• I'm a Podcaster, and I Have Something to Say to that Pastor Who Has Something to Say
    Aug 11 2024

    Some guy who calls himself a pastor declared "I have something to say."

    This was in reference to what happened at the opening ceremony of the Olympics where Leonardo's depiction of the Last Supper was openly mocked with a gluttonous drag queen sitting in the place of Jesus, transvestites and other undesirables sitting in the place of the Holy Apostles.

    When I heard about this via a Facebook post, I was so shocked at the image that it took me awhile to really process the gravity of the scene.

    This didn't occur in some dive bar in a back alley.

    This happened at the Olympics.

    Even if you're not a Christian, this should be a wakeup call to the lengths these folks will go to promote their agenda of "diversity" while stopping at nothing to destroy the lives of anyone who dissents from their approved viewpoints.

    But what was truly disturbing was how many people who identify as Christians rallied around a diatribe posted by a guy named Jacob Whitehead, who calls himself "a pastor".

    Well, his comments revealed a great deal of ignorance and emotional immaturity; and to think that so many people applauded it is problematic.

    In this podcast, I read Mr. Whitehead's comments in their entirety, and then give my own comments in response.

    Here we go:

    "I’m a pastor, and I have something to say.

    Christians that get online and spew hate toward nonbelievers anger me much more than nonbelievers spewing hate toward my religion.

    I have no idea what the table at the Olympics was supposed to represent, as the official statement contradicts the larger opinion. But what I can say is that every single person at that table would have been invited to Jesus’ table. Jesus not only spent His time on earth with sinners, He invited them to the very table everyone assumes the Olympic table represents.

    Matthew was a tax collector.

    Peter was about to deny Him.

    Thomas was about to doubt His resurrection.

    Judas was about to betray Him.

    Jesus ate with them anyway.

    Jesus was with “sinners” all of the time. In fact, it’s one of the reasons the church people hated Him and wanted Him dead.

    Please allow this to serve as a reminder that people who are not Christians are not our responsibility to regulate. Jesus gave us an example to follow of welcoming everyone and pointing them toward the love of Jesus. Remember that God’s kindness is meant to lead us to repentance, not the shouting of His angry “followers.”

    This doesn’t mean I condone any religion (especially my own) being mocked. In fact, it is wrong. But my heart doesn’t hurt for what they are doing to Jesus. My heart hurts for people that are likely not in a loving relationship with their Creator. Jesus doesn’t need me to shout about sinners sinning. He wants me to shout about the hope and the love they are missing out on.

    Before you share an angry post, or shout at people that Jesus died for, think for a while, and ask yourself if He would do the same. To be honest, you already know the answer. He wouldn’t. He didn’t. He died for them just as much as He died for you. Angrily shouting at people that don’t know Jesus is in direct contradiction to the example He gave us on the cross.

    Westboro Baptist sandwich signs should anger you much more than this. Jesus flipped tables on people in the temple, not people outside of it.

    Remember that."

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    27 mins
  • “Your Journey Has Reached Its Beginning”: How I Found and Embraced the Orthodox Church
    Aug 11 2024

    Today I share about my spiritual life within the confines of the Christian religion. I've been a churchgoer as long as I can remember; however, the journey has been, shall I say, interesting.

    It was really a search for truth - a search that ended when I was introduced to the Orthodox Church interestingly enough through my own work as a narrator and producer of audiobooks. I was serendipitously hired to narrate/produce two separate audiobooks in 2018 and 2023 respectively, which convinced me that the Orthodox Church is where I was being led spiritually.

    So this is my story.

    Episode highlights:

    01:30 Early Spiritual Experiences

    06:53 The Bapticostals

    10:15 Do we truly have free will when compelled to act by threat of eternal damnation?

    15:10 The Calvinist Presbyterians

    18:03 Messianic Judaism

    20:48 Spiritual Purgatory in Korea

    23:07 The non-Calvinist Presbyterians

    27:53 Discovering the Orthodox Church

    34:21 Conclusion: An Open Invitation

    If you wish to ask me anything about what I've discussed in this podcast, or simply want to discuss any matter related to spirituality, please send me an email james@jamesdnewcomb.com.

