• 193: The Magic of Holding Space: Transforming Your Child’s Emotional World (Part 2)
    Sep 18 2024

    In this part two of The Magic of Holding Space, Lisa Smith dives deeper into the transformative power of holding space for your children's big emotions. She provides a step-by-step guide to help parents create a supportive, non-judgmental environment where kids feel safe to express their feelings without fear of judgment or dismissal. Lisa shares eight actionable steps to help parents build connection, foster emotional intelligence, and encourage resilience in their kids, all while maintaining boundaries and staying calm in the heat of the moment.

    What You'll Learn:

    • The 8 essential steps to holding space for your kids, including listening attentively and providing nonjudgmental support.

    • How to stay calm and present during your child’s emotional storms without rushing to fix their problems.

    • The importance of accepting all emotions and allowing your child to express big, messy feelings safely.

    • Real-life examples of parents successfully applying these steps to foster emotional resilience in their kids.

    • How holding space builds trust, strengthens relationships, and teaches kids emotional regulation.

    • Practical self-care techniques to stay grounded and calm while navigating your child’s emotional outbursts.

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    24 mins
  • 192: The Magic of Holding Space: Transforming Your Child's Emotional World (Part 1)
    Sep 11 2024

    In this episode of Real World Peaceful Parenting, Lisa Smith delves into the concept of holding space, a powerful parenting tool that fosters emotional safety, trust, and connection between parents and children. Lisa explains how holding space allows kids to process their emotions without judgment or dismissal, building their self-esteem and teaching them to trust their feelings. With personal stories, practical tips, and insight into why holding space is essential, this episode equips parents with actionable tools to create a supportive emotional environment for their children.

    What You'll Learn:

    • What it means to "hold space" for your child and why it’s essential for emotional development.

    • How holding space builds trust and strengthens the parent-child relationship.

    • Practical techniques for staying calm and present during your child’s big emotions.

    • How to label feelings and encourage emotional intelligence in your kids.

    • The impact of breaking generational cycles of dismissing or fixing emotions, creating a new path for your family.

    • Why it’s okay to get it wrong and how progress, not perfection, is the goal in learning to hold space.

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    18 mins
  • 191: 5 Ways Your Thoughts Are Sabotaging Your Parenting
    Sep 4 2024

    In this episode of Real World Peaceful Parenting, Lisa Smith dives into the transformative power of parental energy and how the thoughts we allow to "rent space" in our minds directly shape our interactions with our children. Discover how your thoughts create feelings, which in turn lead to actions, and learn practical strategies to shift your energy to create a more peaceful and cooperative household. Lisa shares her personal experiences and provides actionable steps to help you harness your energy and transform your parenting approach.

    What You'll Learn:

    • The impact of parental energy on the family dynamic and how it sets the tone for your household.

    • How to recognize and reframe negative thoughts that affect your parenting.

    • The domino effect: how thoughts lead to feelings, and feelings lead to actions.

    • Practical strategies for shifting from negative to positive energy, including gratitude and affirmations.

    • Real-life examples of how changing your thoughts can transform challenging parenting situations.

    • Tips for setting daily energy intentions and conducting energy check-ins to maintain a positive parenting mindset.

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    23 mins
  • 190. The After-School Meltdown Rollercoaster: Buckle Up, Parents!
    Aug 28 2024

    In this episode of Real World Peaceful Parenting, we’re exploring the common but challenging experience of after-school meltdowns. My goal is to offer a fresh perspective on these emotional outbursts, and encourage parents to see them as a compliment to their safe and supportive parenting. I’ll share practical tips to help you navigate these tough moments with calm and compassion, turning the chaos into an opportunity for connection and growth. By understanding the emotional "backpacks" that children carry and providing a safe space for them to unpack, parents can strengthen their bond with their kids and foster emotional resilience.

