
  • Show Me Creation Episode 14 Part Two
    Sep 6 2024
    What is DNA?- God’s greatest invention. It’s intricacies, how it survives & gets pass along between generations. DNA is better thought of as a chain of paper dolls like you used to cut out as a kid. So, it’s really a chain of four letters G, T, C, A. DNA is a series of complex codes that is a long string of letters. DNA is a code or the software, but it’s really a set of instructions that run an entire cell. Example: Code is 3.2 billion letters long. Dr. Brown them gives a read out on what one gene (444 letter long -hemoglobin) looks or sounds like….the DNA tell the cell how to manufacture the protein. Humans are one gene multiplied by 20,000. All the cells of our body systems have the same DNA that operate & regulate everything in our bodies. God programmed the DNA to replicate (divide) from one cell into a full grown, fully developed organism. It’s an absolute miracle. DNA is the strongest argument for evolution & the strongest argument against evolution. Dr. Brown goes on to explain. Both sides claim DNA’s relevance to their arguments. Why both sides claim DNA for their argument. Why God designed our DNA the way he did with shared DNA. Shared DNA allows us to study other organisms to figure out our own biology. Demonstrates God’s genius. Evolutionists use DNA in their argument, but they could not create life by chance-whereas all life has divine design or intelligence behind it. Dr. Brown then gives us his favorite example of God’s divine design-he then gives his LEGO analogy. Joel then recites from Revelation 4:11 Marv & Steve wish Dr. Brown well in his new assignment in Arizona, (Use all bio & website information from Part 1 with Dr. Brown.)
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    36 mins
  • 13: Interview with Dr. Joel Brown, Part 1
    Aug 1 2024
    Dr. Brown is a Christian, married with 7-children and former science teacher in the Ferguson School District in St. Louis Dr. Brown: Dr. Brown holds a Ph.D. in Genetics, Genomics, and Development from Cornell University. He also holds a B.S. in Biology Education from Pensacola Christian College and a M.S. in Biology from the University of West Florida. His academic record is outstanding, with a 4.0 GPA in his doctoral studies Missouri Association of Creation is the group that got him more interested in researching Creationism. The Creation Research Society reached out to him last October to become their director. Dr. Brown then explains what makes up the Creation Research Society and its history. https://www.creationresearch.org/creation-matters-2024-volume-29-number-1 Society believes the Bible at face value. Dr. Brown then outlines the 4 tenants of the Society. Then, Marv brings out Evolutionist’s argument using fruit flies. Dr. Brown urges people to join the CRS. Dr. Brown then discusses his new job duties managing the Research Lab. What is missing in creation research & what kind of research he hopes to do… The CRS is famous for dinosaur tissue research…and the controversy they have been involved in dating back to 2005 concerning dinosaur bone marrow cells from a T-Rex fossilized bone. The Creation Research Society is independent and hopes to remain so and then Dr. Brown outlines his goals as the new director. He hopes to unite the various creation organizations and get them to understand they are all working on the same goals and from the same faith beliefs. He also wants to make CRS more evangelistic and broader in their outreach and appeal. He also wants to do more wet lab research and genetic research. Outro by Marv…..setting up what they will talk about in part 2.
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    33 mins
  • 12: 150 Frauds by Evolutionists
    Jul 5 2024
    Marv Schaefer reintroduces Dr. Werner’s background & introduces co-host Steve Grimes Grimes talks about Dr. Werner’s four books and how he came to write them Dr. Werner then takes over and discusses interviewing 40 evolutionists & exposing frauds within the evolution movement. Over 150 frauds American Museum in NY and frauds 1 & 2: 1922 the Nebraska ape man discovery proved to be wrong, and artifact was in fact a pig jaw. Tooth found in 1916 was known to be a pig tooth & William Jennings Bryant, Presidential candidate made the tooth or its discovery in 1922 in an op-ed in NY Times challenging the find as being evolutionary. The Museum President said they found the Missing Link but did not disclose it was a pig tooth or that it was found 6-years earlier. Attorney Clarence Darrow brought out the discovery of the tooth in the famous Scopes Monkey Trial. Then Dr. Werner covers the next ten frauds perpetrated by author of an evolutionary chart showing the evolution of early man published in Time/Life Books in 1965. “On the Road to Humans,” chart author, F. Clark Howell, made the chart and he knew 10 of the 14 ape men were not ape men. Next how Dr. Werner exposed three frauds by Dr. Johannson’s renown Lucy Skeleton out of Africa. Next 5-frauds were from South America and the skeletons found there and the fraudulent professor behind the lie. Smithsonian exposed these were recently human bones and not ape-men. Next frauds were perpetrated by Dr. Raymond Dart of South Africa. All bones and tool fragments were fraudulent. Dart’s assistant went on camera with Dr. Werner and admitted that Dr. Dart stories were just good stories not based in truth. Dr. Dart wanted fame. Most evolution scientists will not show you photographs fo what they find, but not the fossils themselves. Most such evolutionary finds are discovered to be frauds long after the scientists are dead and have collected their fame & fortune. Dr. Louis & his son, Richard Leakey fraudulent discoveries, were quite elaborate with altered skulls. Son admitted his father and he, himself were wrong, but did not elaborate why they lied. Evolutionary find “1470” is also a fraud. Not the original fossil and face is unattached from the skull. It was an ape-like skull with human features, but when you go around the skull, pictures show that the fossil