• Playdates - how to help your child and their friend
    Jul 8 2022
    Playdates can be fun and a great way to entertain your child. And...they can also be chaotic, noisy and end in tears. Discover how to help your child and their friend have a great time and deal with any friction or fights that may arise. For more help with your child, join me inside Annoying to AMAZING! where you'll receive: •more practical strategies to help your child with anxieties, aggressive behaviour, bedtime issues and more •the step by step approach to deal with tantrums, whining and big upset emotions •how to set limits playfully & lovingly •an insight into what's going on in your child's brain •plenty of more games for use in many different situations •a deeper understanding of your own triggers so you will shout less and be able to connect more in the heat of the momentPLUS: •Ongoing weekly mentoring with me, so you will be supported throughout •videos of me with my children so that you can see exactly what to do Click here to join
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    26 mins
  • How Play Will Help Your Anxious Child
    Jun 30 2022
    Discover why play is more effective than talking & reassurance when your child is anxious. You can play games in a therapeutic way that will help your anxious child become much more confident and able to cope with difficult situations. Find out more ways play can help & more games inside my FREE online Playful Discipline Workshop. Click here to join today! And if you're wanting to take your parenting to the next level so you can feel more confident knowing you're helping your baby or child in a deeper way, you can: •book in a 1:1 session •join Annoying to AMAZING! - my online program if you have children aged 1 - 8 years old •join Aware Parenting Babies if you have a baby under 1
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    21 mins
  • Travelling with Babies & Children
    Jun 24 2022
    How to make travelling much easier when you have a baby or a child. Travelling long distances on planes, trains or in your car doesn't have to be super stressful. Discover what practical things you can do to make it more enjoyable for you and your child. If you'd like to learn how to incorporate more PLAY into your parenting, join me for my online Playful Discipline Workshop - it's FREE! And if you're wanting to take your parenting to the next level so you can feel more confident knowing you're helping your baby or child in a deeper way, you can: •book in a 1:1 session •join Annoying to AMAZING! - my online program if you have children aged 1 - 8 years old •join Aware Parenting Babies if you have a baby under 1
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    21 mins
  • What do you tell yourself when your child is having a tantrum?
    Sep 12 2021
    What do you tell yourself when your child is having a tantrum? •That you're a bad mum •That you've done something wrong - •That there's something wrong with your child •That they're being ridiculous •If they're like this now, what are they going to be like when they're a teenager •Is it always going to be this hard? •Why does it have to be like this? Your mental chatter can be exhausting! This episode is to offer you reassurance on your child's behaviour when they're having a tantrum, to share a recent example with my son, and to remind you of the benefits of listening to your child in this way. Because children's emotions can be messy & loud & difficult! Our emotions can be too as adults. With my eldest I had all forms of doubt & fears and concerns. There was lots of self doubt and feeling overwhelmed. With my second, I had the benefit of understanding children & emotions so much better, so that I'm able to recognise what's really going on and what's needed - without the debilitating mental chatter. And that's what I want for you. I want you to be more confident on how to be able to be with your child when they're having such a hard time in a way that will really help them. So if you want support so you can feel more confident in those moments, you can: •book in a 1:1 session •join Annoying to AMAZING! - my online program if you have children aged 1 - 8 years old •join Aware Parenting Babies if you have a baby under 1 Visit www.parentingwithplay.com.au
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    24 mins
  • Homeschooling in Lockdown - with Joss Goulden
    Aug 22 2021
    With lockdowns being extended in Melbourne & Sydney as well as other parts of Australia, it's important we figure out the best way to help our children with their school work. This episode is going to help you to do just that. Whilst lockdown parenting is nothing like normal homeschooling, in this episode I'm joined by Joss Goulden, an Aware Parenting Instructor who has homeschooled her children (her 18 year old son will be going to university next year). Joss is so warm, down to earth and insightful in what your family needs to be able to navigate this challenging time with your kids. You'll feel reassured and inspired how to make this lockdown experience as enjoyable and beneficial for you all We cover: •what you can do to be able to help your kids •what you need to prioritise with your children to help them be able to learn better •how to help your child when they're being resistant to doing their work and having meltdowns •taking control of your child's learning - realising you can make choices and prioritise what's going to work for your family •how to integrate work with homeschooling your child •reassurance that your child is learning all the time, not just through worksheets •screens! how you can use them to your benefit and manage them with your kids CLICK HERE to read Joss' lockdown learning article You can contact her here: Website Facebook Instagram For more support from Helena, download your FREE GUIDE: Shout Less & Connect More with 5 SIMPLE Games! Download today: https://parentingwithplay.com.au/ Contact Helena: Website Facebook Instagram