    I would love to speak with you and answer any questions you might have!

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    37 mins
  • Beleaguered Calvinist Discovers Orthodoxy, The Church, and True Service to Christ feat. Gary Greenfield
    Apr 15 2024

    Welcome to Overtly Orthodox. Today we hear from a gentleman named Gary Greenfield. Gary "transitioned" from a Protestant sect of Christianity to the Orthodox Church rather late in life. (I think transition is a better use of words than conversion, but I digress.)

    So you understand the context of what you'll hear, when I recorded this, I was brand new to the Orthodox Church. In fact, I had never even set foot in an Orthodox Church. Gary's contribution to an audiobook I was producing actually made me aware of, and set in motion my own inquiry and eventual transition to the Orthodox Church.

    I was so moved by Gary's words that I wanted to interview him and hear his story. My intent was to publish the interview on a different podcast that never really got off the ground. But it's perfect for this one!

    I hope you listen and are blessed by Gary's story.

    In this discussion with Gary, you'll discover:

    -Gary's discovery of the Orthodox Church after much spiritual seeking throughout adult life...09:08

    -A very deliberate way of thinking, in spite of youth and error-filled stops on the journey...18:32

    -"I could never be fully committed to the Protestant congregation I was involved with"...22:26

    -The militant Protestant church shows its true colors...29:30

    -Gary discovers "ancient Christianity" over beer and cheesecake...34:27

    -This stood out about the Orthodox Church from all the other sects within Christendom...41:33

    -Gary describes a visit to an Orthodox Church to someone who has never attended a Orthodox Church service...49:17

    -How the transition to Orthodoxy impacted Gary's life, spiritually and otherwise...59:25

    -And Much More!

    P.S. I recently learned that Gary succumbed to a battle with cancer, so RIP Gary Greenfield.

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • Energeia: What It Means and Proper Uses In and Out of Scripture with Frederica Mathewes-Green
    Apr 8 2024

    I am really pleased to bring back to the program, Frederica Matthewes-Green. Frederica is an Orthodox Christian scholar, and just a very sweet spirit, extremely generous with her time.

    Frederica is the author of Two Views of the Cross: Orthodoxy and the West. And when I wrote her asking if she might know someone who knows someone about the Greek word Energeia, it turns out she herself knows quite a bit. She has a whole outline of listings of the use of the word and similar words throughout the Bible.

    I will have that that list of Greek words that are used in the New Testament to describe divine energy at the show notes, which can be found at https://overtlyorthodox.com/frederica2.

    It was a lovely conversation again, as can be expected with Frederica, and we even brought in my wife, Sana who shares a few "miracle" stories from her youth!

    In this discussion with Frederica, you'll discover:

    -How the "map of reality" as it pertains to the truth of Scripture alters with various translations...06:53

    -An obfuscated understanding of God's truth opens the door to heresy, oppression and tyranny...13:12

    -Why it's important to understand the true meaning of the Greek energeia vs. its Latin counterpart operatio...17:24

    -Energeia refers to divine energy, both positive and negative...23:36

    -Miraculous encounters start happening; you start seeing mysterious coincidences...29:41

    -A defeated Enemy is not a convert; he's just an angrier enemy...37:30

    -If you don't win, you're the first loser - and other heresies of our time...41:09

    -James shares two miracle stories during travels across the U.S....43:22

    -A bus driver with a lead foot miraculously saves James' wife Sana's life...48:05

    -And Much More!

    Resources Mentioned:

    Frederica's website

    Two Views of the Cross: Orthodoxy and the West by Frederica Mathewes-Green

    Men and Marriage by George Gilder

    About the guest, and how to connect:

    "I write and speak on a wide range of topics. In recent years I’ve concentrated on ancient Christian spirituality and the Eastern Orthodox faith, but the hundreds of Posts and Essays on this site include movie reviews, humor, marriage and family, cultural issues, and more. Essays can be browsed by date or category, or you can use the search box at the right.

