• Learning How to Wait on God's Promises
    May 25 2023
    This week, we pray asking God to help us learn how to wait on God’s promises, based on the second chapter, from my book, Christ Is Risen, So What? => Find it on Amazon!
    We encourage you to get a copy for yourself as a guide for this prayer series.

    God wants us to wait for His promise to see His glory in whatever situation you and I may be facing right now.

    Just as Jesus wanted the disciples, according to Acts 1:8, to wait, He is saying the same to us too.

    We wait for God’s promise through maintaining our relationship with Christ.

    And, we do it through prayer, scripture searching and when we surround ourselves with people who speak encouraging words over us: words of victory, healing, strength, and prosperity.

    Let us pray,

    Heavenly Father,

    I thank you for all the promises you have made to me, as revealed in the Bible. Help me believe each one of them. No matter what I go through, I ask you to enable me to wait the way you would like me to do it. I choose to keep believing your word and all the promises you have made to me knowing that some day, and in your own timing, they will come to pass. Help me wait on you to accomplish every single thing you have for me in your mind. Help me pray daily. Help me pray for others. Help me pray even when life seems to be so tough. I love you. I trust you. I believe you, now and always. In Christ’s name, I pray. Amen.

    Remember to send us your prayers at www.emmanuelnaweji.com/prayers

    Use the other prayers at www.youtube.com/ENaweji

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    5 mins
  • Praying for All Our Mothers!
    May 9 2023
    This week, we will pray for all mothers. Then, next week, we will continue using the book, Christ Is Risen, So What?, to guide our prayers.

    The first man to have ever lived here on earth, according to Genesis 3:20, referred to he first woman who has ever lived lid as “the mother of all living.”

    Our entire societies, no matter where you live, solely depends on mothers. Whether these women have kids or not, they give so much to us all through motherhood, motherly caring, education, and more. Most, if not all, of us can say that the primary person who has influenced our Christian faith is a woman who can be our mother, aunt, neighbor, Sunday school teacher, pastor, and the list goes on.

    There is so much to be grateful for about mothers we know and those we do not know. So, we encourage you to say or send some words of love to as many mothers as you know.

    Let us say thanks for each one of them and pray that God may continue to bless them.

    Let’s pray.

    “Most Precious and Loving Father,

    In the beginning, according to your Word, you created Adam and Eve. Adam, the first man to have have lived here on earth referred to Eve as the mother of all living. There is so much of who you are that we find in all mothers. They are caring, loving, sacrificially and selflessly giving, and forgiving. They focus on other people’s needs before they even think about theirs. As a result, we all owe so much of who we are to our mothers and every single woman who has made an impact on us, one way or another. Thank you for each one of them. We ask that you protect them, bless them, and meet all of them at the point of their individual needs. Let your light shine through them that they continue to be a blessing to us all as we also bless and love them in return. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

    Happy Mother’s Day to all our Mothers, and you all, have a very blessed week!

    Remember to send us your prayers at www.emmanuelnaweji.com/prayers

    Use the other prayers at www.youtube.com/ENaweji
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    6 mins
  • Asking God to Help Us onto God's Promises
    May 2 2023
    This week, we will be sharing prayers from one of the books I (Emmanuel) published, Christ Is Risen, So What?

    You can get it on Amazon if you would like a copy. Thanks a lot for that.

    Our prayer this week is about asking God to help us hold onto God’s promises no matter what we face.

    Four things we want you to remember. First, God has the power to accomplish God’s promises.

    Second, God is faithful in keeping God’s Word.

    Third, God accomplishes God’s promises out God’s goodness and glory.

    Fourth, God confirms God’s promises through God’s covenant God has made with in Christ.

    Let’s pray.

    “Heavenly Father,

    You are God, my Creator and Lord. Your Word never changes. No one or nothing can alter the plans you have for my life. What you promise you always fulfill it no matter what happens in my life, according to your own will. You are trustworthy in all you promise and faithful in all what you do. I believe in you and your power to do what you have promised to do in my life. Help me trust and always keep my eyes on you knowing that even when times are hard, there is a God who cares for and loves me no matter what I face. Thank you for your presence in my life. In Christ’s name, I pray. Amen.

