
  • Episode2 - Getting back in to practice after a break, and my thoughts on teaching modern pop music
    Sep 14 2020

    In this episode I'll be sharing with you some of my struggles and pitfalls with drum practise, and strategies I have used to help not only myself, but also my students to get in to a "rhythm" and "feel" like going to practise again.

    I'll also be sharing my slightly different perspective on teaching modern pop to students.

    Hope you enjoy this one, as always, let me know your thoughts and feedback. I really do appreciate it.

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    17 mins
  • Episode 1: Applying Fills to Music and The New Drumsense Teacher Training
    Sep 12 2020

    In this episode I'll be talking about the challenges of one of my students with learning how to play fills over music, a common problem, and how I am going about solving that these days.

    I will also be reviewing and briefly breaking down Colin Woolway's Teacher training course for his legendary Drumsense Book.


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    17 mins