• Navigating The Recognition Sutras
    May 14 2024

    In this episode, join Deepak Chopra and Hareesh Wallis for a thought-provoking conversation that merges science and spirituality. With Hareesh's deep understanding of Sanskrit and Deepak's insatiable curiosity, together they explore the profound nature of consciousness and its relation to our perception of reality.

    Discover how our thoughts, emotions, and experiences shape our sense of self and the world around us. Dive into the depths of consciousness, as Deepak and Hareesh guide us towards a deeper recognition of our true nature.

    Through their insightful discussion, we are invited to embark on our own inner journey of self-discovery and understanding. As we navigate the realms of science and spirituality, we uncover the interconnectedness of all things and the transformative potential that lies within each of us.

    Dr. Christopher Wallis (Hareesh) was introduced to meditation and yoga at 16. He is an academically trained scholar and traditionally trained practitioner with thirty years of experience. He is recognized worldwide as a lecturer, author, and translator of Indian philosophy and Sanskrit. He is internationally active as a spiritual teacher specializing in meditation, practical and Tantrik philosophy, and mantra science. He is the founder and director of a retreat center in Portugal, an online learning portal https://tantrailluminated.org, and offers guided tours in India. He is the author of Tantra Illuminated and The Recognition Sutras.

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    54 mins
  • Science Vs Religion
    Apr 30 2024

    Discover a fresh look into the creation myths you thought you knew! Dive into a revolutionary exploration of the universe's origin. In this episode, Deepak Chopra challenges both traditional religious and atheist views on the origin of the universe. He proposes a radical new perspective that draws on quantum mechanics and ancient wisdom to suggest that the universe is a self-organizing, self-aware phenomenon, and that consciousness is not a product of matter but the fundamental reality itself. Are you ready to see the universe through a new lens? Join this exciting exploration of science, religion, and the power of consciousness.

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    22 mins
  • How Emotions Drive Our Decisions With Special Guest, Leonard Mlodinow
    Apr 23 2024

    Ever feel like your emotions hijack your logic? You're not alone! This episode dives into the surprising science of emotions with guest Leonard Mlodinow, author of Emotional: How Feelings Shape Our Thinking. We explore how emotions, far from being separate from reason, actually play a crucial role in guiding our thoughts and decisions. Learn how emotions evolved to keep us safe, how they influence what we pay attention to, and even if simple creatures like fruit flies use emotions too!

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    50 mins
  • How We Sabotage Our Relationships
    Apr 16 2024

    Are your relationships suffering? Do you ever feel misunderstood or defensive? In this episode, Deepak Chopra explores how our own anxieties and insecurities can negatively impact our connections with others. By understanding the concept of projection, we can learn to build stronger, more fulfilling relationships.

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    16 mins
  • The Illusion Of Matter With Special Guest, Bernardo Kastrup
    Apr 9 2024

    Is everything just a figment of our imagination? Join renowned author Deepak Chopra and philosopher Bernardo Kastrup as they delve into the nature of reality, questioning materialism and exploring the power of consciousness. This eye-opening conversation will challenge your assumptions about the universe and leave you pondering the true nature of existence.

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    50 mins
  • Rethinking The Beginning
    Apr 2 2024

    Deepak Chopra explores an alternative explanation for the origin of the universe, the "Consciousness Model." It contrasts the limitations of the Big Bang theory, highlighting unanswered questions about its cause and the nature of things like dark matter and dark energy.

    The Consciousness Model proposes that the universe began not with a singularity, but with pure consciousness. This consciousness, possessing infinite potential, then manifested itself as various "qualia" - qualities of knowing and experience. These qualia eventually became the universe as we know it, including atoms, stars, and biological life.

    Deepak draws on Eastern philosophical traditions like Buddhism and Vedanta to describe the nature of this pure consciousness using terms like "Amrita" (immortal) and "Ananda" (infinite), and suggests that scientific thinking is just another mode of knowing within a species-specific consciousness.

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    19 mins
  • Peace From The Inside Out
    Mar 26 2024

    This episode explores the fascinating question of where our thoughts come from. From the biological perspective, we’ll examine how the complex interactions of billions of neurons in our brains generate electrical and chemical signals that form the foundation of thought.

    We'll then look at the psychological perspective, considering how mental processes like memory, attention, and language shape our thoughts.

    Finally, we'll explore the philosophical perspective, pondering the nature of consciousness and whether thought is a fundamental property of the universe or an emergent property of complex systems like the brain.

    What about the idea that our thoughts are shaped by karma, the residue of our past experiences, and how these patterns can contribute to conflict in the world?

    Key topics:

    • Multiple Perspectives on Thought: Biological (neural activity), Psychological (mental processes), Philosophical (nature of consciousness).
    • The Role of Karma: Past experiences and their interpretations shape our present thoughts and future desires, potentially leading to conflict.
    • Thought as a Source of Conflict: Conditioned thought patterns contribute to anger, hostility, and violence.
    • Meditation as a Path to Peace: By transcending conditioned thought patterns through meditation, we can cultivate empathy, compassion, and inner peace.
    • The Power of Thought: Our thoughts shape our reality, and by understanding their source, we can create a more peaceful world.
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    15 mins
  • Building The Future
    Mar 19 2024

    World-renowned architect Bjarke Ingels joins Deepak Chopra to explore the intersection of design, mindfulness, and human well-being. They delve into Bjarke's innovative projects in New York and Copenhagen, before discussing their inspiring encounter with the Bhutanese royals and Bjarke's unique role in developing a new mindfulness city in Gelephu. Tune in for a thought-provoking conversation that blends visionary architecture with the wisdom of Eastern traditions.

    Get Bjarke's book, BIG. Formgiving

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    52 mins