• A Journey of Hope, Health & Healing: How Sarah McCabe Transformed Her Life
    Aug 23 2024

    In this deeply moving and inspiring episode with Sarah McCabe, a 40-something mother of three, Acupuncturist, Chinese Medicine Practitioner, and business owner based in Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland. Sarah shares her remarkable journey from surviving a life-altering road traffic accident in her early 20s to finding hope, healing, and emotional freedom through the practice of acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

    Key Discussion Points:

    Defining Emotional Freedom:

    Sarah delves into what emotional freedom means to her, highlighting it as a state of being where one is no longer bound by the pain, trauma, or limitations imposed by past experiences. She shares how her understanding of emotional freedom evolved through her healing journey, emphasising its importance in leading a fulfilling and abundant life.

    A Life-Changing Moment:

    Sarah recounts the pivotal moment when she had to confront her GP with the words, “If something can’t be done, I will not be here next week.” This powerful statement led to her referral to a pain management clinic, where she was first introduced to acupuncture, a decision that would ultimately change the course of her life.

    The Transformative Power of Acupuncture:

    From the very first acupuncture session, Sarah felt a profound difference, a knowing that something had shifted for the better. This experience sparked her interest in Chinese medicine and set her on the path to becoming a specialist in the field. Sarah discusses how acupuncture not only helped her manage physical pain but also played a crucial role in her emotional and spiritual healing.

    Overcoming the Odds:

    Despite being told she would never walk again, advised against having children, and warned of a life dominated by excruciating pain, Sarah’s resilience and determination led her to defy the odds. She shares the challenges and triumphs of her journey, offering listeners a powerful message of hope and the belief in the body’s incredible capacity to heal.

    A Lifelong Commitment to Healing:

    Sarah’s dedication to learning about natural healing methods and living with ease and abundance is evident in her continued education and practice. She shares insights from her training and experiences, aiming to inspire others to find their own path to healing and emotional freedom.

    Vulnerability and Strength:

    This episode is a testament to the strength found in vulnerability. Sarah’s willingness to share her story with raw honesty provides listeners with a sense of connection and encouragement, reminding us all that even in our darkest moments, there is always hope.

    Key Messages

    The journey to emotional freedom is deeply personal and often begins in the most unexpected places.

    Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can offer profound healing, not just for the body, but for the mind and soul as well.

    Even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, hope, determination, and a willingness to explore alternative paths can lead to extraordinary outcomes.

    Connect with Sarah McCabe:

    Hope Health Healing Acupuncture


    Sarah McCabe’s story is one of true grit, hope, and the transformative power of believing in your ability to heal. Whether you’re struggling with physical pain, emotional wounds, or simply seeking a more abundant life, this episode is sure to inspire and empower you on your own journey.

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    50 mins
  • A Life Changing Journey to Bali
    Aug 15 2024

    In this solo episode, I take you on a deeply personal journey of awakening, discovery, and transformation. Join me as I share the pivotal moments that have shaped my path, from receiving profound messages to encountering unexpected visitors, all leading up to a spectacular storm that marked a turning point in my life. This episode is all about stepping into my true purpose and embracing the power within.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Messages of the Journey:

    Reflecting on the significant messages I've received along my journey.

    How these messages have guided me and shifted my perspective on life and purpose.

    The Awakening to Visitors:

    Sharing the experience of awakening to the presence of visitors in my life.
    What these visitors represent and how they've influenced my spiritual and personal growth.

    The Spectacular Storm:

    A vivid recount of the storm that served as a metaphorical and literal catalyst for change.
    How this storm helped me confront fears, release old patterns, and embrace transformation.

    Stepping into My True Purpose and Power:

    Discussing the process of stepping fully into my purpose.

    The power that comes with aligning with one's true path and the challenges faced along the way.

    Encouragement for listeners to find and embrace their own purpose and power.

    Listen to this episode if:

    • You're on a journey of self-discovery and seeking inspiration to embrace your true purpose.
    • You believe in the power of signs, messages, and spiritual encounters.
    • You're ready to confront your fears and step into your power.

    Don't Miss an Episode:

    If you enjoyed this episode, make sure to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast platform! By subscribing, you'll never miss out on future episodes filled with insights, inspiration, and powerful stories of transformation.

    Tune in now to explore these transformative experiences and discover how you, too, can step into your true purpose and power.

