Meditation: Starts at 10:45am Facilitator: Rev. Cinderetha Clay Facilitator: Start with a Welcome to AOL & mention song: “Open Up Your Heart” By: Yolanda Adams Music by Tariq: “Open Up Your Heart” By: Yolanda Adams (5:40) Facilitator: We will now have announcements by: Sheila Mitchell Announcements: Sheila Mitchell - Please read the following: Our Mission and Purpose: The Art of Living provides a spiritual environment where everyone can develop spiritually for personal and worldwide improvement, we believe life itself is an art form. Our purpose is to evolve and reveal the art of loving through the Universal principal of love. We are the Art of Living Church family. We encourage you to invite your family and friends to call in and participate with us, we welcome you. Also, if anyone is present or has a family member who would like a practitioner session or prayer, feel free to let Coordinator Assistant Ves Franklin know after today’s service. We are here for you. Please make contributions with your tithes and offerings to Art of Living Church, where you get your spiritual edification. Made payable by check or direct deposit to AOL Church or mail to Art of Living Religious Science Ministries to P.O. Box 4474, Inglewood, California 90309. Affirmation for today: “TREAT AND TRUST.” We hear, “Treat and move your feet.” However, now may not be time to move our feet, though it is always time to trust in the Infinite Presence that governs the universe. Treat and trust means to pray and know. Affirm these words as I read them: “I trust in the Universal Intelligence that governs my life. I pray, knowing my word is the word of God manifesting in my life now. I treat and trust that all is indeed well.” And so it is. This is from SOM, Practitioner Eugene Holden. This has been Sheila Mitchell with today’s announcements. Enjoy Your Sunday. Blessings & namaste… Facilitator: Announce Ask Listeners to mute their phones before service proceeds, press *6 to mute your phones. Press *6 to mute your phones, thank you… Facilitator: We will now have for the Opening Reading & Prayer by Practitioner Kenneth Morris Opening Reading & Prayer: By: Kenneth Morris, RScP. Facilitator: Our themes for the month of February is “LOVE is the Answer and Honoring Black History.” Our scripture for today is “love bears all things {regardless of what comes}, believes in all things {looks for the best in each one}, hopes all things {remains steadfast during difficult times}, endures all things {without weakening}.” I Corinthian’s. 8:17, ESV. Today’s topic is “Perseverance with the Purpose of Love: “and our speaker for today is Practitioner Robert Lesley. Now a music selection before our speaker today by: “Music by Tariq.” Music by Tariq: “Wake Up” By: Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes (Fade out After 5:00) Facilitator: Announce our speaker Practitioner Robert Lesley (20 –25 MINUTES) Facilitator: We will acknowledge speaker’s lesson after the conclusion of today’s service that time will be for remarks** Facilitator: Announce we will now have a music selection before the offering Music by Tariq: “You can’t Beat God Giving” By: Billy Preston (5:32) Facilitator: Ask Rev. Joan Jacocks bless offering Facilitator: Thank everyone for their donations to AOL. They are greatly appreciated… Facilitator: Announce Rev. Joan Jacocks for AOL Virtual Prayer AOL Virtual Prayer: By: Rev. Joan Jacocks Facilitator: Announce Rev. Cindy for Cindy’s Corner Cindy’s Corner: By: Rev. Cinderetha Clay Facilitator: Announce we will now have our closing song. Music by Tariq: “Coming Out of My Comfort Zone” By: Marvin Sapp (4:35) Facilitator: Announce Robert Lesley, RScP. to lead closing prayer of protection. Prayer of Protection: By: Robert Lesley, RScP. Facilitator: Thank all participants in today’s service. Next Sunday’s speaker is Sr. Pastor, Rev. Dorothy Watts Facilitator: Reminder, if there is anyone who would like to receive a practitioner session or has a family or friend who needs prayer: Provide that information to Ves Franklin our Coordinator Assistant. She is available at this time, Ves. Coordinator Assistant: Ves Franklin - Announce please feel free to provide contact information to me so that we can have a minister contact you for prayer. We, the AOL family are here for you. Facilitator: This concludes and ends today’ service and those who want to remain after for remarks, now is your time. Those who remain on, end conference call by 1:30pm. Have a lovely Sunday until we meet again. Peace & blessings, namaste.