• Public Forum: Migrant Rights X Finnish Immigration Policies, 25th August 2023, Oodi, Helsinki
    Sep 2 2023
    Listen to the public forum held on 25th August 2023, in which we discussed the effects of the proposed immigration laws in the government programme on the rights of diverse migrant groups in Finland. Speakers: • Riina Bhatia, Deputy City Councillor, Helsinki, Green Party • Erna Bodström, Migration Researcher, DSSc, University of Helsinki • Julia Ståhle, President of the Swedish Youth of Finland • Teemu Haapalehto, Director of Immigration Affairs, City of Espoo • Nick Walters, PhD, Co-Founder & Chair, Helsinki LEFT ry The event was organised by Prof. Nitin Sawhney (Trust-M), Dr. Johanna Leinonen (Mobile Futures), and Dr. Nick Walters & Ditmar Hasanaj (Helsinki LEFT ry). The event brought together the public and experts, to help understand the implications of the programme, raise awareness of concerns, offer an opportunity for public dialogue, hear the opinions of experts and civil society, and develop a collective action plan on how to address the concerns. It consisted of informative talks (which are unfortunately missing from the recording, due to technical issues) and a panel discussion among experts, and an open mic and Q&A session, through which the public was able to ask questions and share their experiences, concerns, and ideas. The forum took place at Helsinki Central Library Oodi, directly after the MASS PROTEST against the new Finnish Immigration Policy, which finished outside Parliament House, opposite the venue of the forum. Trust-M aims to create trustworthy digital public services for improved integration of migrants in Finland, hence strengthening Finnish society through increased inclusion and economic vibrance. The project is a partnership between Aalto University, University of Helsinki, Tampere University, and City of Espoo. https://trustmproject.aalto.fi Diversity, Trust, and Two-Way Integration (Mobile Futures) is an interdisciplinary, action-oriented research project that strives to promote a fair and inclusive society through focusing on integration as a trust-based, two-way process. https://mobilefutures.fi HELSINKI LEFT ry is a new grassroots chapter of Left Alliance. It works to better represent and integrate minority groups—particularly immigrants—in Finnish politics, overcoming knowledge gaps and the language barrier, and raising the profile of immigrant issues in political discourse, in English. www.instagram.com/helsinkileft
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    1 hr and 21 mins