• Abundant Life | John 10:7-10
    Sep 30 2024

    v The thing that sets Jesus apart from ALL others is this:

    o He has come to give LIFE… Life abundant!

    v Jesus often uses cultural analogies/illustrations to teach eternal truths.

    o The eternal truth that Jesus is teach in this passage is that HE is the only way to God!

    v Cultural analogy/illustration #1 (vs. 9)

    o I am the “door” of the sheep…

    § Eternal truth;

    § Anyone who enters by me will be saved!

    v Cultural analogy/illustration #2 (vs. 10)

    o The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy (False Messiahs)

    § Eternal truth;

    § I came to give life abundant!

    v It is the human condition to gravitate towards a self-centered life.

    o “Life abundant” is not self-centered, but Christ-centered!

    Message: “Life Abundant”

    Scripture: John 10:7-10

    Simple. Authentic. Jesus.


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    27 mins
  • The True Shepherd | Full Service | September 22, 2024
    Sep 23 2024

    The world Jesus entered was filled with false leaders. The spiritual leaders of the nation had become self-interested. Rather than caring for the people, they fattened themselves. They were self-appointed and self-righteous. Jesus entered their world and said, “I am the Good Shepherd.” He was appointed by His Father as the true leader of God’s people. He is the Chief Shepherd to which all other leaders of God’s people must submit.

    If we are true sheep, we will follow Jesus, the True Shepherd. Following Jesus means having a personal relationship with Him and being led by the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. Jesus calls us by name and tenderly guides us as we listen to His voice. How do we discern His voice from the voice of a stranger? Jesus said, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (Jn. 8:31-32).

    Take-Home Message: True sheep follow the True Shepherd.

    Introducing John 10

      • Old Testament Connections
        • Ezek. 34; Ps. 23:1; Isa. 40:11; Jer. 3:15; cf. Isa. 56:9-12; Jer. 23:1-4; 25:32-38; Zech. 11:16

      • New Testament Connections
        • Matt. 9:36; Mark 6:34; 14:27; Luke 15:1-7

    • The True Shepherd (10:1-3a)

    • The True Sheep (10:3b-5)
    • True Sheep…
    • Hear Jesus’ voice (3).
    • Follow Jesus (4).
    • Know Jesus’ voice (4-5).

    • The False Shepherds (10:6)

    Message: The True Shepherd

    Scripture: John 10:1-6

    Simple. Authentic. Jesus.


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    23 mins
  • I cannot see unless I first admit that I am blind.
    Sep 16 2024

    If we are to be healed, we must first admit that we cannot heal ourselves. How many of us have tried to go it alone, only to find that we are not the greatest managers of our own lives? The only way to find true life is to have Jesus open your eyes. And the only way to have Jesus open your eyes is to admit that you are blind.

    The road to Jesus is a road paved with humility. You must acknowledge your need for Him and that you are helpless without Him. Until you are willing to do that, you will not see. But if you will come to Him and admit that you are blind, he will open your eyes, and you will begin to see reality.

    Take-Home Message: I cannot see unless I first admit that I am blind.

    The Response of the Man Born Blind (35-38).

    A pattern for those who see…

    • Cast out of the world
    • Found by Jesus
    • Respond with belief
    • Respond with worship

    The Response of the Pharisees (39-41).

    Message: The Man Born Blind: Part 3

    Scripture: John 9:35-41

    Simple. Authentic. Jesus.


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    25 mins
  • Testimony | John 9:13-34
    Sep 9 2024

    Though sharing our faith is one of the most important purposes we have a Christians, many of us fail to do so for two primary reasons:

    • Fear of what others might think of us.
    • The fear we won’t know what to say.

    Three lessons on how to share your faith:

    • John 9:13-17; Focus on what you know
      • You don’t have to KNOW everything!
    • John 9:18-23; Share YOUR story
      • NOT somebody else’s
    • John 9:24-34: You’re not an expert on everything
      • BUT you are an expert on your own experience with Christ!

    Just remember, your purpose as a Christian is not necessarily to be an expert theologian.

    • Your purpose is to be the ultimate expert on your own experience with Jesus!

    Theme: How to share your testimony

    Scripture: John 9:13-34

    Simple. Authentic. Jesus.


