
  • NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center Deputy Director Talks STEM Ed (Joseph Pelfrey)
    Dec 13 2023

    Joseph Pelfrey, Deputy Director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, discusses his experiences in the thrilling world of space exploration and its impact on STEM education.  Joseph delves into the Artemis Generation that aims to return humans to the moon and pave the way for Mars exploration. He reflects on the lessons learned from historic space missions and emphasizes the importance of melding theoretical knowledge with practical application in STEM education. He says that leadership of a complex organization requires focus on mission, building up people, and learning from history.  Joseph also discusses the crucial skills needed for future space missions, including multidisciplinary engineering and advancements in AI. He shares personal insights from his journey, highlighting the profound impact of educators and the power of dreaming big. This episode is a must-listen for anyone fascinated by space exploration and its role in shaping future STEM education.

    Contact Dr. Michael A. Newsome, Show Host, at: stemlab@governors.school

    STEM Lab


    NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center Deputy Director Talks STEM Ed (Joseph Pelfrey)

    South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

    • Marshall Space Flight Center - NASA
    • Joseph Pelfrey - NASA - Guest. GSSM Alum.
    • Michael Newsome, PhD | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics - STEM Lab Host. E-mail: stemlab@governors.school LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/michaelanewsome Michael A Newsome is the Vice President of Academics at the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics, one of the United States' top public STEM schools. Michael oversees curriculum and instruction in the school’s three residential and online academic programs that serve the most talented and motivated students from across the state of South Carolina. Michael manages the operations of the school's faculty and academic service offices such as the registrar, research and inquiry, college counseling, student success, and academic teams and competitions. Michael also teaches economics, finance, and entrepreneurship. Before coming to the Governor’s School in 2016, Michael was a tenured Full Professor of Economics at Marshall University. There, Michael taught undergraduate, masters, and doctoral classes and worked as MBA Director. Michael has taught economics at universities and secondary institutions around the world and has published research in several sub-disciplines of economics. Michael’s primary professional specialty is the management of institutional change, with a particular focus on designing, piloting, and implementing new and efficient value-adding policies and programs.
    • STEM Lab | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics - Institutional website for the podcast.
    • SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

    Copyright 2023 South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

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    35 mins
  • The Entrepreneurial Mindset for Engineering Students (Dr. Joshua Gargac, Ohio Northern University)
    Dec 6 2023

    Dr. Joshua Gargac, a mechanical engineering professor at Ohio Northern University, shares his approach to fostering an entrepreneurial mindset in engineering education, emphasizing the importance of curiosity, connections, and creating value.  He delves into his innovative teaching strategies, including mastery-based learning, competency-based assessment, and the flipped classroom model, to enhance student engagement and resilience. Dr. Gargac says that it is essential to teach students how to handle ambiguity and develop problem-solving skills.  The episode highlights innovative teaching approaches that foster an entrepreneurial mindset, resilience, and practical problem-solving skills in students.

    Contact Dr. Michael A. Newsome, Show Host, at: stemlab@governors.school

    STEM Lab


    The Entrepreneurial Mindset for Engineering Students (Dr. Joshua Gargac, Ohio Northern University)

