
  • #24 - When Songs fade to nothing
    Mar 30 2023

    I am a massive music fan, in fact I would go as far as saying there's not a genre of music that I dislike. However, there is a behaviour that really gets on my nerves. Why is it that music artist put such time and effort into 95% of their songs but then put zero effort in to how those songs end?! If you find this as annoying as I do make sure you get in touch with the tags below

    As always you can get in touch via social media... or via email

    Twitter: @AnnoyingPodcast

    Instagram: @Annoying_Podcast

    Email: nothingmoreannoying@gmail.com

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    8 mins
  • #23 - Not Clearing a Microwave Timer
    Mar 29 2023

    GUEST HOST Zack steps in to reboot the podcast after almost 5 months break to talk about another tiny inconvenience that puts a dampener on his day! Thanks Zack for the restart to the show and lets go in to the new year ensuring that we continue feeling slightly annoyed with every little thing

    The Neatcast Twitter: @NeatCastPod Website: https://theneatcast.buzzsprout.com/ Podcasters Assemble Twitter: @CastersAssemble Website: https://probablywork.com/podcasters-assemble/ Effin Cutlured Twitter: @EffinCultured Website: https://effincultured.wordpress.com/ and as always you can get in touch via social media... or via email

    Twitter: @AnnoyingPodcast

    Instagram: @Annoying_Podcast

    Email: nothingmoreannoying@gmail.com

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    6 mins
  • BONUS EPISODE - My Annoying Life
    Oct 11 2021
    Welcome to a new feature where we want you, the listeners to take the lead. Rather than listing things that annoy you, we want you to email us your stories of events that happened in your day that just annoyed you. They could be minuscule, or extremely relatable. IT could be a colleague or a friend that just rubbed you up the wrong way, someones driving behaviour or something completely random. Whatever it is email your story in to nothingmoreannoying@gmail.com
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    2 mins
  • #22 - The Sun
    Jul 29 2021

    You know that bright thing in the sky...pretty annoying isn't it - Just a quick spontaneous rant

    As always you can get in touch via social media... or via email

    Twitter: @AnnoyingPodcast

    Instagram: @Annoying_Podcast

    Email: nothingmoreannoying@gmail.com

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    8 mins
  • #21 - Long Sleeved Water catastrophes
    Jul 22 2021

    Despite thousands of years as human beings of wearing fabrics atop our flesh, and despite over a hundred years of pipe based running water do we still not know how to separate the two? When water touches your clothing when you don't want it to can be the most disappointing moment of your life. That's right, this week we are talking about when water touches the cuff of your sleeve. If you find this as annoying as I do make sure you get in touch with the tags below

    As always you can get in touch via social media... or via email

    Twitter: @AnnoyingPodcast

    Instagram: @Annoying_Podcast

    Email: nothingmoreannoying@gmail.com

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    7 mins
  • #20 - People who Reply All to emails
    Jul 15 2021

    This week, we are back to work to talk about the unwritten rules of written communication. Surely it's not just me who thinks there is this lore of professional social etiquette?! Do I really need to be included on things that are not even for me?? Or am I just being a bit over the top.. let me know your thoughts!

    As always you can get in touch via social media... or via email

    Twitter: @AnnoyingPodcast

    Instagram: @Annoying_Podcast

    Email: nothingmoreannoying@gmail.com

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    7 mins
  • #19 - People who are easily offended
    Jul 8 2021

    I think after nearly two months of other people getting involved and allowing my podcast to be a venting ground, I think its time to let loose. The morning of this recording, I woke up and saw on Tik Tok someone ranting about how disgusted they were over a stranger saying a specific word and how offended they were. I just thought to myself that "if this is the biggest thing you are offended by in life then you have it easy!" Generations of suffering in regimes like ethnic cleansing and apartheid and you are concerned about someone referring to you as a woman when you no longer identify as one...cant we all just have a little bit more grit and just get on with our life rather than seeking out offence from others and as always you can get in touch via social media... or via email

    Twitter: @AnnoyingPodcast

    Instagram: @Annoying_Podcast

    Email: nothingmoreannoying@gmail.com

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    10 mins
  • #18 - When On Stage Talent berates backstage crew
    Jul 1 2021

    A treat for you all with a new format of episode! - The FNG and GNXJO are phoning in to the podcast this week to describe their annoyance, however it turned out to be a really interesting hidden view in to what happens back stage with famous artists and comedians and what can really annoy the roadies or hands that support the shows production. What happens when you cut off Bill Cosby's head? What happens if you look at Barry Manilows face? What happens if you upset Slayers local set up crew? And whatever you do, if you don't record The Sopranos for The Eagles, then you better find a place to hide! If you want to hear more stories then go check out Stage Door Chronicles on the listening platform of your choice! https://linktr.ee/stagedoorchronicles As always you can get in touch via social media... or via email

    Twitter: @AnnoyingPodcast

    Instagram: @Annoying_Podcast

    Email: nothingmoreannoying@gmail.com

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    17 mins