    Have a very blessed week!
    Remember to send us your prayers at www.emmanuelnaweji.com/prayers

    Use the other prayers at www.youtube.com/ENaweji
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    5 mins
  • A Victor's Prayer
    Apr 26 2023
    The truth about life is that we all face some spiritual warfare due to the reality that there are forces and powers we fight against on a daily basis.

    The Bible, in a lot of places, refers to these forces and powers of darkness as an army of demons under the leadership of Satan, the enemy of God and everything related to God’s Word.

    Jesus left us these words, according to Luke 10:19, “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”

    Even as we face Satan and his army of demons, on a daily basis, we know that he and his army are already defeated. We battle knowing that we are already victorious.

    Our victory comes out of what God has done through Christ who defeated death, sin, and all its power through his death and resurrection.

    Let’s pray about it. Shall we?

    “Heavenly Father,

    Your word never fails. You have promised to us that no one shall harm me, including the invisible powers I fight every single day. As I face these daily spiritual battles, help me remember that you have already given me authority and power over the enemy that you defeated through your death and resurrection. I am a victor and no weapon forged against me will never prevail. Help me put on the full armor so that I continue to stand against the devil’s schemes. Thank you so much because you will grant that all my enemies who rise up against me will be defeated. And, they will come at me from one direction but flee defeated from me in more than seven. Glory to God. In Christ’s name, I pray. Amen.

    Have a very blessed week!
    Remember to send us your prayers at www.emmanuelnaweji.com/prayers

    Use the other prayers at www.youtube.com/ENaweji

    Scriptures to study this week:

    Deuteronomy 28:7
    The LORD will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven

    Ephesians 6:11-12
    Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

    Ephesians 6:13
    Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

    Isaiah 54:17
    no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the LORD.

    Luke 10:19
    I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.
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    5 mins
  • An Easter Prayer
    Apr 9 2023

    As we celebrate Easter, a sign of new life we have received through Christ’s death and resurrection, join us in this time of prayer asking God to help us experience more of God’s power and love.

    Let us pray:

    “Wonderful God, my soul is filled with lots of joy as I celebrate new life through Christ’s death and resurrection today.

    Through the risen Lord, I now can rise beyond all my fears by putting my trust in you. It was for my sins that Jesus, your Son, my Lord and Savior, had to go through death and resurrection. Out of the sacrifice of your own beloved Son, you have welcomed me back into your presence by forgiving me for all my sins, and because of your radical hospitality.

    Help me live in the freedom from sin that I now have from you through Christ. Help me always remember that the victory belongs to Jesus who defeated death, hell, and sin through death and resurrection.

    I pay with such gratitude for the gift that I don’t even deserve, your unfailing love. Jesus walked around in this broken, messed up and troublesome world for about 33 years with only one mission: to help us believe in you and receive eternal life.

    So, help me stay centered only on what you have done for me through Christ’s death and resurrection. Enable me to trust you no matter what and always keep my eyes on you, God, my Father.

    Help me share the gift I have received from you through Christ. I will love and share mercy with everyone as a reminder of what you have done through Easter for all humankind.

    Help me share the real meaning of Easter that everyone around me will hear about the wondrous power and mighty acts as a result of Christ’s death and resurrection. Give me a heart like Jesus that I will unconditionally love all your people.

    Help me carry your cross with me, and in my heart, as a reminder that our debts have been paid on Easter and that we have to celebrate the good news about Christ.

    I ask all this in the name of the risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, your Son, and my Master. Amen”

    Happy Easter and remember to share more of God's love, mercy and forgiveness with everyone!

    Remember to send us your prayers at www.emmanuelnaweji.com/prayers

    Use the other prayers at www.youtube.com/ENaweji
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    6 mins
  • Asking God to help grow our confidence and self-esteem through Christ
    Apr 4 2023

    This Holy week, and as we prepare for Easter, we are asking God to help us be grow our confidence and self-esteem through the risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    We all need that feeling of self-assurance, which arises from one’s appreciation of our own abilities and qualities.

    You may have heard of positive thinking, practice, awareness, good and uplifting relationships, as things that can help you grow your self-assurance, including confidence and self-esteem.

    Even though those things are helpful to some extent, but what matters is the foundation on which you establish them.

