A group of speech and language therapists (SLTs) tell us why they believe the answer is yes. We hear about a survey of SLTs in the UK on their views of this question and find out about attitudes in Germany, Australia and wider.
Carol Moxam, Senior Lecturer, Newcastle University & Director of The Children’s Speech & Language Clinic
Claire D’Urban-Jackson, Dually qualified SLT with a postgraduate certificate (Level 7) in Language Literacies & Dyslexia, Knowl Hill School
Prof. Pamela Snow, Prof. of Cognitive Psychology, La Trobe University
Sarah-Maria Thumbeck, SLT in a rehabilitation center, research at Uni Erfurt (PhD project on looking at text level reading comprehension in persons with aphasia)
• Stephenson, C., Serry, T.A. & Snow, P.C. (2023). Teachers’ perspectives of the role & scope of practice of speech-language pathologists working to support literacy in the early years of school. International Journal of Speech Language Pathology, doi.org/10.1080/17549507.2023.2250934%20, Published online 2023.
• Stephenson, C., Serry, T.A. & Snow, P.C. (2023). Australian speech-language pathologists’ self-rated confidence, knowledge & skill on constructs essential to practising in literacy with children & adolescents. International Journal of Speech Language Pathology, Published online April 28, 2023. doi.org/10.1080/17549507.2023.2202839
• McLean E., Snow, P. & Serry, T. (2021). Dual-qualified teachers and speech-language therapists reflect on preparation and practice in school-based language and literacy. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 37(3), 249-263. doi.org/10.1177/0265659021995543
• Snow, P.C. (2016). Elizabeth Usher Memorial Lecture: Language is literacy is language. Positioning Speech Language Pathology in education policy, practice, paradigms, & polemics. International Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 18(3), 216-228. DOI: doi.org/10.3109/17549507.2015.1112837.
• pamelasnow.blogspot.com/2019/01/why-d…ologists.html
Literacy for everyday life:
• Rosebrock, C. (2012). Was ist Lesekompetenz, und wie kann sie gefördert werden? [Online-Plattform für Literalität]. Leseforum.ch. www.leseforum.ch/myUploadData/fil…_3_Rosebrock.pdf
• Rosebrock, C., & Nix, D. (2020). Grundlagen der Lesedidaktik und der systematischen schulischen Leseförderung (9., aktualisierte Neuauflage). Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmbH.
• Snow, C. E. (2002). Reading for understanding: Toward an R&D program in reading comprehension (Science & Technology Policy Institute (Rand Corporation), Hrsg.). Rand.
• Parr, S. (1995). Everyday reading & writing in aphasia: Role change & the influence of pre-morbid literacy practice. Aphasiology, 9(3), Article 3. doi.org/10.1080/026
Please be aware that the views expressed are those of the guests and not the RCSLT.
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