• Go In Excited + With All Your Heart
    May 25 2022

    In today's episode guest Jess Goswick and I dive into what her current challenge is and how she is overcoming it. We cover an array of topics, including her struggle to stay focused, how she works through that, what keeps her motivated, advice for others struggling to stay focused, where her inspiration comes from for homeschooling her kids, her input on how to do whatever it is you are wanting to do, self-love, and much more. I hope you enjoy, and remember always remain REAL. xx Josie 

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    47 mins
  • How To Get The Life You Dream Of
    May 18 2022

    In today's episode guest Talia Cassell and I dive into what her current challenge is and how she is overcoming it. We cover an array of topics, including how she is working on building success each day, the importance of building healthy habits, what success means to her, ways you can overcome negative self talk, what keeps her motived each day, advice on how to build your own success and the life you dream of, what it's like being an entrepreneur and owning her own photography business, and much more. I hope you enjoy, and remember always remain REAL. xx Josie

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    42 mins
  • Are You Striving to Find Your Purpose?
    May 11 2022

    In today's episode guest Katie Morris and I dive into what her current challenge is, and how she is going about overcoming it. We cover an array of topics, including working a 9-5 job versus working from anywhere and everywhere, the strive she feels to find purpose in her work and her everyday life, social media and the comparison that comes along with it, what it's being the videographer for her husband’s golf channel, her goal with health and wellness brand The Remarkable Women, golf and our personal experiences with it and much more. I hope you enjoy, and remember always remain REAL. Xx Josie

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    45 mins
  • Looking Back, Forward, and All Around
    May 4 2022

    In today's episode guest Adison Woods and I dive into what her current challenge is and how she is overcoming it. We discuss many things from how she feels she has failed in following her road map she made for her life, her struggle with comparing the choices she has made to those around her, the pressure of feeling like she has to be in a relationship or that she should have been by now, the weight she feels in regards to attending her schools sporting events, as well as my take on it from a homeschoolers point of view and much more. I hope you enjoy, and remember always remain REAL. xx Josie

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    30 mins
  • What Do You Really Want To Do?
    Apr 27 2022

    In today's episode guest Sarah Bagarah and I dive deep into what her current challenge is, and how she is going about overcoming it. We discuss many things from whether her real name is Sarah “Bagarah" or not, her job and how it isn't the typical thing you picture doing when you're young, her struggle of sorting through what she could do versus what she should do, how she is working on enjoying the little simple things in life, who inspires her, our hot takes on the homeschool stereotype, and much more. I hope you enjoy, and remember always remain REAL. xx Josie

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    29 mins
  • Honestly...it’s really about what’s on the inside
    Apr 20 2022

    In today's episode I dive deep into what my current challenge in life right now is, and how I am overcoming it. I discuss many things from low self confidence, that what's on the inside is what matters, why I started this podcast, the journey of writing The Flower Child, where my inspiration comes from, underrated snacks, weird phrases & more. I hope you enjoy, & remember always remain REAL. xx Josie 

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    21 mins
  • Real Talk Podcast Trailer
    Mar 27 2022

    Welcome to the Real Talk podcast, where we discuss some of life’s biggest challenges. Hosted by me, Josephine Kennedy, author of The Flower Child Poetry. Each week a different guest will answer the question “what is your biggest challenge in your life right now, and what are you doing to overcome it?” My goal is to feature all types of people, from all walks of life, and all different ages and to have real and honest conversations about life and all the things in between. I hope to leave my listeners questioning, possibly crying, more than likely laughing, and getting real with themselves. I am so glad you’re here :) COMING APRIL 20th !!!

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    1 min