    South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

    • The KEEN Framework | Engineering Unleashed
    • Nicole Kroeger, PhD | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics - Cohost and Interviewer. Nicole Kroeger is the manager of the online diploma program at the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics, one of the United States' top public STEM schools. Nicole also teaches mathematics courses at GSSM including calculus, precalculus, and upper level math electives. Nicole earned her PhD in mathematics from the University of Notre Dame in 2014 and started teaching at GSSM in August 2014. During her time at GSSM, she served as mathematics department chair for 4 years and currently manages one of GSSM's virtual programs.
    • Josh Gargac, Ohio Northern University
    • Michael Newsome, PhD | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics - STEM Lab Host. E-mail: stemlab@governors.school LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/michaelanewsome Michael A Newsome is the Vice President of Academics at the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics, one of the United States' top public STEM schools. Michael oversees curriculum and instruction in the school’s three residential and online academic programs that serve the most talented and motivated students from across the state of South Carolina. Michael manages the operations of the school's faculty and academic service offices such as the registrar, research and inquiry, college counseling, student success, and academic teams and competitions. Michael also teaches economics, finance, and entrepreneurship. Before coming to the Governor’s School in 2016, Michael was a tenured Full Professor of Economics at Marshall University. There, Michael taught undergraduate, masters, and doctoral classes and worked as MBA Director. Michael has taught economics at universities and secondary institutions around the world and has published research in several sub-disciplines of economics. Michael’s primary professional specialty is the management of institutional change, with a particular focus on designing, piloting, and implementing new and efficient value-adding policies and programs.
    • STEM Lab | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics - Institutional website for the podcast.
    • SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

    Copyright 2023 South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

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    29 mins
  • Integrative STEM Education: Leading Experiential Learning (Dr. Mary Annette Rose, Ball State)
    Nov 29 2023


    Mary Annette Rose, Associate Professor of Educational Studies at Ball State University, delves into the critical need for integrating STEM education across various disciplines. Dr. Rose shares her insights on the challenges facing STEM education in the U.S., emphasizing the importance of breaking down subject silos and fostering a culture of collaboration and problem-solving in schools. She discusses the importance of enlisting all school personnel to help develop the appropriate experiential learning culture.  She offers practical strategies for educators and school leaders, highlighting successful examples of integrative STEM education in action. She has a passion for preparing students for a future where interdisciplinary knowledge and evidence-based decision making are key.

    Contact Dr. Michael A. Newsome, Show Host, at: stemlab@governors.school

    STEM Lab


    Integrative STEM Education: Leading Experiential Learning (Dr. Mary Annette Rose, Ball State)

    South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

    • Crystal McGee | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics - Co-host and Interviewer. Crystal McGee is a biology instructor for the residential program at the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics (SCGSSM), one of the United States’ top public STEM schools. Crystal is currently teaching AP biology and a mentored research course, and has plans to offer advanced beyond-AP electives after her first year. She has a passion for teacher professional development. After earning a PhD in Chemistry with a specialty in Biochemistry from the University of South Carolina - Columbia in 2019, Crystal began teaching secondary science in the South Carolina public school system. In August of 2023, Crystal joined SCGSSM as a biology instructor. In addition to teaching biology and mentoring students on research projects, Crystal serves her students by acting as an advisor of for Science Olympiad and other clubs at the SCGSSM.
    • Michael Newsome, PhD | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics - STEM Lab Host. E-mail: stemlab@governors.school LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/michaelanewsome Michael A Newsome is the Vice President of Academics at the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics, one of the United States' top public STEM schools. Michael oversees curriculum and instruction in the school’s three residential and online academic programs that serve the most talented and motivated students from across the state of South Carolina. Michael manages the operations of the school's faculty and academic service offices such as the registrar, research and inquiry, college counseling, student success, and academic teams and competitions. Michael also teaches economics, finance, and entrepreneurship. Before coming to the Governor’s School in 2016, Michael was a tenured Full Professor of Economics at Marshall University. There, Michael taught undergraduate, masters, and doctoral classes and worked as MBA Director. Michael has taught economics at universities and secondary institutions around the world and has published research in several sub-disciplines of economics. Michael’s primary professional specialty is the management of institutional change, with a particular focus on designing, piloting, and implementing new and efficient value-adding policies and programs.
    • STEM Lab | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics - Institutional website for the podcast.
    • Mary Annette Rose | Ball State University - Guest on Episode 9.
    • SC Governor's School for Science and
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    24 mins
  • Student Success in the Virtual STEM Classroom: Individuals Matter (Kristal Martinez, GSSM)
    Nov 22 2023

    How do we help students succeed in the virtual STEM classroom?  Kristal Martinez says that it takes individual attention and knowing who the students are.  Kristal has years of experience working with high school students enrolled in the virtual-synchronous advanced engineering certificate program at the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics.  She discusses how students studying virtually are really living in two worlds.  It is important to keep the classroom student-centered.  We need to work harder to make sure the students know the personalities of the teachers.  Teachers must be candid with students about difficulties.  Communication is key.  Teachers must be aware of the circumstances and cultures of students who come from underserved communities.  There are different learning strategies for different students and the strategies may shift over time for the same student.  Good teaching in the virtual synchronous environment requires constant awareness and attention. 

