What an episode to end Season 4 with. Season 4 was a journey in its own right, but as Hasan Traboulsi puts it: his story is an Odyssey itself. A man filled with Wonder and Excitement, Hasan Traboulsi has never shied away from challenges and “calculated” risks. Always a natural explorer, Hasan gravitated towards trying new things. That was not always the case and at the age of 24, eating junk food, feeling unfit and tired, an unknown fit and healthy 47-year old in the gym showed him that actually, you can be like that in the future. You can choose that healthy life. You can choose to train and to become healthy and to still go on adventures with your grandkids. Hasan’s epiphanies didn’t stop there as he eventually found out that there was a surfing community in Lebanon and finally decided to take matters into his own hands to create Rakmajeh. Through his work, the Lebanese and Middle East surfing community thrives. Not only does it show that Hasan has a large heart, he also supports the Brave Heart Foundation that helps children tackle heart disease. This episode is no short of beautiful advice and stories that really embodies the spirit and mission of the Nobody’s Famous Podcast. Join us for one final time this season as we close off with Hasan Jad Traboulsi, the thrill-seeking, adventure-hunting entrepreneur that might just change your life. Hasan Jad Traboulsi’s Links: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hasanjt/ Rakmajeh: https://www.rakmajeh.com/ Brave Heart Foundation: http://braveheart.ctcin.bio/ **Disclaimer:** The information in this podcast was accurate at the time of recording, but circumstances may have changed since then. Listeners should verify the information's current relevance and accuracy, as the hosts, guests, and producers are not responsible for any post-recording developments. For the most up-to-date information, please consult current resources and news. The Nobody's Famous Podcast also condemns the horrors and atrocities that are ongoing in the world and wishes a swift end to human suffering. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nobodysfamouspodcast/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/nobodysfamous Medium: https://medium.com/@tnfpodcast Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nobodys-famous-podcast/id1434979418 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0skOa1yxTR9QDNqXTNVHMp
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