• Adapting with Purpose: Leadership Lessons from Sheila Bravo - Episode 50
    Sep 27 2024

    On the latest episode of Outside Insights, I had the pleasure of speaking with Sheila Bravo, president and CEO of DANA (Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement). Sheila’s career journey—from corporate marketing with brands like Vlasic Pickles and Godiva to nonprofit leadership—is all about adaptability, purpose, and lifelong learning. Her story holds valuable lessons for anyone, no matter their field. If you’re searching for inspiration or a reminder that career pivots can lead to more fulfillment, you need to add this episode to your list.

    “You never make the plan the way you plan to make the plan.”

    ​​Sheila didn’t always envision herself in the nonprofit sector. For years, she thrived in high-powered corporate roles, leading well-known brands and traveling the world. But behind the scenes, something was missing.

    The long hours and constant travel meant Sheila was away from her family more than she wanted to be. “I wasn’t around much… the success was there, but the fulfillment wasn’t,” she reflected. The work that once energized her had become routine, and she began to feel disconnected from her purpose.

    Sound familiar? It definitely did for me when talking with Sheila. I often reflect on the long hours I would spend locked in my office while my growing family made memories without me. Eventually, something had to give and I had to make a change. Sheila did, too.

    She craved something deeper, a career that aligned not only with her professional skills but with her personal values. So, she made the bold decision to walk away from corporate America and seek work with greater meaning.

    Nonprofit leadership wasn’t part of Sheila’s original plan, but it turned out to be exactly where she needed to be.

    Meet DANA. The secret sauce behind nonprofits.

    During our conversation, Sheila highlighted the tough realities nonprofits face: rising costs, staff turnover, and funding that isn’t keeping up with inflation. DANA, under Sheila’s leadership, is helping nonprofits navigate these hurdles. They provide essential training, consulting, and strategy to help organizations operate more efficiently. Their standout initiative is a nonprofit accelerator that helps smaller organizations, especially those serving marginalized communities, scale their impact. Sheila calls DANA the “secret sauce” behind nonprofits, focused on empowering them for long-term success.

    Check out the episode on Youtube and learn more about Sheila on Placers website, here!

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    50 mins
  • Building Better Days: The Impact of Simple Intentions
    Sep 16 2024

    Our daily choices craft your life’s story — what will today’s chapter be?

    I have a long list of goals, life ambitions, projects, and tasks I want to accomplish. I bet you do too. No matter the goals someone has already achieved, it’s human nature to crave more — to want to be better. That’s why everyone I speak with has at least one goal or idea that haunts them — a nagging sense that they just can’t find the time to do it all. Sound familiar?

    The answer to doing and achieving more is actually pretty simple — perhaps annoyingly simple: Live intentionally.

    Let’s look at an example. One of the most cherished parts of my day are the mornings and that’s because of the sacred morning routine I have carefully established for myself.

    For most of my early working years, I sprinted out the door, putting on my tie at stoplights, and skipped breakfast entirely unless a meeting demanded it. While a younger me thought I was saving time and being incredibly efficient by rushing through my mornings, the fact was I was killing my mind and body — and I sure as hell wasn’t more productive because of it. I wasn’t living with intention.

    Fast forward to the day we brought two Aussie puppies home. Just what my life of chaos needed, right? The two perfect cherries on top. Turns out, their presence in the home was just what I needed.

    During the first few weeks, I kept the same old routine; the only difference was that my two wide-eyed and yapping puppies chased me around the house, adding to the morning dysfunction as I frantically looked for my tie and jacket. They knew I wouldn’t be home for hours and their puppy dog eyes instilled a new level of guilt in me — what’s a guy to do?

    I begin waking up early to spend time walking Ziggy and Gracie. It wasn’t just for them; it was for me, too, I soon discovered. I started to appreciate the quiet space before the day’s chaos. It became more than a habit — it was a ritual. I learned to savor my coffee, move my body, plan my day, and enjoy the morning before everything else took over.

    I love my mornings now. I walk the dogs, meditate, plan, and sip my first cup of coffee long before the younger me would have even thought about waking up. Yes, I get more done, but it’s not just about productivity. It’s like defragmenting my mind, resetting for whatever the day might bring. For me, it’s carving out intentional time so that I can bring my best self into the rest of the day.