    STEM Lab


    Student Success in the Virtual STEM Classroom: Individuals Matter (Kristal Martinez, GSSM)

    South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

    • Nicole Kroeger, PhD | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics - Cohost and Interviewer. Nicole Kroeger is the manager of the online diploma program at the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics, one of the United States' top public STEM schools. Nicole also teaches mathematics courses at GSSM including calculus, precalculus, and upper level math electives. Nicole earned her PhD in mathematics from the University of Notre Dame in 2014 and started teaching at GSSM in August 2014. During her time at GSSM, she served as mathematics department chair for 4 years and currently manages one of GSSM's virtual programs.
    • Michael Newsome, PhD | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics - STEM Lab Host. E-mail: stemlab@governors.school LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/michaelanewsome Michael A Newsome is the Vice President of Academics at the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics, one of the United States' top public STEM schools. Michael oversees curriculum and instruction in the school’s three residential and online academic programs that serve the most talented and motivated students from across the state of South Carolina. Michael manages the operations of the school's faculty and academic service offices such as the registrar, research and inquiry, college counseling, student success, and academic teams and competitions. Michael also teaches economics, finance, and entrepreneurship. Before coming to the Governor’s School in 2016, Michael was a tenured Full Professor of Economics at Marshall University. There, Michael taught undergraduate, masters, and doctoral classes and worked as MBA Director. Michael has taught economics at universities and secondary institutions around the world and has published research in several sub-disciplines of economics. Michael’s primary professional specialty is the management of institutional change, with a particular focus on designing, piloting, and implementing new and efficient value-adding policies and programs.
    • Accelerate Virtual (Dual-Enrollment) Engineering Program | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics
    • Kristal Martinez | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics - Guest
    • SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics


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    15 mins
  • Rural STEM Education and Workforce Development (Dr. Matt Irvin, University of South Carolina)
    Nov 15 2023

    Dr. Matt Irvin, Professor of Educational Psychology and Research at the University of South Carolina, discusses rural STEM education and its alignment with burgeoning industry sectors like AI and advanced manufacturing. Dr. Irvin underscores the need for meaningful experiences that tether rural students to local job markets, and he describes how virtual education can offset teacher shortages. The dialogue covers the unique hurdles in rural teaching, the potential of public-private partnerships, and the shift towards more practical educational paths over traditional degrees. Insights from the IMMERSE Project funded by the NSF and the efficacy of STEM camps in sparking student interest round out a conversation rich with strategies for educators aiming to future-proof rural education.

    STEM Lab


    Rural STEM Education and Workforce Development (Dr. Matt Irvin, University of South Carolina)

    South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

    • Michael Newsome, PhD | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics - STEM Lab Host. E-mail: stemlab@governors.school LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/michaelanewsome Michael A Newsome is the Vice President of Academics at the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics, one of the United States' top public STEM schools. Michael oversees curriculum and instruction in the school’s three residential and online academic programs that serve the most talented and motivated students from across the state of South Carolina. Michael manages the operations of the school's faculty and academic service offices such as the registrar, research and inquiry, college counseling, student success, and academic teams and competitions. Michael also teaches economics, finance, and entrepreneurship. Before coming to the Governor’s School in 2016, Michael was a tenured Full Professor of Economics at Marshall University. There, Michael taught undergraduate, masters, and doctoral classes and worked as MBA Director. Michael has taught economics at universities and secondary institutions around the world and has published research in several sub-disciplines of economics. Michael’s primary professional specialty is the management of institutional change, with a particular focus on designing, piloting, and implementing new and efficient value-adding policies and programs.
    • SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics
    • IMMERSE - College of Education | University of South Carolina
    • Matthew J. Irvin, Ph.D. - College of Education | University of South Carolina - Guest

