins