• Fierce Energy Healing Through Reiki | Brandon Hadwin | Reach Minds - Thoughts for you Life Journey
    Feb 27 2025

    Fierce Energy Healing Through Rekhi

    Welcome to our episode of ‘Reach Minds: Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’ podcast. In today’s session, we will explore energy healing using different modalities to access our creativity through Reiki practice. Research suggests that more people are turning to Reiki for help with mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. Energy healing aids in activating the body's own healing system by addressing toxins and blockages in certain areas. By assisting the body and mind in what they need to do, a detoxification effect takes place.

    About Brandon Hadwin

    Today, I am joined by Brandon Hadwin, an independent practitioner based in Hackney who has been treating people with Reiki since 2020. Brandon believes in the power of energy to heal and balance the body, mind, and spirit, as well as aiding our soul's growth. He is a Shihan-Kaku (teacher) certified by the UK Jikiden Reiki Association, a Kundalini Activation Facilitator, and an Anusha Healing Master Teacher. He views energy healing as a way to “learn to love ourselves.” Aiding us in coming back home to our truest self. Brandon is a member of the LGBTQ community and a woman-safe Reiki practitioner.

    In this podcast, we pose the following questions on energy healing through Reiki

    • Where did your interest in healing come from?
    • Why Reiki?
    • What does a Reiki practitioner do?
    • What are some of the practical benefits have you observed in others when they receive Reiki?
    • What tips or resources would you offer for someone who wants to start practicing Reiki?

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

    Reiki Article: https://hackneypost.co.uk/the-hackney-local-tackling-the-mental-health-pandemic-with-traditional-reiki/

    Website: www.healingwithbrandon.com

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    21 mins
  • Fierce Self-Compassion | Zoe Shobbrook-Fisher | Reach Minds - Thoughts for your Life Journey
    Feb 20 2025

    Welcome to our episode of ‘Reach Minds: Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’ podcast. In today’s session, we will explore the significance of fierce self-compassion – so compassion not just as a means of self-soothing and self-kindness, but also as a powerful catalyst for taking practical actions and standing up for ourselves. Fierce self-compassion emphasizes the importance of support, allyship, and community in overcoming challenges with practical applications.

    About Zoe Shobbroook-Fisher

    Today, I am joined by Zoe Shobbroook-Fisher, whom I met back in 2016 when I attended her 8-week MBSR course. She helped me start my journey into mindful practice. Zoe's wish is to share mindfulness and compassion approaches for greater well-being and joy in a way that is accessible, personal, and with integrity.

    Zoe is a Certified Mindful Self-Compassion teacher, mentor and teacher trainer . She trained in teaching Mindfulness at Bangor University and is a co-Director at The Mindfulness Project. She leads retreats for The Mindfulness Network, and trains teachers for the Sussex Mindfulness Centre. She runs courses in workplace and community settings, health-based charities and for NHS staff and patients. Taking care of her own wellbeing includes making time for her lifelong love of creativity and play with amongst other things singing and song writing, and conscious dance. She’s also an accredited counsellor/psychotherapist with the BACP.

    In this podcast, we pose the following questions on fierce self-compassion:

    • What does fierce self-compassion mean, and how does it differ from what we might normally think of as self-compassion?
    • What might be some of the symptoms where a person might begin to recognize that they need to practice fierce self-compassion?
    • What might be some of the practical applications of fierce self-compassion?
    • What are some of the modalities a person can access in practicing fierce self-compassion?
    • What benefits have you observed in others when they practice fierce self-compassion?
    • What tips or resources would you offer for someone to start fierce self-compassion?

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

    Website https://gomindfully.org/

    Blog link https://gomindfully.org/fierce-compassion-the-other-love-that-can-change-the-world/

    Links for courses https://www.londonmindful.com/


    Kristin Neff, Fierce Self-Compassion: How Women Can Harness Kindness To Speak Up, Claim Their Power, And Thrive

    Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer, Mindful Self-Compassion for Burnout

    A mindfulness and compassion membership community : In Good Company here

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    23 mins
  • Following You Passion | Jennifer Shipside | Reachminds - Thoughts for your Life Journey
    Feb 13 2025
    Welcome to our 17th episode 'Reach Minds Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' podcast. In this podcast we will be exploring about discovering your passion in your work, whether you are someone who is at the beginning of their work journey or heading into retirement. Today I am joined by Jennifer Shipside. Jennifer has over 25 years of experience as an executive coach and leadership team facilitator. She enables people to recognise and play to their strengths, to make more of a difference with their life and work. In this podcast we pose the questions below on following your passion:Why is passion important?Is there a particular belief and values people who have passion hold about themselves? E.g. is it innate or learnt? What can someone do to find out what their passion is? What happens if someone hasn’t found their passion? What tips, resources would you offer to others Spot your own strengths Set yourself the task of noticing how many strengths you can spot in yourself in your normal day-to-day interactions and making a note of them. Notice that when you’re talking about your strengths, you’re more energised and engaged, compared to your weaknesses where your energy levels drop, and you may become more withdrawn. Discuss your observations with others to get their perspectives and ask them what they see as your strengths. Ask someone to ask you the questions below, and to make some bullet-point notes for you, to give to you afterwards:Pay attentionWhat do you naturally gravitate towards doing? When are you energised and engaged?Where and when do you learn quickly?What have you repeatedly done well in the past?Ask some Curious Questions When you’re asked the Curious Questions below, what happens to your energy, noise levels, body language? When you’re at your best, what’s happening? What’s the best day you can remember having?What was happening? Who was involved? What results did you get?What was the impact on others?What would you do for free if you had to, because it would be painful for you not to?When do you feel most like your ‘real’ self?What are you most looking forward to in the future?Use these questions to help others recognise and own their strength.SAYING A NICE NO – OR NOT YETYou want to make the most difference with your time. So, you first need to be clear about the goals you want to achieve, at work and outside. Then you need to spend your time only on doing the most important things that will help you achieve your goals.That means prioritizing. It means you choose what you say“Yes!” to.Below are some ways to break the habit of automatically saying “Yes!”. They will enable you to say instead an acceptable“No” or“Not yet”.Your goal is to break your automatic habit.Pause and check in with your feelings - always.Instead of saying“Yes!” automatically, pause. Breathe in and check how you’re feeling about the request - always.Play for time.“I’d love to help. Let me check with my diary/my team/my manager, and I’ll come back to you.”Practice saying “No” or “Not yet.”Work out who you automatically jump to say “Yes!” toEducate them about what’s involved.“We’ll need to drop everything/pay overtime/work late to deliver this in 24 hours. Normally we’d need 72 hours to do it”. The next time they ask with too little notice, you’ve given yourself permission to point out the 72-hour deadline. (You may need toAND IF YOU HAVE TO SAY YES…Negotiate the deadline.“I won’t have time to get it done by Tuesday, but I could do it by Thursday morning.”Make a counteroffer.“I can’t do this, but I could do that.”Limit your personal involvement.“I can’t do it all by Tuesday. But I could do this bit, if you/someone else does the other bit.”Resources Mentioned in This Episode:⁠jcshipside@gmail.com⁠⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-shipside-2052a97/⁠Four Thousand Weeks: Embrace your limits. Change your life. Make your four thousand weeks count.⁠Oliver Burkeman
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    16 mins
  • Restoring Balance Holistic Health | Dani Benjamin | Reach Minds - Thoughts for your Life Journey
    Feb 6 2025

    Episode 16 - Restoring balance holistic health

    Welcome to the ‘Reach Minds: Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’ podcast. Today, I am joined by Dani Benjamin to explore how to restore balance through practical methods in diet and lifestyle as well as addressing energetic blockages that hinder the natural healing process. We will address physical, mental/emotional, and belief systems that bear no service in the present, along with practical tips to restore this balance.

    About Dani Benjamin

    Dani's journey into holistic health began early in her life, though she was unconscious of it at the time. She always cooked from scratch and had a deep understanding of how food quality and provenance impact health. Dani took responsibility for her health and that of her family, nurturing a genuine feedback loop through her clear and deep connection with her body.

