
  • Not the HR Lady: S3 E3 Just the Tip
    Nov 11 2021

    “You have a couple of mixed kids, where’s their Father? Let me guess… jail?” (cue grown up, racist laughter by a 50-something couple). This is a real conversation during my vacation last week with the kids, as a couple walked by our dinner table. At first, they stopped to say “are these all yours? You know how to prevent this don’t you?” 🙄 And then, upon looking around and seeing my oldest two (my niece and nephew, who as you all know by now, I adopted), they decided to keep the fuckery going, but this time… adding a racist spin, you know… for extra BS. 🚫 It’s NOT OK to let comments like this “go” 🚫 With all the calmness I could muster (and it was hard, I was seeing red on the inside), I eloquently told this stranger how absolutely disgusting they were for first, thinking they could say something about how many kids I have and it be “funny” and second, for being a racist on display for all to see… my family, my children. I cited some facts to this rando and educated him on the importance of not being a racist piece of shit, emotional intelligence and self control. After the lesson, he walked away, shocked, I think, and the called me a fucking bitch. Typical. The predictability of these fools is, at least for me, 10/10! I don’t take it personally, I think you know that. But, what I do take personally are these moments of opportunity… They are filled great responsibility and I’m into practicing what I preach. I could have just “let it go”, smiled and laughed at his gross attempts and being the hurtful kind “funny”. To show off his dominance to the woman he was with. To just put others down… But I can’t. I’m responsible for breaking down the systemic BS in the world of work and this man, I’d wager, is right here on #linkedin. Had I not responded, I’d have shown my daughters and sons the exact opposite of what I talk about every single episode of Not the HR Lady. On what I live, personally, every day. On who I am raising them to be. There is power in our voices. There is power in speaking up. There is power in educating. There is power in being calm. There is power in demonstrating leadership. There is power in all of us. Use your voice. Don’t let comments “go”, whether said to you or overheard… it’s up to all of us to facilitate change and we can’t do that silently. #notthehrlady #nobs #realtalk #leadership #dei #emotionalintelligence #mentalhealth

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    59 mins
  • Not the HR Lady: S3 E2 Who‘s Watching Your Kids?
    Nov 11 2021

    On at least three occasions during my career as a Chief People Officer… I’ve been asked by Male Executives (who all have kids too)… “if you’re here, who’s watching your kids?” Seriously. Potentially implying numerous things: 1. Obviously my male partner MUST work. 2. I should be tending to my children. 3. I can’t possibly work and do the Mom things. Who knows what else? We are talking about this and more on the latest episode of Not the HR Lady! Thursday’s at 7pm Central, followed immediately by our LIVE after party show “Assets Not A**holes: Talking NTHRL S3E2”. This week… it’s all about working parents on “Who’s Watching Your Kids?” You don’t want to miss this. #notthehrlady #mentalhealth #podcast #family #workingmom #workingparents #webshow #hr #businessnews

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    58 mins
  • Not the HR Lady: S3 E1 Fire the ‘Brilliant‘
    Nov 11 2021
    On this episode of NTHRL, we explore what it means to be a brilliant asshole and how to deal with them.   #notthehrlady #covid19 #workfromhome #unemployed #employment #hiring #recruiting #corporateculture#humanresources #people #training #learning #development #coaching #funny #tarafuriani #justinboggs #linkedin #facebook #twitter #instagram #youtube #business #news #womenleaders #leadership #nobullshit #politics #civilrights #humanrights #racism #misogyny #xenophobia #homophobia #bullying #workfromhome #wfh #dei #notthehrlady #thehrlady #chiefpeopleofficer #hr #entertainment #humanresources #diversity #equity #inclusion #consulting #podcast #equality #notthehrlady
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    57 mins
  • Not the HR Lady: S2 E12Your Office Snacks
    Nov 11 2021

    Thursday is my favorite day of the week... because Justin and I get to spend it with all of you for our weekly episode of Not the HR Lady AND our LIVE After Party "Assets Not A**holes: Talking NTHRL S2E11". Now, we are no strangers to live shows, you know we do #notthehrlady EVERY Thursday starting at 7pm Central... but after a year, we're finally approved to bring you the after show, right here, on #linkedinlive! Our friends at Withlocals are taking us all the way to Peru... we're learning how to make a Pisco Sour and frankly, after reading the ingredients, I may have to start pre-gaming soon. What's even cooler? FOUR CONTINENTS WILL BE REPRESENTED DURING OUR LIVE AFTER PARTY! #netherlands #peru #australia #usa Join Sherif Abaza, Houda Sayed, Lorenzo Flores, Jerri Johnson, Ph.D., Tanya Siggins (she/her) and maybe a few more surprise guests... Withlocals for Teams is giving away a FREE custom experience to a lucky fan... you don't want to miss this! Julie Alig, Ph.D. won a few weeks ago! Maybe tonight will be your night? Worst case? You still spend 2 hours laughing, nodding your head, you'll learn to make a cocktail... and discover how to NOT SUCK AS A BOSS! #podcast #nobs #hrcommunity #hr #realtalk #leadership

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    53 mins
  • Not the HR Lady: S2 E11 Don‘t Suck as a Boss
    Nov 11 2021

