• Short Summary of Torah Ohr Daf 58 - the Kabbalah of the Neck w/ Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
    Jan 11 2023

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    להבין שרשי הדברים הנ"ל (נח, ב)

    מצרים הוא בחי' מיצר מי, וקאי על מיצר הגרון, שפרעה עומד על היאור, דהיאור הוא ההמשכה ממוחין שמצמצמם בגרון לפני שבא למדות, ואזי ישנו פרעה אותיות הערף הרוצה לינק משם, ויציאת מצרים הוא יציאת המוחין ממיצר הגרון להתפשט בלב ובכל הגוף.וביאר הדברים הנה כשהשכל בא במדות הוא מתצמצם, וכשבא השכל ומתהפך למהות מדה אזי הוא בהרחבה יותר מכפי שהי' בשכל, אך בגרון הוא לאחר שנתצמצם השכל טרם שנעשה מהות מדה, שאז הוא בתכלית הצמצום.והנמשל מזה יובן למעלה, שבחי' בינה בא למדות, אך ההמשכה למדות הוא ע"י מיצר הגרון, וזהו בחי' עיבור המבואר בפע"ח בשער הפסח, ובעבודה הו"ע שמשיג הטיב גדולת ה' אך האהבה אינו בא בגילוי בל, ופרעה עומד על היאור הוא הרצונות הזרות המעכבות גילוי המדות.והנה, יציאת המדות מהעלם אל הגילוי, שזהו בחי' יציאת מצרים, הוא ג"כ ע"י הגרון שהרי קול מביא את המדות לגילוי. והגילוי נעשה ע"י שמחה, שכשהמלך בשמחה אזי הוא מתגלה, והשמחה הוא בחי' אהבה בתענוגים.והנה, הקול המוציא את המדות לגילוי הוא קול הקריאה דתורה שבכתב, שענינה אותיות התורה, שהם מבחי' חכמה, שדי לחכמיא ברמיזא שבתוך האותיות מרומזים ההמשכות העליונות. משא"כ בינה היא בחי' תושב"כ, ולכן בתשורה שבעל פה ריבוי ההשגה מוסיף ריבוי אותיות (משא"כ בתורה שבכתב, כי האותיות שבתורה שבכתב הם מבחי' חכמה שלמעלה מגילוי בתוך האותיות), וזהו שתורה שבעל פה נקראת ארץ טובה ורחבה, מפני הרחבת האותיות שבה.

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    6 mins
  • Short Summary Of Torah Ohr Daf 57 - Snakes are REally Staffs
    Dec 29 2023

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    16 mins
  • Short Summary of Torah Ohr Daf 56 - What can WE do that Avraham Avinu Couldn't?
    Jan 9 2023
    • Vayomer Hashem el Moshe v’el Aharon kach es matecha…”

    Q1: What is the inner meaning of the staff and the snake?

    Q2: Why was this the first miracle performed by Moshe?

    • It says that the BN”Y “emptied Mitzrayim”, which according to Kabbalah means that they elevated all of the nitzotzos that were in Mitzrayim. The basic idea of nitzotzos is that just as the body prevent the soul form having a direct awareness of Hashem, so too there are sparks of Elokus imbedded in the physical world, and in order to elevate them one needs to “crack” the shell of physicality which surrounds them.
    • In the descent of the nitzotzos of Tohu, there are “rivers” in which they can go (umisham yirpared l’arbeh roshim) which corresponds to the four stages of Galus, each of which has its own character and amount of nitzotzos to be elevated.
    • Birur/elevation of the sparks requires a crushing of the external shell which conceals them, and this allows the spark to ascend to their source. This is the purpose of the plagues and miracles in Mitzrayim.
    • The way that miracles crush the shell of kelipah is by showing how every aspect of creation, and especially those which claim to be independent of Elokus, are in fact entirely dependent on Elokus for their continued existence. This is the meaning of the staff and the snake. The staff represents the divine flow of energy into all of creation (Seder Hishtalshelus) and the snake represents the source of Kelipas Mitzrayim. The message is that Mitzrayim/Paroh are, contrary to their assumptions, entirely dependent on Elokus. All feelings of independence are a veneer caused by a long line of Tzimtzumim.


    1. Sheviras HaKeilim/ Birur Hanitzotzos.
    2. Miracles= the realization that everything is directed by and rooted in Elokus.

    Lachein Emor Part 1


    • Q: why is Yetzias Metzrayim so important?
    • There are three manifestations of Mitzrayim/BN”Y: the historical, the supernal, and the internal.

    Internally, here is what Galus and Geulas Mitrayim looks like:

    • Binei Yisrel= our love for Hashem, which is the result of our contemplating that all of creation, and even the highst spiritual levels that can be experienced by the Neshama, are nothing relative to Hashem Himslef, whom we connect with through Torah and Mitzvos. This realization leads to Ahava and Simcha.
    • Galus Mitzrayim= our inability to draw the conclusions of our above contemplation into our emotional life (meitzar hagaron). This is due to our overwhelming investment into all things physical (sar hamashkim, sar hatabachim). This stage is also compared to the difficulties in giving birth.
    • Geulah 1: At this point, what is necessary are “birth pains”, i.e. our realization that we are distant from Hashem (merirus), through which we can access Joy, which allows us to overcome our coarseness. (This is one stage in Geulah (eretz Cannan), achieved through Tefillah.)
    • Geulah 2= connecting the mind and heart through voice, i.e. the study of Torah Shebiksav. However, the ultimate is to reach Eretz Yisroel, which is “long and wide”. This refers to the study of Torah Shebaal peh, in which the dominant quality is that of scholarly analysis (over the emphasis of the letters themselves in Torah Shebaal Peh).