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    49 mins
  • How To Make Lockdown Parenting Easier
    Aug 1 2021
    As much as I hate to say this, lockdowns seem to be a part of our lives now. As the rest of the world opens up, here in Australia we're still in them. And there's a high possibility of lockdowns coming back in the Northern Hemisphere's winter... Mental health issues, particularly for teens, are soaring. And whilst you can feel hopeless that you can't control what's going on in the outside world, the good news is that you CAN transform what's happening for you and your family. So, how can you make the best of this difficult situation? In this week's podcast episode I cover: 1. How to best support yourself, so that you can then support your family 2. Looking for the good in the situation 3. Using this time for an Emotional Project with your kids If you want more help with your kids's behaviour this lockdown, then join my FREE Workshop this Thursday 4 August at 8pm Sydney time The 3 Secrets to Make Parenting Easier in Lockdown •How to create more harmony without bribes or punishments •What your child needs to be able to entertain themselves while you work •The secret to make home-learning easier •THE #1 mistake you need to STOP making •You'll walk away feeling clearer about how to manage lockdown better with your kids in a way that's going to help all of you.JOIN HERE And if you're listening to this and I'm not running the workshop, then join my online program Annoying to AMAZING! where you'll receive ongoing support - including weekly Q&A's, fortnightly mentoring calls and monthly masterclasses - to help you with your kids whether you're in lockdown or not. Website: https://parentingwithplay.com.au/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ParentingwithPlaywithHelenaMooney/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingwithplay/
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    21 mins
  • Helping Siblings Get Along Better - with Belynda Smith
    Jul 24 2021
    I know it may not seem like it, but your children do not want to fight each other. They want to get along with each other. But there are times when it's really hard for them to do that. Their upset feelings take over and they lash out. Discover how you can help your children at a deep, emotional level which really shifts how they feel and how they behave in this fantastic conversation with Belynda Smith, a Hand in Hand Parenting Instructor and former High School Teacher. She shares some fantastic games you can easily play, as well as the importance of having the opportunity of being listened to as a mum. Belynda is a Hand in Hand Parenting Instructor and she shares candidly about how she felt she was "losing her mind" when her kids were little, and the difference that this approach - particularly the play - has made in her parenting and the relationship between her 2 boys. About Belynda Smith Belynda is a single mum and a Certified Hand in Hand Parenting Instructor with two beautiful boys who are now in their tweens/teens. Website: http://parentingbyconnectionwithbelyndasmith.blogspot.com/ ​Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ParentingbyConnectionwithBelyndaSmith/ FREE GUIDE: Shout Less & Connect More with 5 SIMPLE Games! Download today: https://parentingwithplay.com.au/ If you want more support with your children: Website: https://parentingwithplay.com.au/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ParentingwithPlaywithHelenaMooney/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingwithplay/
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    43 mins
  • How to Choose the Best Daycare & Help your Child with Separation Anxiety - with Steph Fleeton
    Jul 14 2021
    Sending your child to daycare is a big time for both of you. So what do you need to look for in a centre and how do you help your child adjust to being away from you? In this episode I interview Steph Fleeton, an Early Childhood Educator, Aware Parenting Instructor who runs a Family Day Care, to give you these answers. About Steph Steph Fleeton is an Aware Parenting Instructor, Parenting Support Counsellor and Early Childhood Educator. She runs her own Family Day Care, with a strong focus on Aware Parenting, nature play and child-directed learning. Steph also offers one-on-one sessions for parents and educators needing support for children in the early years. https://spiritedhearts.net/ https://www.facebook.com/SpiritedHearts https://www.instagram.com/spiritedhearts_naturallearning/ ----------------- FREE GUIDE: Shout Less & Connect More with 5 SIMPLE Games! Download today: https://parentingwithplay.com.au/ For more support with your children: Website: https://parentingwithplay.com.au/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ParentingwithPlaywithHelenaMooney/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingwithplay/
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    38 mins