    Connect with Me:


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    37 mins
  • "Boundaries and Beyond: Holly Holland’s Empath Journey"
    Jul 10 2024

    Holly Rose Holland is an intuitive author, grief transition coach, international speaker, former spouse, parent, and grief survivor.

    While moving through the grief process herself, she noticed that people often become stuck when processing death, difficult relationships, employment-related issues, and even changes within themselves. She practises wellness through nature, and intuition, and travels to share her gifts with the world.

    Holly’s purpose is to help people find their voice and raise awareness of domestic violence, bring people together to create solutions for safety and peace in their every day life.

    Holly’s first book is called Keep Moving, Creating a Life After Loss (2020, Sapphire Seahorse Press). Having always loved writing, she finds writing to be therapeutic for herself and others, as a means of expressing grief and creating a new life. Best-seller The Business of Connection (2020, ENE) is her first anthology. You can also find the Holly’s writing in The Colours of Me (2021, MMH Press) and Hear Us Roar Lion Edition (2024, Serenity Press).

    Her novel on domestic violence is in editing, publication date to be announced. Other books are coming, including a children's story waiting to be written for fifty years. Holly is delighted to be a co-author in Unstoppable Stories by Geraldine McGrath.

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    54 mins
  • Journey Within with Leanne Murner
    Jul 4 2024

    Leanne Murner is a global-award-winning author, international speaker, publisher, and mentor based in Newcastle, NSW, and mother to five boys.

    Leanne Murner works with women helping tell their stories along their healing journeys.

    With a compassionate and empowering approach, Leanne guides women in exploring and articulating their personal experiences, enabling them to find strength and resilience.

    Through workshops, retreats one-on-one mentorship, and her own published works, she creates a safe space for women to express themselves, fostering personal growth, emotional healing and transforming their pain into powerful stories of triumph and transformation.


    Where to find Leanne Murner

    IG: planetaryhealing_au

    IG: leannemurnerauthor

    IG: planetary_press_publishing

    New websites coming soon

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    53 mins
  • Radiate Realness with Mariam Houli
    Mar 29 2024

    Award-winning author, internationally renowned speaker, dedicated mentor, entrepreneur, and proud mother of five.Mariam Elhouli is on a mission to save the world one book at a time

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    1 hr and 14 mins
  • Radiate Realness with Elisabeth Gabauer
    Mar 27 2024

    Elisabeth Gabauer is an international speaker, bestselling author and Therapist,
    located near Vienna. She supports women to reclaim their essence, their inner truth
    and build their life up on that. In every area of their life, business as well as in private
    life, or in motherhood.
    She believes that if a woman knows her worth and is guided by her inner truth, she is
    Her passion is to bring women together for empowerment and sisterhood.
    She is 43 years old and a mother of two girls. Due to her family history, she was
    interested in psychotherapy and body therapy from a very early age. She has been
    practicing yoga and meditation ever since the age of sixteen, always fascinated by
    the connection between body and mind. The suffering of women in her family,
    especially the suffering and illness of her mother, brought her to the profession of

    She has already been working as a bodytherapist (osteopathy), life
    coach/psychological counseling and psychotherapist for more than 20 years and She
    has been active as a Birth Doula for 17 years. She gave birth to the „Weiberkraft“
    movement, now patented. This movement is a regular get together of women in
    sisterhood to create and support each other. She also give birth to a podcast called
    „Frauencouch“, which gives woman the possibility to tell their stories to empower
    others. Moreover She accompanies women for 12 months in their personal
    development in her program „The Feminine Alchemy“
    Elisabeth does a lot of training in systemic family therapy and trauma therapy. She is
    currently doing her master’s degree and also a big scientific study at the Sigmund
    Freud University in Vienna. It’s all about women’s needs in a toxic society.
    She is a co-author of 4 books and actually working on her book “Being nice can kill
    you – and how reclaiming your essence can save your life”, hopefully published in
    summer this year.

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    55 mins
  • Radiate Realness with Jenna Hastie
    Mar 6 2024

    Jenna Hastie, a beacon of resilience and transformative healing, began her nursing journey in 2003
    at Glasgow Caledonian University, where her passion ignited. Her career, a testament to love and
    dedication, reached its pinnacle as a trainee Advanced Nurse Practitioner in a General Practice,
    surrounded by an extraordinary team and appreciative patients.