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    24 mins
  • Jesus turns difficulties into opportunities
    Sep 1 2024

    It is easy to lose sight of God’s purposes in the face of suffering. When darkness surrounds us, we say with the Psalmist, “Why, O Lord, do you stand far away? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?” (Ps. 10:1). But God is far more present in seasons of difficulty than we realize. When suffering is most intense and night is most dark, God is at work accomplishing his purpose. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it (Jn. 1:5). God will bring deliverance in His good time. When that happens, may we share our testimony of His goodness and point others toward the deliverance that can only be found in the Light of the World, Jesus Christ.

    Take-Home Message: The Light of the World opens my eyes to see opportunity in difficulty.

    The Light of the World helps me see…

    • Suffering as an opportunity for God’s glory (1-3).
    • Night as an opportunity for Christ’s work (4-7).
    • Deliverance as an opportunity for my testimony (8-12).

    Message: Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

    Scripture: John 9:1-12

    Simple. Authentic. Jesus.


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    25 mins
  • Are you really honoring God?
    Aug 26 2024

    Jesus said to His opponents, “I honor my Father, and you dishonor me.” This statement summarizes much of His interaction with His people. Jesus “came to His own and His own did not receive him.” Yet Jesus knew when to fight and when to surrender. He often surrendered when He was dishonored, even to the point of the cross. But He fought when the Father and the Holy Spirit’s honor was on the line. He knew His Father would glorify Him in the end. If we honor the Son, God will also honor us with Christ in the end. Whose honor are you more concerned about: yours or God’s?

    Take-Home Message: The Father honors those who honor His Son.

    Honor God…

    • When you are dishonored (48-51).
    • And let Him seek your honor (52-56).
    • By Seeking His Son’s Honor (57-59).

    Message: Honor the Son

    Scripture: John 8:48-59

    Simple. Authentic. Jesus.


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    22 mins
  • Heritage | John 8:39-47
    Aug 19 2024
    • We all come to life with an earthly heritage which defines us to some degree. But our earthly heritage is not what will ultimately define us.
      • Our spiritual heritage will, and we get to choose what that will be!
    • Setting the context for our passage:
      • In last week’s passage Jesus confronted with the Jews with the fact He knew they were planning to murder Him. But they don’t even recognize they are being called out!
        • Instead, they double down on trying to elevate “their” truth above “THE” truth.
          • So, Jesus decided to change His tactics…
            • Verse 39- IF… you are children of Abraham…”

    • In verse 43 Jesus asks a rhetorical question: “Why don’t you understand what I say?”
      • He then answers His own question: “Because you can’t bear to hear my words!”
        • Why????

    • In verse 44 Jesus tells them why: “Because you are of your father the devil, and you will do what your father desires.”
      • Is this too harsh? Did the Jews choose the devil as their spiritual father?

    When a person does not choose Jesus, they by default, do not choose God!

      • But you have to choose something!
        • Not choosing is to choose the devil as your spiritual father.
          • Who do you choose???

    Message: Heritage

    Scripture: John 8:39-47

    Simple. Authentic. Jesus.


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    23 mins
  • Slaves to Sin | John 8:31-38
    Aug 12 2024

    · We are ALL sinners and slaves to sin… BUT… there is HOPE!

    o Our HOPE is in Jesus, and Jesus alone!

    · John 8:37 I” know that you are the off-spring of Abraham, yet you seek to kill me because my word finds no place in you.”

    o The ironic thing about this verse is that the Pharisee’s don’t even try to deny this accusation! Why?

    § Because they are so caught in trying to refute “THE Truth” with “their truth”, that they don’t even try to refute the most damning statement of all!

    · This scene illustrates the condition of most people’s hearts.

    · John 8:34- 36 Jesus answered them; “Everyone who practices sin, is a slave to sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever. The Son remains forever. So, if the Son sets you free, you are free, indeed.”

    o In other words: We are all slaves to sin, but there is HOPE.

    · John 8:31 “If you abide in my words, you are truly my disciples. And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free!”

    o In other words, don’t just say you believe, live like you believe!

    · One of the biggest LIES many Christians believe:

    o I need to be strong and mature enough not to allow sin a foothold in my life!

    § WRONG The battle does NOT belong to you. It belongs to Jesus!

    · Surrender your sin to Jesus and you will be set free!

    Theme: Slaves to Sin

    Scripture: John 8:31-38

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    22 mins