• Does God Cause Suffering?
    Sep 17 2024

    What do you do when suffering just doesn't make sense? What about suffering that seems to have no clear reason? Does everything happen for a reason? How do you support someone who is going through an intense time of suffering? As Steve and Rich continue the conversation on suffering from last week, they do their best to address and answer these questions. They spend a few minutes on the idea of there being a "reason" or even a "punishment" seen in suffering. It can be incredibly damaging when believers try to tell others what the reason for their suffering might be. Rich talks about the suffering seen in Luke 13:1-5 and how Jesus responds. Steve and Rich both share more personal stories this week as they talk about the theology of suffering. The phrase "God will never give you more than you can handle" is one that is problematic. Many things are addressed in this episode, but the key takeaway is that no matter what God will be in the midst of suffering, He is the God of all comfort. He will never leave or forsake.

    Steve Engram's testimony on The Stories Collective, Episode 100
    *available wherever you listen to podcasts

    Rich Holland's testimony on The Stories Collective podcast, Episode 45
    *available wherever you listen to podcasts

    Trials of Many Kinds by Rita Springer + Brooke Ligertwood

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    Would you please subscribe and leave us a review? This will help our podcast reach more people! We’d love it if you’d share this podcast with your friends on social media and beyond. Join us next Tuesday as we continue the discussion on how to think like a Christian in this foreign world.

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    27 mins
  • Suffering
    Sep 10 2024

    Why do bad things happen to good people? Why is God doing this to me? This might be the most vulnerable, real and raw episode of Resident Strangers yet as Steve and Rich do their best to address these questions. This conversation begins a series of episodes on suffering while being under God's sovereignty. A key mindset to have when thinking through this is remembering that as believers this world is not our home. One day we will experience perfection, but that day has not yet come. Steve brings up the story of Cain and Abel to talk through how God's sovereign hand was present in the midst of tragedy and sin. Another big factor is remembering that no matter what happens believers are called to represent Jesus and live like Him. That can be easy to understand but harder to do. Rich and Steve both reference a lot of scripture passages to support these ideas while also speaking from the heart. They each share very personal stories about suffering in their own lives. Thankfully God is at work in both the good and the bad; He can redeem any tragedy. Steve, Rich and Sarah pray this conversation speaks to you right where you are.

    Steve Engram's testimony on The Stories Collective, Episode 100

    Rich Holland's testimony on The Stories Collective podcast, Episode 45

    Trials of Many Kinds by Rita Springer + Brooke Ligertwood

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    Would you please subscribe and leave us a review? This will help our podcast reach more people! We’d love it if you’d share this podcast with your friends on social media and beyond. Join us next Tuesday as we continue the discussion on how to think like a Christian in this foreign world.

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    27 mins
  • Understanding the Purpose of Spiritual Gifts
    Sep 3 2024

    What are spiritual gifts and what are they for? What is the difference between a talent and a spiritual gift? Today's episode is a continuation of the conversations from the last few weeks. Steve defines a spiritual gift as a special enabling that a Christian is given to primarily serve the body of Christ and to build up the body of Christ. Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4 and 1 Peter 4 are where much of the understanding about this comes from. Each believer in Christ has been given a spiritual gift so that the person can function in a local body of believers for Christ's honor and glory. With this in mind it is important to know that no gift or person is better or more important than another. Every part is needed for the health of the body of believers. Rich describes it beautifully by saying that each believer is a gift to the Church. What is the connection between a spiritual gift and a natural talent? Steve and Rich break that down and give insight into how to use natural abilities for the Church. An easy way to sum up this whole episode would be to say that if you have placed your faith in Christ when the Holy Spirit came to reside in you, He gave you a spiritual gift. Exercising this gift in the body of Christ is so important, it is the main purpose. It is so important that every Christian grasps and understands this.

    S.H.A.P.E. Test

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    Would you please subscribe and leave us a review? This will help our podcast reach more people! We’d love it if you’d share this podcast with your friends on social media and beyond. Join us next Tuesday as we continue the discussion on how to think like a Christian in this foreign world.

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    27 mins
  • Gifts of The Spirit and Sign Gifts
    Aug 27 2024

    What is the evidence that someone has received salvation? Steve and Rich are talking about this today as a continuation of last week's discussion on the fruit of the Spirit. Gifts are given by the Holy Spirit to everyone who puts their faith and trust in Christ. Ephesians 4 and 1 Corinthians 12 are referenced many times throughout this episode. What do these gifts of the Spirit mean? Steve shares that he feels a major misunderstanding in the church today is that these gifts are to be used to encourage the body of Christ. It is not a matter of simply identifying the personal gifts but being active in using them. Rich states that it is essential that believers use their gifts. Steve and Rich also take a few minutes to talk about Biblical sign gifts, specifically speaking in tongues. It is important to think through these gifts. Does God still work miraculous healing today? This and so much more is discussed in this episode!

    S.H.A.P.E. Test

    The Stories Collective podcast

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    Would you please subscribe and leave us a review? This will help our podcast reach more people! We’d love it if you’d share this podcast with your friends on social media and beyond. Join us next Tuesday as we continue the discussion on how to think like a Christian in this foreign world.

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    25 mins
  • The Fruit of the Spirit
    Aug 20 2024

    Have you ever prayed or heard someone pray, "Lord, fill us with your Spirit?" Rich and Steve are talking about the holy spirit this week, specifically the indwelling and activity of it. Following and being sensitive to the Holy Spirit produces certain attributes in the life of a Christian. It is the idea of not walking according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. Is the filling of the Spirit something that happens as an isolated event or is it something that comes and goes? The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Looking at this list is helpful when thinking about growing in maturity in Christ. Rich talks about praying to yield to the Holy Spirit. A believer should continually humble themselves before the Lord. Thankfully there is still so much grace God offers as we seek to grow in these fruits of the Spirit. So much of it involves surrendering. There is so much practical wisdom packed into this episode. We would recommend a second listen and that you share it with those around you.