    While curating a morning routine is one way I live intentionally, I’m able to identify other ways by taking the time to review my progress towards my goals and holding myself accountable.

    Read the full blog here: https://myplacers.com/building-better-days-impacts-simple-intentions

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    9 mins
  • Building Change That Lasts: Lessons from Miriam Dicks – Episode 49
    Aug 30 2024

    I believe the best ideas come from listening to people who see things differently. If everyone at the table thinks the same way, you’re not innovating—you’re just reinforcing the status quo. The spirit of this idea was a prominent topic in the latest episode of Outside Insights all about effective change management.

    I had the pleasure of sitting down virtually with Miriam Dicks, the dynamic Founder and CEO of 180 Management Group. Miriam is the kind of leader who gets right to the heart of what makes organizations tick—and what holds them back. With over 20 years of experience, her firm helps businesses and nonprofits navigate change and achieve high performance by addressing the root causes that impact culture and operations. Whether you’re a leader, a team member, or someone dreaming of their own venture, Miriam’s insights on change, culture, and personal growth are for anyone ready to take their next big step.

    1. Change Management: It’s All About the People

    During our conversation, Miriam emphasized that change management isn’t just about managing tasks—it’s fundamentally about managing, and supporting, people. Projects and initiatives often fail when they don’t properly account for the human element. Successful change management brings people along on the journey, ensuring that changes “stick” and are sustainable.

    2. Culture is the Apex Predator

    “Culture eats strategy for lunch.” as the saying goes. Miriam deeply believes in the importance of culture in making or breaking strategic initiatives. If an organization’s culture is unhealthy or resistant to change, even the best-laid plans can fail.

    3. The Challenge of Founder’s Syndrome

    Although culture is the “apex predator”, there is something that can tank it: Founder’s Syndrome. A major organizational challenge is what Miriam calls “founder’s syndrome.” This occurs when a founder’s personality and vision dominate the organization’s culture, limiting diverse perspectives and stifling growth. To counter this, Miriam advocates for inclusive strategic planning that incorporates diverse voices and experiences.

    4. Diverse Perspectives Lead to Stronger Strategies

    Plans crafted by just a few individuals are often unrealistic or lack practicality. Miriam suggests that involving a range of voices—from employees to external stakeholders—ensures a more grounded and realistic strategy. This approach also increases buy-in and commitment from those who have to execute the plan.

    5. Continuous Learning for Sustainable Success

    Those familiar with Outside Insights know I believe knowledge is power. Miriam does, too. No matter your profession, continuous education is essential and Miriam stresses the importance of staying ahead of trends through certifications, learning programs, and engaging with thought leadership. I challenge you to take this a step further and also consider folks in your network you could act as a mentor in a new area.

    6. It’s Nothing Personal

    Toward the end of our conversation Miriam shared a valuable mindset for entrepreneurs: understand that the ebbs and flows of business are not personal. External factors will always affect business, it’s how you respond to them that defines your success.

    While Miriam offers a fresh perspective on change management that is grounded in practical experience and strategic insight, her insights aren’t just for CEOs or managers—they’re for anyone who wants to make a difference, challenge the status quo, and build something that truly lasts. If you’re ready to think differently about change and the power of diverse ideas, be sure to check out the full episode of Outside Insights here during your next commute.

    Until next time

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    56 mins
  • 23 Lessons from 23 Years in Business
    Aug 19 2024

    I officially started my business 23 years ago — the morning of September 11, 2001.

    Of course, history and our lives changed forever that day. It was certainly a challenging start for the business, but challenges have been a constant companion throughout my journey.

    Today, I’m known as the guy who started a business from one dollar and scaled it to mid-market size without partners or investors. I bootstrapped it so that it could truly be my company. I’ve guided my business through thick and thin, through four recessions, 9/11, a pandemic, a fire, and even a flood (my building caught fire during the Super Bowl in the early 2010s). Through it all, we’ve adapted and evolved, always focusing on human resources, always maintaining a consultative approach, and always prioritizing culture.