is offset and fraudulent for it has been altered or manufactured. Leakey’s moved or mechanically altered the fossils. Toumei skull found in Chad by Michelle Brunet and how it is fraudulent. Scientist would not allow copies of CAT Skan, photos of it, or to see the skull itself. His research partner provided photographs of the skull. It was not found in rock but laying on top of the sand in the desert in Chad. Bones found proximity of the skull was that of an ape. Then Marv recommends visiting the website of Dr. Werner, www.thegrandexperiment.com Dr. Werner suggests those new to creationism buy & watch the videos and those who are more advanced in their studies buy his books, and homeschoolers go through curriculum. All four of his books are the curriculum, and kids 6th grade and above that grade, love them. Dr. Wernert discusses what motivates him and it’s not money. But, he wants children educated in the truth. Adults stream the 8-videos, human creation is covered in the last 6-videos. Questions can be addressed to www.podcast@missouricreation.com. All episode missouricreation.com/podcasts. Or visit:Missouricreation.com
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    51 mins
  • 11: Evidence of Biblical Creation in the Fossil Record
    May 22 2024
    Steve talks about the Creation frauds Dr. Werner uncovered in his books and debunked that have been perpetrated on the public. Marv then introduces Dr. Werner along with his credentials. Dr. Werner explains how he came into the church and his belief in Creationism via the backdoor. Then, he attended medical school at age 18 & the first day they discussed evolution, and he bought the theories hook, line and sinker. He thought he knew science and a friend started asking him questions about what he knew about evolution and creation over pizza. Through the conversation and questions asked of him that evening, Dr. Werner decided he did not know as much about science as he thought. He then began to question himself about how life begins, and how life was formed here on earth. He then decided to believe in God and the Biblical version of creation and it took 6-months to come to the conclusion to become a Christian. The science caused him to conclude God had to be our creator. He began to research Creationism in earnest, but he was not finding the answers he was searching for so he decided to write a book on Creationism. So, 18-years after getting out of medical school it took him 27-years to finally collect the data, do the research and write the book. Werner then talked about that first book. He debunked the theories of the fossil record by evolutionists. Steve Grimes then recommends that people start with Dr. Werner’s 1st book… Evolution: The Grand Experiment: The Quest for an Answer Illustrated Edition. (Amazon Link: (https://www.amazon.com/Evolution-Grand-Experiment-Carl-Werner/dp/0892216816)) Then, in his series of books, Dr. Werner then discusses the second book: Vol2, Living Fossils… https://www.amazon.com/s?k=living+fossils+werner&i=stripbooks&ref=nbsbssfb1_14 Dr. Werner explains his thinking about how he approached that 2nd book. Then, he discusses the Biblical Flood and how evolutionists hide evidence to preserve the theory of evolution. Evolutionists hide fossils they could not explain that were found with the dinosaurs. Then, Dr. Werner discusses his latest books, his third & fourth in the series. Discussed how he worked on all the books at the same time over a long period of years… Third book: Untold Stories of Human Evolution Dr. Werner’s website: https://www.thegrandexperiment.com/book-series Then, Dr. Werner, Steve Grimes & Marv Schaefer discuss…. Book 4 in the Series: Nine Categories Of Overturned Ape-Men How Evolutionists committed fraud sometimes intentional & some unintentional…150 known frauds. Then, Dr. Werner discusses how his entire life quest that the whole field of human evolution is flawed and the whole theory of naturalism collapsed. Then, the three discuss the setup for Part 2 of this podcast. Marv: Wraps up…. All Books & videos in the Series can be found at this link: https://www.thegrandexperiment.com/book-series
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    46 mins
  • Show Me Creation Episode 10
    Nov 10 2023
    They cover Stephen’s background, education, studies et. Then, they discuss a paper he wrote about “which came first Adam or Death?” A look at Chronological Creationism. Wrote paper in response to another paper written, and looked at precedence of Paul writings in Galatians 3 and Romans 4-Abraham came first, before Moses. Are we to take the word, “days” literally? Non-creationist argue, days in the bible didn’t really mean 24-hours. Dr. Llyod brought up relative chronology, Abraham was before Moses, however how long before we don’t know. So, we need to go to the cross and look at it first. The cross and death of Jesus at the Cross was put in motion by Adam’s sin. No death before sin. The Bible is telling a story so chronological order is important. His methodology takes a look at the New Creation….and the Resurrection. In the resurrection, Jesus overcame death. So, if God created death first and overcame something God himself created, the resurrection is less important. But, if death started with Adam’s sin, then overcoming death has a whole new and significant meaning. Then, they move onto the flood. There is a redemptive quality to the flood as the animals saved come out on the other side of man’s sin just as the New Creation overcomes man’s sin. So, the Flood was transformational and was worldwide not a local event as evolutionist believe. If local, all the people outside the flood zone would be excluded from God’s post flood promises. All through Scripture, the stories are tied to reality that can no longer be argued away be archeological discoveries are backing it all up. The Bible is not mythological, it’s all tied to history. Canaanites feared God because everything He commanded kept coming true A lot of the bigger issues in life and apologetics are answered through a logical approach to creationism. They wrap it up and tell listeners when they can find it. Here’s the link: Adam or Death? Which came first. YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hb4tA5_JXhI https://www.affinity.org.uk/news/439-adam-or-death-which-came-first/
