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Warning! Prospect Watch is not your average hockey podcast and that's OK with us.
Our goal is to introduce you to stars in the making from all over the world.They may not be household names yet but we assure you they will be soon enough.
Welcome to Prospect Watch a Pod Cast that focuses solely on the discovery and promotion of some of the best young talent in the game today from all reaches of the world.
Seeing that we are being joined by none other than a Mr. Jackson Smith of the
WHL's Tri-City Americans. Jackson how are you and thank you so much for joining us today.
Getting Familiar:
Now for those of you who may not watch a lot of Junior Hockey. Let me inform you Jackson, who is 6'3 and 190 pounds, is one of the best young blue-liners coming out of this draft class. And, that's largely due to the fact that he can skate better than most forwards we've interviewed this year. No, I'm not kidding. On top of the fact that Jackson is in my mind one of maybe two shutdown defenders that will be available in this draft class. When he does gain back possession of the puck he acts as if he is a one man breakout. For example it's not uncommon to see Jackson bring the puck out from behind his own net and skate by the opposition as if they are standing still to the point he winds up deep in his team's offensive zone (untouched mind you) only to allow his opponents to catch up and advance towards him so he can dish off the puck to an awaiting teammate for the goal.
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