    Copyright 2023 South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

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    19 mins
  • Pickles, Puzzles, and Board Games in Elementary School Math (Dr. Gordon Hamilton, MathPickle.com)
    Nov 8 2023

    Dr. Gordon Hamilton, Director of MathPickle.com, wants to revolutionize elementary school math education. This episode spotlights the Canadian mathematician’s unique puzzle-based teaching method. Discover how board games and scalable 'infinite pickle' puzzles entice young minds into complex problem-solving, fostering an inquiry-driven classroom where teachers and students unravel mathematical mysteries together. Emphasizing curiosity over rote answers, Dr. Hamilton's approach demystifies math, instilling confidence and joy in learners. He describes how teachers can help students forget ego and learn without fear.  Gordon is an inspiration to STEM educators seeking to invigorate their teaching with creativity and engagement.

    STEM Lab


    Pickles, Puzzles, and Board Games in Elementary School Math (Dr. Gordon Hamilton, MathPickle.com)

    South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

    • Nicole Kroeger, PhD | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics - Cohost and Interviewer. Nicole Kroeger is the manager of the online diploma program at the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics, one of the United States' top public STEM schools. Nicole also teaches mathematics courses at GSSM including calculus, precalculus, and upper level math electives. Nicole earned her PhD in mathematics from the University of Notre Dame in 2014 and started teaching at GSSM in August 2014. During her time at GSSM, she served as mathematics department chair for 4 years and currently manages one of GSSM's virtual programs.
    • Michael Newsome, PhD | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics - STEM Lab Host. E-mail: stemlab@governors.school LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/michaelanewsome Michael A Newsome is the Vice President of Academics at the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics, one of the United States' top public STEM schools. Michael oversees curriculum and instruction in the school’s three residential and online academic programs that serve the most talented and motivated students from across the state of South Carolina. Michael manages the operations of the school's faculty and academic service offices such as the registrar, research and inquiry, college counseling, student success, and academic teams and competitions. Michael also teaches economics, finance, and entrepreneurship. Before coming to the Governor’s School in 2016, Michael was a tenured Full Professor of Economics at Marshall University. There, Michael taught undergraduate, masters, and doctoral classes and worked as MBA Director. Michael has taught economics at universities and secondary institutions around the world and has published research in several sub-disciplines of economics. Michael’s primary professional specialty is the management of institutional change, with a particular focus on designing, piloting, and implementing new and efficient value-adding policies and programs.
    • About MathPickle | MathPickle - Dr. Gordon Hamilton is Director of the website.
    • Dr. Gordon Hamilton - Guest.

    Copyright 2023 South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

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    25 mins
  • The Secret Sauce: Physics, AI, STEM Ed, and Swing Dancing (Dr. Kemper Talley, Raytheon BBN)
    Nov 1 2023

    Dr. Kemper Talley, Senior Scientist at Raytheon BBN with a Ph.D. in energy science engineering and expertise in synthetic biology, biodefense, and bioethics, shares his passion for physics-based education, emphasizing the importance of strong mathematics and critical thinking. He calls for a shift towards experiential learning in physics, incorporating real-world applications and experiments. Furthermore, he highlights the value of interdisciplinary collaboration, soft skills, and embracing AI as a transformative tool in education. Kemper's unique perspective, from his journey in STEM to his love for swing dancing, provides valuable insights for STEM teachers and administrators on fostering creativity, teamwork, and effective communication in the ever-evolving landscape of STEM education.