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    25 mins
  • Show Me Creation Episode 9
    Oct 26 2023
    Presentations that Paul gave at the UCCA for the ICC-International Creation Conference. Concordance-Radiometric Isotope Dating-and why Creationist are interestedin this type of dating fossils. -The constancy of the radioactive decay rates-varied by thousands of years. -Accelerated nuclear decay accounts for the variance in ages. -Then talked about the RATE project-Rate stands for Radioactivity & The Earth. -Garner was interested in discordance in the rates and she took a look at it more closely. Took a large database of rocks and 29,000 isotopes and compared the rocks age range, as long as the margin of errors matched up. They concluded that was concordant if there was overlap. -By comparing the ranges between more dates with the wide variety of radio isotope dating, the more discordance that is going on. -The study authors gave wide latitude in the dating and the types of dating; however, there was consistency in discordance. -New version of the database came out in January this year that will help determine the accuracy of the database. -Do minerals give different dates within the same rocks? There is a lot more than can be done with the preliminary study. Study Garner discusses he wants to expand upon and of course, his study raises a lot of questions for Creationists. Number of talks at the International Creation Conference similar to what Garner discussed. A lot of advancement between the original ICC and the most recent conference. Zachary promotes next podcast with Dr. Stephen Lloyd about Noah’s Flood and the Biblical record.
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    21 mins
  • Show Me Creation Episode 8
    Oct 2 2023
    Garner gives organization’s contact information, website address: https://biblicalcreationtrust.org/ & where to find them on YouTube. Talked about International Conference on Creationism at Cedarville, OH., and why it’s a great conference. Real data driven presentations at the conference and why that is important in keeping the science pure to connect biblical bases information to those models. They talked about the paleo-fossil database. Why this ICC conference was one of the best because of the quality of the presentations and because of the number of young people involved in creationist studies. Then, they moved to one of Paul’s presentation titles, “Testing the order of the fossil record.” Why people are often skeptical of the order of the fossil record? And, the resolution of that skepticism….and the significance of the work of Dr. Kurt Wise. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Wise The floating florist model and the correlation of the evolutionary trees. Wise’s study and its limitations of his unpublished study and how they took Wise’s data and expanded upon it to see what patterns developed and what came out that study. So, this study helped answer all sorts of questions while raising new creations. Finding sequences in the order of the fossil record and where they fall pre-and-post the world flood depicted in the Bible. Zachary Klein then wraps it up and then promotes the continuation of their discussion in their next episode of Show Me Creation.
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    20 mins
  • Mastodon State Historic site
    Aug 4 2023
    Zachary Klein introduces the Mastodon State Historic site and why it is important to the Ice Age and the Biblical record. How the first Mastodon found in Missouri became part of a carnival sideshow and then eventually to the British History Museum. The difference between Mastodon and the European Wooly Mammoth of Siberia. Then, Zach gets into an explanation of baraminology and the science behind this dating methodology and why it is significant to the archeological record. The Mastodon is a separate family, separate creatures who were created to browse instead of graze. Information on the Mastodon and the State Park found here: Mhttps://mostateparks.com/park/mastodon-state-historic-siteore Zach then goes on to explain what brought about the Ice Age and its impact on Mastodon and he ties it to the Great Flood of the Bible. Little seasonal contrasts during the Ice Age added to our understanding of the arrival or timing of the glaciers of the Ice Age. The bones at the Mastodon site are between 12-15,000 years old. Ice Age took place 30,000 years ago. Radiocarbon dating measures the carbon build up in the Mastodon bones. So, how did they determine if the Mastodons of the Park lived in the Ice Age. Then, they explained the calibration to date how old fossil bones and how they relate to the Creation model. Coal seams in the Missouri fossil record determine when the organic materials was formed, died and decomposed and were compressed to create coal. Animals at Mastodon were hunted and butchered there pointing the park as a hunting area by a nomadic tribe known as the Clovis culture. The first signs of the Clovis people were found in Clovis, New Mexico, thus the name. The Great Flood of the Bible produced a climate change that allowed a rapid expansion of people across the earth. Genesis 1 is real and can be trusted. The Bible’s account of the flood gave the earth a fresh start, not a myth. We can see evidence of it via the fossil record. Zach then wraps up the video of the tour of the Mastodon State Park. The data collected at the park totally supports the Great Flood, the Ice Age and the Biblical Record. More information here: https://www.columbiamissourian.com/specialsection/tourism/southeastmissouri/discover-16-000-year-old-fossils-at-mastodon-state-park-in-imperial/article_3e52906e-c760-11ec-88be-eff28a91ab51.html https://sciencebyseltzer.com/mastodon-state-historic-site/
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    42 mins