    What You'll Learn:

    • How to shift your perspective on after-school meltdowns and view them as a compliment to your parenting

    • Effective strategies to manage your own emotions and stay calm during your child’s post-school outbursts

    • The importance of not taking your child’s behavior personally and recognizing that it’s about their experience, not your parenting

    • Practical tips to create a consistent after-school routine that supports your child’s emotional needs

    • How to become a safe space for your child to unpack their emotional "backpack" and strengthen your bond

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    17 mins
  • 189. Calm in the Storm: How Co-Regulation Can Strengthen Your Bond With Your Kid(s)
    Aug 21 2024

    In this episode of Real World Peaceful Parenting, we’re exploring the transformative concept of co-regulation and its vital role in creating a peaceful, connected family environment. I’m diving into the science and practical applications of co-regulation by sharing personal stories and client examples to illustrate how parents can use their calm presence to help their children navigate big emotions. Whether you're dealing with toddler tantrums or supporting a stressed college student, co-regulation offers a path to deeper connection and emotional resilience. By learning to regulate your own emotions, you can model this essential skill for your children, fostering a secure and supportive family dynamic.

    What You'll Learn:
    • What co-regulation is and why it's crucial for emotional development

    • How co-regulation starts from infancy and continues through adulthood

    • Practical tips for self-regulation as a parent to better support your child

    • The long-term benefits of modeling co-regulation for your children

    • How to recognize and address your own emotional triggers in parenting

    • Real-life examples of co-regulation in action and its impact on family dynamics

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    25 mins
  • 188. Conflict Resolution Made Easy
    Aug 14 2024

    In this episode of Real World Peaceful Parenting, I’m getting into a hot topic that affects many of us as parents: conflict management. Joined by special guest and mother of two, Kris, we explore strategies for managing conflicts between ourselves and our children, as well as tools to help teach our kids how to handle conflicts on their own. I introduce a powerful framework called Empowered Conversations, designed to help both parents and children approach conflicts with confidence and clarity. By the end of this episode, you'll have concrete tools to transform conflicts into opportunities for growth and connection within your family.

    What You'll Learn:

    • How to reframe conflict as an opportunity for growth rather than a battle to be won

    • The importance of understanding your feelings and what you want before addressing a conflict

    • Techniques to avoid catastrophizing and presuming the other person’s thoughts or feelings

    • The role of reflective listening in resolving conflicts and improving communication

    • Steps to implement the Empowered Conversations framework in your family interactions

    • How to model healthy conflict resolution for your children

    • Real-life examples of using these strategies to handle common conflicts at different stages of parenting

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    44 mins
  • 187. From Catastrophe to Calm: A Parent’s Guide
    Aug 7 2024

    In this episode of Real World Peaceful Parenting, I dive into a topic that affects many parents: catastrophizing.

    I’ll explain what catastrophizing is, how it impacts your parenting, and most importantly, how to overcome it. By learning to manage our thoughts and emotions, we can respond to our children with calmness and clarity instead of fear and anxiety.

    Join me as I share personal stories, practical strategies, and tips to break the habit of catastrophizing in order to create a more peaceful and balanced approach to parenting.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    • The definition and impact of catastrophizing, and how it relates to parenting

    • How to recognize when you’re catastrophizing so you can resist the urge

    • The importance of staying present and focusing on the current moment

    • Techniques to challenge and reframe catastrophic thoughts

    • Coping skills to manage catastrophizing, including mindfulness and deep breathing

    • Real-life examples of how catastrophizing manifests at different stages of parenting and how to address it

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    16 mins
  • 186. Transform Your Parenting with Three Magic Words
    Jul 31 2024

    In this episode of Real World Peaceful Parenting, I introduce a game-changing tool for parents: the simple phrase, "Tell me more." As a 16-year master certified parenting coach, I've seen firsthand how this powerful phrase can transform your interactions with your children, encouraging them to share their thoughts and feelings more openly. By using these three magic words, you can foster deeper connections, enhance communication, and create a safe space for your children to express themselves. Tune in to discover practical scenarios, tips for implementation, and the profound psychological benefits of this approach!

    In this episode, you will learn:

    • How the phrase "Tell me more" signals genuine interest and validation to your child

    • Practical scenarios for using "Tell me more" in everyday parenting situations

    • The psychological impact of feeling heard and understood, including the release of oxytocin

    • Tips for staying calm, avoiding judgment, and using active listening when employing this tool

    • How "Tell me more" can strengthen relationships beyond parenting, including with partners, friends, and colleagues

    • Real-life success stories from parents who have used this approach to improve their relationships with their children

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    15 mins