    1. Three kinds of Mitzrayim.
    2. The differences between Tefillah, Torah Shebiksav, and Torah Shebaal Peh.

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    16 mins
  • Short Summary Of Torah Ohr Daf 55 - Beginning Parshas Va'eira w / Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling
    Jan 7 2025

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    13 mins
  • Short Summary of Torah Ohr Daf 54 - How to Experience Elokus
    Jan 7 2023

    Finishing Parshas Shmos w/ Rabbi Baruch Epstein from Chicago, IL
    Visit ProjectLikkuteiTorah.com for more resources

    • Yaakov= Maaseh Hamitzvos, Limmud Hatorah. Yisroel= the Gilui Elokus that happens as a result.
    • lchol tichla raisi ketz, rechavah mitzvosecha meod”: the degree to which the Neshemam can experience Elokus, either in this world or even in Gan Eden, is limited (lichol tichle=kalos hanefesh…). But Mitzvos allow for an infinit expression of Elokus in this world and in the Neshama (rechavah…).
    • habaim yesharesh Yaakov”: this posuk was said in reference to Yaakov’s descent into Mitzrayim. In order for there to be a “flowering” of Yaakov/Yisroel, i.e. a tangible Gilui Elokus from our Mitzvos, there must first be merirus, Galus, as there was in Mitzrayim (after which we received the Torah) and as there will be by Moshiach (were we will receive the deepest levels of Torah).
    • This explains why Yaakov is related to Briah and Yisroel to Yetzirah: Briah=Chomer=Choshech; Yetizirah= Tzurah= Or. Although Yisroel represent that which is more accessible (Gilui/Tzurah), Yaakov represent that which is less accessible because it comes from a higher level in Elokus.
    1. Mitzvos allow the Neshama to achieve that which is beyond its own natural capacities.
    2. To experience the Elokus imbedded in Mitzvos, one needs to Daven properly.
    3. Galus is a necessary stage for Geulah.

    Biur al Hanal

    • gimmel ksharim.. Yisroel b’Oraysah v’Oraysah b’Kudsha Brich Hu”. In this version of this passage, Torah is seen as being higher then the BN”Y. Torah is called Kalah, Tevuah (Lechem, Yayin, Shemen).
    • Or zaruah latzaddik”: now, the Gilui Elokus of Mitzvos is not revealed. But it will be when Moshiach comes, and that will be the source from Techias Hameisim (Makkif Harachok)
    • Mitzvos are currently like clothing (levushim) in that they conceal the Elokus they contain. But when Moshiach comes they will be like fruit; their latent Elokus will be apparent.
    • l’chol tichleh raisi ketz…”: the knowledge of Hashem achieved by Malachim and Neshamos is limited, but Mitzvos allow one to reach the Infinite aspect of Hashem.
    • On the one hand, Neshamos are greater then Torah/Mitzvos, because they allow the Mitzvos to produce fruit (Gilui Elokus). On the other hand, Torah is higher than Neshamos, as it is what allows Neshamos to connect tot eh highest levels of Elokus.
    1. Only the Neshama is a proper soil in which the Mitzvos can produce fruit.
    2. The difference between Makkif Hakarov and Makkif Harachok.

    Tosefes Biur

    • Mitzvos are compared to vegetative/human seed(s), and Neshamos to the earth/womb. A seed contains the entirety of its fruit/child in potential, in such a way that none of their qualities are visible. However, through planting/gestation, the seed is able to manifest itself; all its latent qualities can develop and become actual and apparent. The blooming process also allows for an additional quality/quantity of growth not found in the original seed.
    • So too by Mitzvos: they are performed with physical things, yet they possess the deepest levels of Elokus (Kesser= Tarach Amudei Or =Yesod d’A”K= Malchus d’Ein Sof) which are “compressed” to be able to be in this world. And through our performance of the Mitzvos, their Elokus can bloom, and in a way that is higher than Neshamos themselves.
    • Now, Mitzvos draw down from Makkif Hakarov. By Moshiach, their relation to Makkif Harahock will be revealed.

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    5 mins
  • Torah Ohr Daf 53 - The Purpose of Saying Brachos w/ Rabbi Baruch Epstein
    Jan 5 2025

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    7 mins
  • Short Summary Of Torah Ohr Daf 51 - The Root of Geula. w / Rabbi Baruch Epstien
    Jan 3 2025

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    7 mins
  • Short Summary Of Torah Ohr Daf 50 - Speech vs. Thought w / Rabbi Baruch Epstein
    Jan 2 2025

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    8 mins