    Is it a human foundation you use? Or, do you use God as the foundation of your self-assurance, confidence and self-esteem through the risen Christ?

    Everything humans can offer is temporary, fragile, and corruptible. But, everything that God gives us is eternal, indestructible, and incorruptible.

    Let’s pray today asking God to be the foundation for our confidence, self-esteem, and self-assurance.

    “Most precious and loving Father,

    You bless people who choose to trust in you, and who make you the foundation of their self-assurance, self-esteem and confidence.

    I ask you to help me make you the foundation of who I am and how I live my life on a daily basis. I want to be confident even when an army besiege me or any war breaks out against me.

    My heart will not fear because you fearfully and wonderfully made me to be your child. I was never a mistake since I know the Almighty God is my Creator and had a plan about my life even when before I was born.

    You are always at my side and will keep my foot from being snared. You guide all my steps, and on a daily basis, you protect me from danger or harm of any kind.

    I’m confident and bold to be who you have created me to be: a child and servant of the Living God.

    In Christ’s name, I pray. Amen!

    Happy Easter to you and your loved ones!

    Remember to send us your prayers at www.emmanuelnaweji.com/prayers

    Use the other prayers at www.youtube.com/ENaweji
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    6 mins
  • Asking God to help us live fearlessly
    Mar 28 2023

    This week, we ask God to help us live fearlessly.

    A lot of what is going on around us creates so much fear. Living in fear is not the kind of life God’s Word wants us to have.

    Even though fear is a human emotion, but the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, encourages us to fear the Lord instead.

    God wants us to love, trust, and believe that the world world (physical and spiritual) is in God’s hands.

    What that means is no matter what you face, choose not to fear, but trust and believe that God has everything under control because God loves you.

    Let us now pray asking God to help us all live fearlessly no matter what we go through this week or later.

    Eternal Father,

    You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. You do not change and nothing or no one can change you. What you say is what you do. What you promise, you always fulfill it.

    You have the whole physical and spiritual world in your hands. No one can snatch your children out of your hand. Nothing can steal what you give them because you protect them. The people who choose to abide by your Word, they have life everlasting and no human can pluck them out of your holy hand.

    I surrender to you. I give you everything that I am and have. Help me be strong and courageous. Help me live fearlessly knowing that you are with me wherever I go. No matter what I face this week or later, I know you have plans to prosper me and never harm me. Your plans give me hope and a future even when I go through life’s changes. Thank you for that.

    In Christ’s name, I pray. Amen.

    Have a very blessed week!
    Remember to send us your prayers at www.emmanuelnaweji.com/prayers

    Use the other prayers at www.youtube.com/ENaweji
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    5 mins
  • Asking God to help us prayer for each other
    Mar 21 2023

    This week, we ask God to help us pray for other people!

    The Bible encourages us to pray for one another. There’s so much healing power when we make this a daily habit of praying for people by name.

    Here’s what James puts it for us: “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”

    Healing comes as a result of forgiving each other in combination with praying for all those who may have offended you.

    Also, we should understand that a life of constant prayer and full surrender to God and God’s Word is the source of great, irresistible, and unstoppable power we can experience every single day.

    Yes, you and I have so much power when we choose to pray for others, forgive one another, and live in agreement with God and God’s Word.

    Let’s pray about all this,

    Heavenly and Most Powerful Father,

    You have called me to belong the kind of community, your family, in which, we each confess our sins to one another, pray for each other so that we cane experience healing. That is because you are the source of the greatest power that we humans can never comprehend.

    To get that power, you want us to draw closer to you on a daily basis through prayer and your Word.

    As we draw closer to you, you invite us to surrender ourselves, our burdens, our responsibilities, and even people we encounter every single day.

    Help me pray at all times and in the Spirit with all prayer and supplication. I want to lift up in prayer as many people as I can remember in the morning, during the day, and in the evening before bed.

    Through prayer, I will let all my requests, and other people’s requests, be made known to you, God.
    I thank you for always listening to me whenever I pray knowing that whatever I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, you will do it allowing us see your glory through Christ. In his name, I pray. Amen.

    Have a very blessed week!

    Remember to send us your prayers at www.emmanuelnaweji.com/prayers

    Use the other prayers at www.youtube.com/ENaweji
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    6 mins