    STEM Lab


    The Secret Sauce: Physics, AI, STEM Ed, and Swing Dancing (Dr. Kemper Talley, Raytheon BBN)

    South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

    • Michael Newsome, PhD | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics - STEM Lab Host. E-mail: stemlab@governors.school LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/michaelanewsome Michael A Newsome is the Vice President of Academics at the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics, one of the United States' top public STEM schools. Michael oversees curriculum and instruction in the school’s three residential and online academic programs that serve the most talented and motivated students from across the state of South Carolina. Michael manages the operations of the school's faculty and academic service offices such as the registrar, research and inquiry, college counseling, student success, and academic teams and competitions. Michael also teaches economics, finance, and entrepreneurship. Before coming to the Governor’s School in 2016, Michael was a tenured Full Professor of Economics at Marshall University. There, Michael taught undergraduate, masters, and doctoral classes and worked as MBA Director. Michael has taught economics at universities and secondary institutions around the world and has published research in several sub-disciplines of economics. Michael’s primary professional specialty is the management of institutional change, with a particular focus on designing, piloting, and implementing new and efficient value-adding policies and programs.
    • Kemper Talley, CBRN scientist focused on emerging technologies - Guest.

    Copyright 2023 South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

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    32 mins
  • Integrity, Trust, Caring and Real-World Research in STEM Ed (Dean Matt Martin, GSSM)
    Oct 25 2023

    What are the keys to excellence in STEM Education? Dr. Matt Martin, the academic dean at the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics, says that the most important factors in education success are integrity, trust, and caring.  Drawing on his experience as a Rhodes Scholar and his time as a Full Professor and Dean of Faculty at Wesleyan College, Matt discusses how to successfully guide STEM students through the transition from high school to college, why academic integrity issues are getting more difficult, how AI is full of challenges and opportunities, and why it is becoming even more important to build student creativity through real-world research.

    STEM Lab


    Integrity, Trust, Caring and Real-World Research in STEM Ed (Dean Matt Martin, GSSM)

    South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics

    • Nicole Kroeger, PhD | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics - Cohost and Interviewer. Nicole Kroeger is the manager of the online diploma program at the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics, one of the United States' top public STEM schools. Nicole also teaches mathematics courses at GSSM including calculus, precalculus, and upper level math electives. Nicole earned her PhD in mathematics from the University of Notre Dame in 2014 and started teaching at GSSM in August 2014. During her time at GSSM, she served as mathematics department chair for 4 years and currently manages one of GSSM's virtual programs.
    • Crystal McGee | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics - Co-host and Interviewer. Crystal McGee is a biology instructor for the residential program at the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics (SCGSSM), one of the United States’ top public STEM schools. Crystal is currently teaching AP biology and a mentored research course, and has plans to offer advanced beyond-AP electives after her first year. She has a passion for teacher professional development. After earning a PhD in Chemistry with a specialty in Biochemistry from the University of South Carolina - Columbia in 2019, Crystal began teaching secondary science in the South Carolina public school system. In August of 2023, Crystal joined SCGSSM as a biology instructor. In addition to teaching biology and mentoring students on research projects, Crystal serves her students by acting as an advisor of for Science Olympiad and other clubs at the SCGSSM.
    • Michael Newsome, PhD | SC Governor's School for Science and Mathematics - STEM Lab Host. E-mail: stemlab@governors.school LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/michaelanewsome Michael A Newsome is the Vice President of Academics at the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics, one of the United States' top public STEM schools. Michael oversees curriculum and instruction in the school’s three residential and online academic programs that serve the most talented and motivated students from across the state of South Carolina. Michael manages the operations of the school's faculty and academic service offices such as the registrar, research and inquiry, college counseling, student success, and academic teams and competitions. Michael also teaches economics, finance, and entrepreneurship. Before coming to the Governor’s School in 2016, Michael was a tenured Full Professor of Economics at Marshall University. There, Michael taught undergraduate, masters, and doctoral classes and worked as MBA Director. Michael has taught economics at universities and secondary institutions around the world and has published research in several sub-disciplines of economics. Michael’s primary professional specialty is the management of institutional change, with a particular...
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    21 mins