    The most recent posts are below. Here’s where you’ll find my published Books.

    I travel to Speaking Engagements all year round; you can contact Cynthia Damaskos of the Orthodox Speakers Bureau if you’d like to bring me to an event. This Calendar will let you know when I’m in your neighborhood.

    Audio: Here’s where you’ll find many of my commentaries for National Public Radio (NPR), though others have been filed away under many different creative misspellings of my name. I have recorded a podcast for

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Two Views of the Cross, A Journey to Orthodoxy, the Need for Strong Male Leadership in Society, and More with Frederica Mathewes-Green
    Apr 1 2024

    This episode is the first of two interviews that I have done with Frederica Matthewes-Green.

    Frederica has a number of resources available that have been very helpful for me in my inquiry into, and eventual baptism into the Orthodox Church. In fact, Frederica's book, Two Views of the Cross was very influential in my own introduction to the Orthodox Church, and the Orthodox views of Christianity.

    The life of Jesus and his death, his atonement, very different ways of thinking between the Orthodox and say, Roman Catholic or the Protestant views of Jesus's suffering and how it translates to our joy and our joy. Eternal Salvation.

    I think the initial agenda was to discuss her book Two Views of the Cross. And while we did get into the book eventually, we discussed quite a bit beforehand.

    And to be honest, it all blended quite honestly and pleasantly.

    I have one more interview that I did with Frederica that I'm going to publish shortly after I published this one, and that was more Overtly Orthodox. It was on the topic of Energeia, the Greek word that refers to divine energy.

    To give a bit of background on this interview: I was brand new to Orthodoxy when we recorded this. I was trying to get a completely different podcast off the ground. This particular podcast wasn't even a glimmer in my eye. So you might hear references to a completely different podcast, as well as a URL mentioned that is not necessarily relevant to this particular podcast.

    Nothing that is a game-changer, but I want to explain why you might hear some odd references to various things throughout.

    So enjoy it!

    In this discussion with Frederica, you'll discover:

    -Frederica describes her spiritual journey as a young person...06:35

    -Contrarian thinkers and actors often come from a place of deep-seated convictions and principles...10:30

    -How Frederica discovered her relationship with Jesus, and in due time Orthodoxy...14:02

    -"All of Western Christianity seems to have adopted the idea that the purpose of church is to comfort people"...19:18

    -The need for strong (but not dominant) men has never been more pressing than in modern culture...27:09

    -A shocking imbalance between how men and women are viewed in society...32:26

    -Differences in translating Scripture lead to profoundly different views of God at work through human beings...39:38

    -Controversy regarding translations of Scripture by Christians and Jews in the centuries after Christ's time on earth...47:25

    -How the Reformation actually created more problems than it allegedly sought to solve...54:28

    -What happened to the woman at the well after her encounter with Jesus? (John Ch. 4)...1:02:00

    -Two different renderings of Jesus' death reveal two dramatically different views of the event...1:05:02

    -Sin is more of an infection that needs healing than an infraction that requires recompense...1:12:41

    -Do Calvinists get it wrong when it comes to sin and atonement?...1:18:19

    -And much more!

    Resources mentioned:

    Two Views of the Cross: Orthodoxy and the West by Frederica Mathewes-Green

    Men and Marriage by George Gilder

    About the guest, and how to connect:

    Frederica's website

    "I write and speak on a wide range of topics. In recent years I’ve concentrated on ancient Christian spirituality and the Eastern Orthodox faith, but the hundreds of Posts and Essays on this site include movie reviews, humor,...

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    1 hr and 26 mins
  • Welcome to My Little Show!
    Mar 21 2024

    Host James D. Newcomb shares his personal background in American churchianity, his introduction to and reception into the Orthodox Church, how this podcast concept and title came about, and what to expect from it in its early days and beyond!

    If you like what you hear, be sure to subscribe to the podcast. And by all means leave a review on your podcast player. I'll gladly read it on an upcoming episode of the podcast, and it will really help grow the show's audience!

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    17 mins