    Over the years, I’ve learned countless lessons, personally and professionally. Here are the 23 that stand out most as I reflect on 23 years in business:

    1. Challenges are workout sessions: Entrepreneurs face challenges every day. These aren’t just obstacles; they’re opportunities to grow, get better, and solve problems.
    2. The path and the goal are separate: Goals will change as you evolve, and that’s okay. You derive the most value along the way, as long as you stay true to yourself and know your values.
    3. Play the long game: Business is an ultramarathon, not a sprint. Good things and bad things will happen along the way. Keep your eye on the prize.
    4. Build your support system: Starting a business requires a strong support system. My wife and extended family of entrepreneurs supported me while knowing I had to learn on my own, even if it hurt.
    5. Leverage change: Change is one of your most important assets. Markets, situations, customers, employees — everything changes. Embrace it.
    6. Understand the phases of business: If you’re blessed to make it through the first few years, you’ll go through distinct phases — finding your market, building a small team, creating your first management team, and scaling processes and technology. Understanding this complexity and how you communicate as a business matters.
    7. Accept team evolution: The people who join you early for the entrepreneurial experience may be replaced as you grow with those who seek stability and scale.
    8. Be willing to work for free: Starting a business is hard. Be prepared to work for free to prove your idea. I did this for many months.
    9. Scaling is about small experiments: Scaling a business is a series of small experiments. Try things, learn, and either fail or succeed quickly, then repeat.
    10. Build a caring culture: I learned that I could build a culture where people truly care about each other and our community. Today, my business’ culture is the most important element to our success. Cue lesson #11.
    11. Culture matters as much as strategy: Culture really does matter. A good strategy will only get you so far if you don’t have a strong culture to back it up.

    To get the rest of the list click here.

    Thank you to everyone who has been a part of the Placers, Opposite the Crowd, or Outside Insights community these past 23 years. Your support has been invaluable.



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    9 mins
  • From the Classroom to the Capitol: Matt Meyer's Leadership Journey - Episode 48
    Aug 2 2024

    Imagine transforming recycled tires into a thriving footwear business, then pivoting to reduce homelessness and run for governor. Sounds impossible, right? Not for Matt Meyer, this week’s Outside Insights guest. I had the privilege of speaking with Meyer to explore his approach to leadership, the impactful initiatives he's been part of, and his vision for Delaware's future.

    Matt's desire to make a positive impact was strong even before his teaching and political career, starting with a move to Kenya. After serving as a diplomat in Iraq, where he was embedded with the army, Matt returned to the U.S. and—you wouldn’t have guessed it—began teaching sixth and seventh-grade math.

    During his time as a teacher, he became dissatisfied with the state's education system. Driven by a desire to create meaningful change, Meyer decided to run for office. Despite initial skepticism from his family and the challenge of facing a well-established incumbent, his grassroots campaign led to an unexpected victory. This experience underscored his belief in community-driven initiatives and the power of perseverance—both popular topics here at Outside Insights.

    Matt's desire to make a positive impact was strong even before his teaching and political career and started with a move to Kenya. There, he co-founded a footwear company that created sandals from recycled tires. This venture provided employment and economic opportunities in one of Nairobi's poorest neighborhoods and the challenges and successes of this endeavor gave him a unique perspective on economic development.

    Today, as the chief executive of New Castle County, Delaware’s largest county, Matt Meyer oversees essential services such as law enforcement, emergency response, libraries, parks, and affordable housing. His leadership focuses on practical solutions that directly impact people’s lives over political rhetoric.

    “We don’t make promises, we make plans, and then our job is to turn those plans into real progress.” – Matt Meyer

    Meyer’s vision for Delaware as governor is focused on three key areas: improving education, healthcare, and housing. Drawing on his background as a teacher, he aims to elevate Delaware’s education system. In healthcare, he seeks to make services more accessible and effective, inspired by his wife’s experience as an emergency room physician. Additionally, he plans to tackle the state’s affordable housing shortage to ensure more Delawareans have stable homes.

    To learn more about Matt’s journey and vision for Delaware, listen to the full podcast episode here. For more inspiring stories and actionable insights, tune into the Outside Insights podcast. You never know who our next guest will be!

