
  • Person, Suffering, Knowledge, Good and bad, Irreducibles, Happiness, Evolution
    Nov 2 2023

    1 - Path of knowledge completely destroys a person. True or false? 2 - Only false can be seen or known. True or false? 3 - If ignorance causes suffering, how are many ignorant people happy? 4 - How does emptiness become existence? 5 - Experiencer never knows anything. True or false? 6 - Why is the experiencer tolerating bad experiences? 7 - Experiences are of one kind, then why is there a difference in their qualities? 8 - How do senses convert vibrations into irreducibles? 9 - Which layers are responsible for happiness? 10 - When existence is whole and perfect, why is there a need to evolve?

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    41 mins
  • Consensus, Will, Memory Bridge, Synchronicity
    Aug 7 2023

    1 – What is achieved on the path of knowledge? 2 – What is the use of truth? 3 – Where is your nature after death? 4 – The Experiencer wants happiness and freedom. True or false? 5 – How was Existence created? 6 – If all experiences are mental, how can others have the same experiences as me? 7 – What causes formation of layers in the memory? 8 – Where is this creature evolving to? 9 – Which part of the existence is not explained by vibrations? 10 – Which states are true states of memory? 11 - How to use the free will? 12 - What are memory bridges? 13 - Why do Synchronicities happen? Join the online meetings : https://gyanmarg.guru

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    47 mins
  • Knowledge, Unseen, Omnipresence, Events, Peace, Bliss
    May 10 2023

    The path of knowledge portal https://gyanmarg.guru

    00:00:00 1 - Where is knowledge stored? 00:09:22 2 - What preparations are necessary before joining the path of knowledge? 00:10:32 3 - Experience or logic – which one is more important for gaining knowledge? 00:12:35 4 - That which is seen is false, this means the unseen things are true. True or false? 00:18:32 5 - Why did the Existence divide into two? 00:18:46 6 - The Experiencer is everywhere, then why do we only see experiences everywhere, not the Experiencer? 00:25:29 7 - Events have a beginning and an end, but the Experience has no beginning and end. True or false? 00:27:10 8 - Vibration is the cause of all experiences. Explain. 00:27:27 9 - What are the processes that make the memory semi-stable? 00:27:56 10 - Which states are necessary for faster evolution of the layered structure? 00:28:40 11 - What is the meaning of peace and bliss in the context of the Experiencer?


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    35 mins
  • Suffering, Perfection, States, Beauty, Intuition, Emptiness, Senses, Tests
    Mar 30 2023

    The path of knowledge portal https://gyanmarg.guru

    00:00:00 Sathya's Test 00:08:28 Poornima's Test 00:22:00 1 - What causes ignorance? 00:23:47 2 - Where is knowledge? 00:23:53 3 - Knowledge can destroy mental suffering, but not bodily suffering. Why? 00:33:58 4 - Who knows the knower? 00:34:13 5 - Experiencer resides in a separate dimension, not in this world. True or false? 00:35:41 6 - Everyday new forms appear in the Existence. Then is it right to say that Existence is already whole and complete? 00:41:28 7 - Experiences are ever changing, but why are the person and the world are so stable? 00:44:13 8 - Which state remains when all other states come and go? 00:48:36 9 - Which part of the Existence is not explained by the model of the illusion? 00:49:14 10 - What makes the illusion so beautiful and captivating? 00:52:31 11 - What is the role of intuition in gaining knowledge? 00:54:07 12 - Will knowing too much cause insanity? 00:55:18 13 - Truth cannot be experienced and knowledge happens via experience, then how will we know the truth? 00:55:41 14 - Emptiness causes Existence. Establish this via logic. 00:56:37 15 - Is it true that simply knowing what you are will liberate you? 00:58:11 16 - If the senses lie, how can they be a source of direct experience and hence knowledge? 01:02:03 17 - How can senses create vibrations via which we perceive, when senses themselves are patterns of vibrations? 01:02:31 18 - How do destructive processes destroy vibrations in cycles? 01:03:31 19 - Existence knows itself and Existence is also the Experience, so Experience knows itself. True or false? 01:05:36 20 - Does evolution happen in steps or is it gradual? 01:06:34 21 - Who is a true gyani? Why is test important?

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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • Reality, Oneness, Fear, Illusion, Love, Balance
    Mar 22 2023

    00:00:00 Is Experiencing or the whole real or is it unreal? 00:01:51 Is oneness also a concept? 00:04:28 Is fearlessness a disadvantage in survival? 00:06:18 Who is better equipped to handle the illusion - ignorant or the wise? 00:07:39 What is the role of unconditional love in path of knowledge? 00:11:07 After knowing my true nature will the illusory world be balanced by spiritual world?

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    12 mins
  • Schools, Paths, Awareness, Benefits, Evidence
    Mar 15 2023

    The path of knowledge portal https://gyanmarg.guru

    00:00:00 How were your school years? 00:02:47 Why teachers in school do not teach spiritual topics? 00:03:31 Why are there so many paths with strange names? How to decide about it? 00:06:54 How to remain in awareness amidst activities of life? 00:11:11 Is awareness practice like weight lifting practice? 00:13:20 What are the benefits of the path of knowledge? 00:14:45 Is the observer, the observed? What is the evidence for that?

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    20 mins
  • Preallocation, Parallel Universes, Memory, Beliefs, Knower, Ethics, Tantra, Free Will
    Mar 1 2023

    The path of knowledge portal https://gyanmarg.guru


    00:00:00 Will an action which is preallocated be effortless? 00:00:30 Are there parallel universes? 00:02:59 Which came first - experience or memory? 00:06:48 What if Vedas and Upanishads are wrong? 00:11:56 Who knows that everything is changing, when everything is changing? 00:16:11 Is abortion etc ethical? 00:20:53 On PoK do we drop the mind and become superconciousness? 00:21:59 What is Shakt Tantra? 00:23:47 Is Gurufield also shakti? 00:24:58 What decides our life - free will or determinism?

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    27 mins
  • Sub-goal, Perception, Omnipresence, Person, Vibrations, Objects, Misunderstanding, Emotions
    Feb 22 2023

    The path of knowledge portal https://gyanmarg.guru


    00:00:00 Kapil's test 00:12:48 How does path of knowledge augment existing knowledge of a seeker? 00:13:02 What is the sub-goal on this path? 00:13:33 What is the difference between knowledge and perception? 00:14:33 How can we say the experiencer is omnipresent when it is invisible? 00:16:19 What is the role of a person in knowing the experiencer? 00:18:48 In how many ways experiences can happen? 00:19:24 What causes vibrations in the illusion? 00:21:09 Objects are also a layer in the mind, but why are they separate from me and appear solid? 00:23:39 What happens to the existence when we are not perceiving it? 00:24:22 Which is better - evolution or dissolution? 00:25:16 What to do when others misunderstand my good intentions? 00:26:03 Is it good to have emotions while being aware?

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    27 mins