    Dani studied full-time for three years at The College of Natural Medicine and is an Asyra Bioresonance Practitioner. She also runs a yearly Panchakarma retreat in India that consists of the traditional Ayurvedic cleansing and detoxing programme. Dani’s professional training and spiritual journey have been guided by spiritual teachers such as Gabor Mate and A. H. Almaas and a continuous study with The Builders of the Adytum into Qabbalah Psychology and Ageless Wisdom

    I first encountered Dani when I felt my body and mind were not aligned, and I was experiencing general symptoms of unwellness. Through our work together, I was able to take charge of what was going on in my body and focus on what was important. Since then, I have not looked back.

    In this podcast, we pose the following questions in restoring balance holistic health

    • How did your holistic health journey begin and what inspired you to pursue this field?
    • What inspired you to specialize in your practice?
    • How have you seen your practice benefit your clients and what might be the need that your clients are filling?
    • What tips or resources would you offer to others to tap into holistic health?
    • What is your favourite quote or life motto?

    Blessed be the cracked for they let in the light’

    “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

    Viktor E. Frankl

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

    Learn more about Dani’s upcoming retreat here: https://www.thevitalsauce.co.uk/panchakarma

    The Myth of Normal Gabor Mate

    When the Body Says No Gabor Mate

    The Diamond Approach an Introduction to the Teachings of AH Almaas - John Davis

    Harmonic Resonance Healing Level 2 Practitioner - Simon Hinton

    The Kybalion - The Three Initiates

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    21 mins
  • Imposter Syndrome | Coreene Archer | Reach Minds - Thoughts for your Life Journey
    Jan 30 2025

    Welcome to the Reach Minds: Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey podcast. Today, we'll dive into the topic of Imposter Syndrome: when it occurs, how to recognize it, and strategies to manage it. Imposter Syndrome has gained prominence recently within organizations and among individuals. But does it show up the same way for everyone?

    In this podcast we pose the following questions on Imposter Syndrome?

    • How would you define Imposter syndrome?
    • I know we have had a few brief discussion on Imposter syndrome What made you get interested in Imposter syndrome?
    • What are the common triggers for Imposter syndrome?
    • What part do you think culture and society play in having Imposter syndrome if any?
    • What are some of the ways an individual can recognise when Imposter syndrome emerges for them?

    Is it connected to belonging and identity? And when we talk about Imposter Syndrome, do we all mean the same thing?

    Imposter Syndrome manifests differently for each person and can be closely tied to feelings of belonging and identity. Recognizing and addressing it requires understanding these personal nuances and fostering environments where individuals feel secure to express and confront these feelings.

    Let's delve into these questions and uncover practical ways to navigate and manage Imposter Syndrome effectively.

    Today, I am joined today by Coreene Archer, who is a Principal Consultant & Executive Coach: Coreene is a trained OD consultant and executive coach whose work is rooted in over 20 years of management experience, developing systems and individuals. She has worked with several organisations across sectors including public, private, arts and VCSE sector organisations. These include several universities, small and large charities, NHS systems and individuals, arts and media organisations. Coreene has a strong curiosity about organisational life and about what is said and what remains unsaid. She is interested in what organisations do to individuals and how to make the experience of working life better across a range of sectors, with a particular focus on the role of visible and hidden “difference” plays in identity construction and how leadership emerges. She has a Master's degree in Group Dynamics and postgraduate qualifications in executive coaching, leadership and supervision. Coreene is also leading on the development and delivery of the Launching Young Leaders Programme which is a new conference aimed at helping young people to explore issues of role and leadership. She is an experienced facilitator and teacher who delivers a number of programmes helping others develop skills in these areas. Coreene is in the final stage of her PhD programme.

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

    You can find out more about Coreene Archer by going on to the Tavistock institute human relations website https://www.tavinstitute.org

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    22 mins
  • Equine Guided Leadership | Sumit Rai | Reach Minds - Thoughts for your Life Journey
    Jan 23 2025

    Podcast – On Equine Guided Leadership

    Welcome to our episode of 'Reach Minds: Thoughts for Your Life's Journey' podcast. In today's session, we are going to explore Equine Guided Leadership (EGL) experience. Equine Guided Leadership (EGL) is a unique experiential learning approach that leverages the innate sensitivity and responsiveness of horses to help individuals and teams develop enhanced leadership skills. Equine Guided Leadership has been described as a unique and powerful learning experience that can help individuals and teams develop the essential skills and qualities needed for effective leadership in today's complex and dynamic world.