    Until next time friends,


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    27 mins
  • Closing Your Gaps With See, Think, Act
    Jul 22 2024

    Let’s face it: life is a series of decisions. From something as simple as what we eat for breakfast to major career moves, we make thousands of choices each day (between 33,000–35,000!). Some are automatic, handled by our subconscious to keep us sane, while others require careful consideration and come with their fair share of anxiety. Reflecting on our decisions — big and small — can reveal patterns that shape our lives. Perhaps it’s patterns of overspending on impulse buys, avoiding crucial conversations or choosing the path of least resistance. If these patterns sound familiar to you, it’s time to go back to the basics and consider how we’re making decisions.

    There are many decision-making models out there. Charlie Munger’s are a personal favorite of mine — you can learn more about them here. In fact, I mentioned his book in my last post on closing your gap through reading. Another favorite is the Almanack of Naval Ravikant. Each offers a toolkit to broaden our understanding and improve our choices.

    See, Think, Act: My Decision-Making Model

    Longtime readers will be familiar with See, Think, Act — a decision-making model that has been coined and passed down through generations of Burkhards.

    It’s a simple yet effective approach to closing gaps by making better-informed choices. The key lies in gathering the right information (See) and thoroughly analyzing it (Think) before taking action (Act). It sounds straightforward, but in a fast-paced world where speed often trumps thoroughness, it’s easier said than done. Deadlines loom, pressures mount, and action often feels more urgent than reflection. In fact, at times it feels like the world wants us to be busy — more on that you can check out Slow Productivity by Cal Newport.

    Yet, my experience tells me that slowing down to gather insights pays off in the long run. It’s about making fewer, better decisions rather than rushing into ones you may regret later. I challenge you to remember and use See, Think, Act when you’re faced with your next small or big decision.

    Mastering See, Think, Act is like honing any skill — it takes practice. By adopting this approach, you empower yourself to navigate decisions with confidence and clarity. Whether in a tense staff meeting or facing a significant purchase decision, taking a moment to gather facts and consider implications can lead to more satisfying outcomes.

    Remember, closing your gap isn’t an overnight feat. It’s a gradual process of learning, adapting, and improving. Next time you find yourself in a pivotal moment — at work, at home, or anywhere in between — try applying See, Think, Act.

    Ask questions, seek more information, and after you’ve done that — trust your gut. Over time, you’ll find your decision-making and problem-solving skills sharpen, and you’ll move closer to the life you envision.

    So, here’s to closing gaps, making informed choices, and embracing the journey ahead with confidence (most of the time).

    Until next time, friends.


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    5 mins
  • Leadership Lessons From Ted Lasso: A Sit-down with Marnie Stockman and Nick Coniglio
    Jul 3 2024

    In the latest episode of Outside Insights, I had the pleasure of interviewing the dynamic duo, Marnie Stockman and Nick Coniglio, tech leaders, co-founders of Lifecycle Insights and co-authors of “Lead It Like Lasso“.

    During our conversation, we dove into their unique approach to leadership, drawing inspiration from none other than the TV character, Ted Lasso. From their journey co-founding and scaling Lifecycle Insights, Marnie and Nick shared a wealth of wisdom.

    Finding Inspiration from Ted Lasso

    Who would have thought that a fictional soccer coach could provide profound leadership insights? Marnie and Nick did. They admired Ted Lasso’s positive, people-focused philosophy and saw many parallels to their own leadership experiences. Their book aims to help readers cultivate these qualities, encouraging them to become more effective and authentic leaders.

    Marnie and Nick believe that effective leadership starts with leading yourself—aligning with your core values and being true to who you are. They highlighted that a lack of authenticity can create a sense of mistrust among employees, something that can tank your team’s morale.

    In a past life I was a football coach who converted to a high school soccer coach. I was not technical enough to lead quite like Ted Lasso, but I did it in my own way! I blogged about it here, if you want to check it out.