    Thursday is my favorite day of the week... because Justin and I get to spend it with all of you for our weekly episode of Not the HR Lady AND our LIVE After Party "Assets Not A**holes: Talking NTHRL S2E11". Now, we are no strangers to live shows, you know we do #notthehrlady EVERY Thursday starting at 7pm Central... but after a year, we're finally approved to bring you the after show, right here, on #linkedinlive! Our friends at Withlocals are taking us all the way to Peru... we're learning how to make a Pisco Sour and frankly, after reading the ingredients, I may have to start pre-gaming soon. What's even cooler? FOUR CONTINENTS WILL BE REPRESENTED DURING OUR LIVE AFTER PARTY! #netherlands #peru #australia #usa Join Sherif Abaza, Houda Sayed, Lorenzo Flores, Jerri Johnson, Ph.D., Tanya Siggins (she/her) and maybe a few more surprise guests... Withlocals for Teams is giving away a FREE custom experience to a lucky fan... you don't want to miss this! Julie Alig, Ph.D. won a few weeks ago! Maybe tonight will be your night? Worst case? You still spend 2 hours laughing, nodding your head, you'll learn to make a cocktail... and discover how to NOT SUCK AS A BOSS! #podcast #nobs #hrcommunity #hr #realtalk #leadership

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    54 mins
  • Not the HR Lady: S2 E10 Killer Colleagues
    Nov 11 2021

    Like True Crime? Into Making the World of Work Better? Enjoy Funny, No BS Conversations About Business? Fancy Movies? How about Cocktails? Then this is the episode of Not the HR Lady you've been waiting for... Join us TONIGHT at 7pm Central US Time (and every Thursday, same time same place)... RSVP by following the link on the picture (super easy, two clicks is all it takes)! KILLER COLLEAGUES is this weeks episode title AND it's the name of our newest 'Not the HR Lady' show... exclusively for members of our website (it's free, join us, we won't spam you). Our after party show is coming to you LIVE from ITALY with a lesson in cocktail making and team building... You don't want to miss this! Thanks Withlocals for Teams for taking us on an adventure with you to freaking ITALY tonight... Justin and can't wait! Join us? #truecrime #notthehrlady #killercolleagues #cocktails #teambuilding #employeeengagement #mentalwellness #podcast #clubhouse #work #hrcommunity #entertainment

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    48 mins
  • Not the HR Lady: S2 E9 A Tale of Twelve Systems
    Nov 11 2021

    I am so tired of the SYSTEMS. No, not People Element No, not Zoom. No, not Wrike. No, not ADP. No, not Gmail. No, not Great Plains. No, not Jobvite. No, not PowerPoint. No, not Teams. No, not Slack. No, not Khorus. No, not Aloha. The SYSTEMS that were designed for everyone but: Women, People of Color, the LGBTQIA+ Communities... everyone but the group we all know has benefited (my post will get removed, so you'll have to fill in WHO the systems were designed for yourself. HINT: They all look like America's founding fathers). In the corporate world of work, we deal with systemic: Racism. Sexism. Misogyny. Bigotry. Bullying. Harassment. Ageism Ableism. Nepotism. Sadly, it's US & NOT the perpetrator who usually loses (income, opportunity, credibility), upholding the systems that continue to oppress, marginalize, harm & F*CK everyone who it wasn't designed for. This is why we say #nosilentallies. This is why we call on you to join us in USING YOUR VOICE & PRIVILIGE... especially if the system WAS designed for YOU. Just like every Thursday, join us tonight at 7pm CST with People Element's Tom & Megan, Dominic Vogel, & Wing Lam + as we get into Season 2, Episode 9 of Not the HR Lady "A TALE OF 12 SYSTEMS"! #notthehrlady #dei #hr #nobs #notthehrlady #covid19 #workfromhome #unemployed #employment #hiring #recruiting #corporateculture

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    44 mins
  • Not the HR Lady: S2 E8 Boardroom Badass
    Nov 11 2021

    What skeletons are in your corporate closet? Who knows your dirty boardroom secrets? What has your HR Leader cleaned up for you, that gives you anxiety when thinking about how much they know? Who have you stepped on to climb higher? Who did you blame so no one would look at you? Who have you intimidated, for no reason other than, you can? Who's great idea have you stolen? Are you using your seat (wherever that is... boardroom, mailroom or conference room, virtual right now, of course), for YOUR PERSONAL GAIN or for the collective betterment of all? (wait, don't answer those... self reflect, if applicable, do fucking better you selfish egomaniac). *********** Join us tonight at 7pm CST with Wing Lam, owner of Wahoo's Fish Taco and California Love Drop, Janice Reese and Lorenzo Flores from Hacking Your Leadership Podcast as we premier & discuss the latest episode of Not the HR Lady, S2E8... and slide into our LIVE after party show, where we'll deep dive the episode! BOARDROOM BADASS is the title of this one and it's good. Come... and end the fuckery. #notthehrlady #leadership #boardrooms #boardofdirectors #podcast #hr #nobs #realtalk #notthehrlady #covid19 #workfromhome #unemployed #employment #hiring

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    47 mins