    Resident Strangers episode on The Holy Spirit - https://open.spotify.com/episode/5vhDtsysmBB4FPZR0Msxnt?si=0dbdaa4da4554f11

    *available wherever you listen to podcasts

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    Would you please subscribe and leave us a review? This will help our podcast reach more people! We’d love it if you’d share this podcast with your friends on social media and beyond. Join us next Tuesday as we continue the discussion on how to think like a Christian in this foreign world.

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    24 mins
  • Year in Review
    Aug 13 2024

    Welcome to a very special episode of Resident Strangers! Last week marked one full year of this podcast and this week Steve, Rich and Sarah are reflecting on the past year. It is hard to believe that 58 episodes have been recorded and released since August of last year. The majority of those episodes centered around the 17-part doctrinal statement that Desert Springs Community Church holds. Now that the doctrinal statement has been wrapped up other topics have been explored. Listener, this is only the beginning! There are so many more episodes in the works! Enjoy this light-hearted conversation as Steve, Rich and Sarah share some laughs, reflections and hopes for the future of this podcast. More conversations are coming soon as we continue to discuss thinking like a Christian in this foreign world!

    Our hosts wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the team and many hands that have made this podcast happen week-to-week. Special thanks to Brittany + Brandon Petry, Katelyn Chill and Hailey Keller. This podcast truly would not be possible without them.

    Desert Springs Doctrinal Statement

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    Would you please subscribe and leave us a review? This will help our podcast reach more people! We’d love it if you’d share this podcast with your friends on social media and beyond. Join us next Tuesday as we continue the discussion on how to think like a Christian in this foreign world.

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    28 mins
  • Further Discussion on Sovereignty
    Aug 6 2024

    Welcome to Part 2 of the discussion on the sovereignty of God! Steve and Rich pick up the conversation by addressing some misconceptions and misunderstandings that exist about what it means for God to be sovereign. What does it even mean to say God is in control? To answer this Steve and Rich discuss different views on sovereignty before stating what they hold as a belief. There are some specific views Rich and Steve touch on in order to further highlight the truth. There are many confusing views on this topic and determinism is a big one discussed. All in all, this serves as a great reminder to always go back to scripture. It is important to not hold a particular theologian's view over what the Bible says. As we often say, there is a lot packed into this episode! Listen in and be ready to think deeply. Join us next week as we celebrate ONE YEAR of Resident Strangers! 🎉🎉

    Sign up for the Resident Strangers email list - http://eepurl.com/iwv3Ug

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    Email residentstrangers@dscchurch.com

    Would you please subscribe and leave us a review? This will help our podcast reach more people! We’d love it if you’d share this podcast with your friends on social media and beyond. Join us next Tuesday as we continue the discussion on how to think like a Christian in this foreign world.

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    28 mins
  • The Sovereignty of God
    Jul 30 2024

    Steve and Rich are starting a discussion this week on the sovereignty of God. God having total and complete sovereignty is comforting and encouraging. However, it can also feel confusing at times especially when thinking about bad things happening on a personal and community level. How can something that is so encouraging also seem discouraging at the same time? Rich starts by breaking down what God is sovereign means on a basic level. Supreme authority would be a good way to sum it up. He is the Lord God Almighty and no one is greater than Him. Steve and Rich also break down what different Bible translations and verses have to say about this idea of sovereignty. God's sovereignty goes beyond the fact that He is King overall. He ultimately has the power to accomplish His plan. Sarah gets personal and shares about how this idea was and sometimes still is a difficult thing to accept, particularly when it comes to pain. Rich begins to broach the idea that anything that has happened God has at least allowed to happen. How does sin fall into this? Steve and Rich dive into this and so much more that they decided to continue their discussion next week. Make sure you come back for part 2!

    Trusting God by Jerry Bridges - https://www.amazon.com/Trusting-God-Jerry-Bridges/dp/1631467921/ref=sr_1_2?crid=WOTBR99KGABX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.f4NxeyY8AfN_jRny-LBJhprfim_UHK1jqBH_hksTuh2sW4OGIFwl-AeR-DV1-JGg36LrFcpvXj49N-CaMoWh9Q86GTpbB9kAYvdi7z9uDvb1hg8yqAjCKlTq1fayqWnFwQ-7ULIVz-3nMwvgMWPml-iY5oOPVjuai0RHFDPET7P1jXz2ty6Gvegyn6C48eSCa8Aih7HoqmS41PUDeJrLSUko2mqVajdB6OCtiYDRb8NhD8ceQgDNDarhyxbPxmWykOCU1CMDbTCAhNWKQ0D62kx8Z3t8O40HkoD12wxlCyM.xu_JeUbRWWYPdemgyc_bpihyfSMppTkj6G5MWXwBHxs&dib_tag=se&keywords=jerry+bridges&qid=1722187325&sprefix=jerry+bridges%2Caps%2C164&sr=8-2

    Sign up for the Resident Strangers email list - http://eepurl.com/iwv3Ug

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    Would you please subscribe and leave us a review? This will help our podcast reach more people! We’d love it if you’d share this podcast with your friends on social media and beyond. Join us next Tuesday as we continue the discussion on how to think like a Christian in this foreign world.

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    24 mins