    The Importance of a “Personal Operating System”

    One of the standout tools they mentioned from their book is the “personal operating system” exercise. This exercise helps team members understand each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and work styles, fostering better alignment and collaboration. It’s a practical way to nurture individual strengths, much like Ted Lasso does with his team. Longtime listeners know how much I value tools that help people understand themselves and their values—I absolutely loved learning about this one.

    An Outside Insights Must: Balancing Work and Life

    Marnie and Nick also stressed the importance of self-care to maintain balance. They engage in activities that rejuvenate them, such as exercise, learning new things, and spending quality time with family. Nick enjoys playing golf, while Marnie finds relaxation in knitting. These hobbies help them stay grounded and maintain their well-being amidst the demands of their professional lives.

    This episode was a treasure trove of leadership wisdom and practical advice. Marnie and Nick’s book, “Lead It Like Lasso“, offers a refreshing take on leadership. For those seeking to enhance their leadership skills and become more authentic, empathetic, and effective leaders, this Outside Insights episode, and their book, are invaluable resources.

    Book Recommendations

    For other books to add to your summer reading list, check out a few other titles we discussed on the podcast below:

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    57 mins
  • Closing Your Gaps: The Power of Reading
    Jun 24 2024

    If you’ve been part of the Outside Insights community for a while, you’re familiar with the concept of closing your gaps. For those of you that are new — welcome! Our goal here is to take steps every day to live a more intentional and authentic life, and closing our gaps is key.

    The “gap” represents the space between where you are now and where you want to be. It encompasses every aspect of your life: personal, work and career goals, dreams, and aspirations. So, how do we close these gaps? Today, I want to focus on one of my favorite tools: Reading.

    Yep — reading. Hear me out!

    Reading is a seemingly simple activity that translates directly into knowledge building. My advice: you should always have a book in progress.

    I am often in conflict about how to spend my time. Should I be in action mode and doing something productive, or have I earned the right to sit in the sun and read? Reading often feels like an indulgence, but I have come to learn that it is essential.

    I love nothing more than to spend a Saturday morning putzing around. As the self-proclaimed Chief Putzing Officer, I do the smallest tasks that often go unnoticed, like cleaning the coffee machine or putting things back in their place. However, I struggle to just “be” in the moment unless I feel I have earned it — that is, until I start reading.

    For me, reading signifies that I am organized and on top of my to-do list and life plan — Reading unlocks creativity, exposes me to new ways of thinking, and generally helps exercise my brain.

    So, how do you close your gaps and read more? Here are a few tips:

    1. Start a Book Club: At Placers, we have a club called A Better Book Club, with hundreds of curated titles. We even pay people to read. Imagine that!

    2. Set a Reading Goal: Changing habits requires measuring efforts. Are you willing to measure your progress on a daily basis?

    3. Trust the Process: Knowledge doesn’t happen overnight. It comes as you consume and apply it.

    4. Start Simple: Pick a book. I often practice interviewing employees and giving them book recommendations. Need a summer read? Want to learn something new at work? Looking for knowledge on a world event? Challenge yourself. And hey, if you’re just looking for a little escape in a good fiction book, that does the trick too.

    After you read this, I hope you’re inspired to dust off your “to be read” list or head to the bookstore to see what title pops off the shelf for you. It doesn’t matter what you read, as long as you’re reading, learning, stretching your imagination, etc. you’re doing yourself a much deserved service.

    And, excuse my directness, but if you want to further close your gaps, try my book, Opposite the Crowd. Each chapter focuses on lessons learned through a lifetime of trials and triumphs in life, business, entrepreneurship, sales, service, and leadership. It’s purpose? To help people take the steps they need to take to close their gaps. Check it out on Amazon here.

    I’ve included a few favorites from my summer reading list below.

    Slow Productivity by Cal Newport — If your looking for answers to get out from under your inbox and slack channel.

    A Calendar of Wisdom by Leo Tolstoy — A daily bit of wisdom with spirituality as its root.

    Poor Charlie’s Almanack: The Essential Wit and Wisdom of Charlie Munger by Charlie Munger — Read about the “richest” man and I don’t just mean money!

    The Son by Philipp Meyer — A page turner, Maybe the best historical fiction book I have ever read. Caution its graphic.

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    7 mins