    Jenna Hastie's personal journey, a poignant tale of resilience, began in 2012 when mystery
    symptoms of fatigue, brain fog, lethargy, and migraines took hold. Despite seeking answers, doctors
    dismissed these concerns, attributing them to the challenges of motherhood. It wasn't until 2016,
    during her stint as an Emergency Nurse Practitioner, that Jenna finally received diagnoses of chronic
    fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

    Navigating a demanding career, Jenna faced the relentless impact of these conditions. In 2019, while
    working in primary care as a trainee Advanced Nurse Practitioner, she received the diagnosis of axial
    spondyloarthritis. The conventional treatments offered little solace, prompting Jenna to forge a
    unique path to healing, a journey that would lead her to profound self-discovery and transformation.

    Her narrative takes a harrowing turn as she confronts the limitations of Western medicine, enduring
    the side effects of medications and the toll on her body. In the face of debilitating illness, Jenna
    contemplated the unthinkable but found strength in love and a flicker of hope. A profound shift
    occurred as she embraced the power of mindset and neuroscience, rewiring her brain and
    envisioning a life beyond the confines of illness.

    Jenna's journey of self-healing seamlessly merged her extensive medical knowledge with
    neuroscience, ancient wisdom, and spiritual practices. The resulting 3D healing method, a holistic
    approach addressing the mind, body, and soul, became her lifeline. As she untangled the intricate
    connections between thoughts, emotions, and well-being, Jenna experienced a remarkable
    transformation. Her journey to remission, medication-free and pain-free, defied the expectations of
    a chronic and progressive autoimmune disease.

    Emerged from the depths of despair, Jenna's newfound purpose extends beyond hospital walls. Her
    calling transcends the confines of a medical profession, reaching into the shadows of chronic illness
    to guide others on their path of healing and transformation. The 3D healing method, rooted in
    the understanding of limiting beliefs, nutritional imbalances, chronic stress, and the soul's
    dimensions, offers a beacon of hope.

    Transitioning from the conventional path, Jenna embarked on a profound mission—to unravel the
    mysteries of autoimmune and chronic diseases. With a keen focus on hidden triggers often
    overlooked by Western medicine, she delved into the complexities of conditions like fibromyalgia
    and chronic fatigue syndrome. Jenna's expertise extended beyond fixed or irreversible root causes,
    exploring the enigma that eludes conventional understanding.

    Jenna invites others to recognize the immense power within—the power to paint a masterpiece of
    resilience and strength on the canvas of past experiences. Her message resonates: the journey of
    healing involves synchronising the dimensions of being—mind, body, and soul. With unwavering
    conviction, Jenna implores individuals to embrace their ability to transform pain into power and
    challenges into catalysts for growth.

    In the radiant light of Jenna Hastie's journey, she stands as a testament to the inherent power within
    each individual—a power to heal, to transform, and to illuminate the path to a brighter reality.

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    55 mins
  • How We Created the 'Unstoppable Stories Anthology' Book in Just 4 Months"
    Mar 6 2024
    "Unleashing an Unstoppable Vision: How We Created the 'Unstoppable Stories Anthology' in Just 4 Months"

    Unleashing an Unstoppable Vision: How we Created the “Unstoppable Stories Anthology” in just 4 Months.

    In September 2023, a pivotal moment arrived when my podcast, "Radiate Realness," won the “Outstanding Podcaster of the Year” award on World Suicide Prevention Day. I dedicated it to those lost to suicide, reinforcing the podcast's mission to spark vital conversations on the subject.

    Motivated to deepen my impact, I envisioned an anthology titled "Unstoppable Stories," composed of narratives from twenty-five inspiring women, with royalties supporting suicide prevention education.

    A productive October 2024 meeting with my publisher set a deadline to bring these powerful women together, aiming for a meaningful pre-release at Crom Castle, Ireland.

    This venture taught me the importance of valuing all connections, for their future potential is boundless.

    Alignment was key, the contributors needed to share a heartfelt energetic connection with myself and the anthology's mission. The project was a merging of inspired thoughts, intention, discipline, and focused action.

    "Unstoppable Stories" is now a reality, an International Best Selling Anthology, featuring twenty- five powerful narratives and special chapters, with all royalties contributing to the fight against suicide. It's a testimony to collective strength and the enduring impact of shared visions.


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    31 mins