    About Sumit

    I am joined today by Sumit Rai, who his currently working as Chief Product Officer at Blackbird. PLC. In 2012, Sumit was the CEO and Founder of Kulu Valley, when he undertook and experienced Equine Leadership training. Sumit shares what he learned about himself and how he learnt to lead others. This experience had such a profound impact on him that he took his whole leadership team through this experience. We explore what unique insights, benefits he and his team gained and how this has continued to directly enhance their leadership skills.

    In this podcast, we pose the following questions on the experience of

    Equine Guided leadership

    1. What was the catalyst for doing this leadership intervention? Why horses?
    2. How would you describe this experience to someone who knows nothing about Equine guided leadership ?
    3. What did you learn, what did your team learn?
    4. 12 years on what has been the lasting impact and transformation of this experiential learning
    5. How do you think it has transformed your leadership approach?
    6. What piece of wisdom could you share with someone wanting to do this experiential learning?

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode:



    Equine guided development https://www.globalwarriors.com/equine-guided-development

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    29 mins
  • Horses and Personal Development | David Harris | Reach Minds- Thoughts for your Life Journey
    Jan 16 2025

    Experiences with Horses on Personal and Leadership Development

    Welcome to the Reach Minds: Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey podcast. In this episode, we will explore how working with horse can help us to gain deep unique insights and be a transformative in accessing our presence and authenticity in personal growth.

    My guest today is David Harris who is the Head of Horses Wisdom and Magic at Global Warriors.

    In this podcast we pose the following questions on working with horses and the energy they sense:

    • How did you get into working with horses?
    • Why horses?
    • What does the concept of "presence" mean? Where does the sense of energy come from?
    • What experience have you witnessed when working with horses?
    • How do you get people to access their unconscious mind?
    • What happens when people resist the work? How do the horses respond?
    • What tips and insights would you give to people who want to start this work with horses?

    David has been working with horses in the last 20 years. David’s own journey started when he felt misaligned to the work, he was doing despite brining him great success. He also struggled with self-doubt, and it was only when he had started working with horses that a shift in his energy and mindset occurred. Since then, David has not looked back!

    Words of Warrior Wisdom:

    Be yourself, everyone else in taken.

    About David Harris – He has over 29 years’ experience in the corporate domain, with focus on leadership, experiential learning and high performing teams. He has a wealth of experience in running multimillion-pound organisations, project/programme management, account management and sales.

    Known for his relaxed, encouraging and patient manner, he is undeniably passionate about people and their ability to achieve their goals in the way that works best for them. David says, “All I want is for people to feel comfortable - to be themselves.”  

    His broad business experience, together with excellent NLP, coaching and training abilities provide clients with an extremely powerful coaching/training experience.

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode: I did not actual mention any resources but her are a few things that have inspired me

    • Adventures in awareness – Barbara Rector (Book)
    • Natural Passages - Herb Stevenson (Podcast)
    • A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles - Marianne Williamson (Book)
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    25 mins
  • What is Kindness? | Joseph Ogbonna | Reach Minds: Thoughts For Your Life Journey
    Jan 9 2025

    Episode 12 – What is Kindness?

    Happy New Year and welcome to the 12th episode of ‘Reach Minds: Thoughts for Your Life’s Journey’ podcast. Today, I am delighted to have Joseph Ogbonna as my guest. In this episode, Joseph and I will explore the concept of kindness—a simple yet profound idea that can bring numerous benefits to both us and others. We will delve into the various aspects of kindness and discuss whether it can sometimes be perceived as a ‘weakness,’ potentially preventing us from acting kindly.

    In this podcast, we pose the following questions about kindness:

    • What is kindness?

    • Is kindness a choice?

    • What are the benefits of kindness?

    • What are some acts of kindness, and do they always need to be big or can they be small?

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode:





    • BBC The anatomy of kindness 30th of March 2022

    • BBC The anatomy of kindness 23rd of March 2022

    • BBC The kindness experiment 28th of June 2021

    • The power of kindness the unexpected benefits of leading a compassionate life Piero Ferrucci 2006

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    27 mins