Jul 2 2024
    On today's episode, we welcome the remarkable Carol Collins, a dynamic and insightful channeler and medium. Carol, often referred to as America's Medium, bridges the gap between the physical and non-physical realms, bringing through teachings from a collective of non-physical beings known as "The Teachers." Her journey from a structured, logical career in IT and the military to the fluid, intuitive world of channeling is nothing short of extraordinary.Carol's early life was deeply rooted in structure and discipline. As a former Marine and a professional in the Department of Defense, she thrived in environments that valued precision and order. However, a significant personal upheaval in her mid-forties led her to explore deeper, more esoteric realms of existence. "I had what everybody had at some point—a mid-life crisis," she recalls. It was during this period of introspection and isolation that Carol's intuitive abilities began to surface, leading her down an unexpected path.Carol's first profound spiritual encounter came through a serendipitous experience with a video of Esther Hicks channeling Abraham. "Within that 15 minutes, the whole front of my chest became warm, and it was like this vibration," she shares. This experience ignited a curiosity and a deep sense of connection that guided her towards a daily practice of meditation. Over the next nine months, her intuitive abilities blossomed, eventually leading to her first channeled messages.In her role as a channeler, Carol brings forth teachings that cover a wide array of spiritual topics. These teachings are organized into what she refers to as the "Four Pillars of Learning": conscious life and the purpose of physical existence, the law of attraction and thought creation, using source frequency to heal, and intuitive development. These pillars form the foundation of her work, offering a comprehensive roadmap for spiritual growth and self-healing.

    1. Harness the Power of Thought: Carol emphasizes the importance of understanding and utilizing the law of attraction. "Your non-physical mind creates or manifests your future experiences based on your dominant emotions," she explains. By consciously cultivating positive emotions, we can influence the quality of our future experiences.
    2. Healing Through Source Frequency: One of Carol's key teachings involves using source energy for healing. This involves techniques such as touchpoint activation and energy movement, which help to clear negative emotions and promote physical and emotional well-being.
    3. Embrace Your Intuitive Nature: Developing and trusting one's intuition is central to Carol's message. She encourages people to recognize and nurture their innate psychic abilities, which can guide them in making better decisions and understanding their life's purpose.
    Carol's journey from a life of structure to one of spiritual exploration is a testament to the transformative power of following one's intuition. Her work not only offers guidance but also empowers individuals to take control of their own spiritual development. "Living a fulfilled life means anticipating that you will satisfy soul intentions," she states, encapsulating her philosophy of continuous growth and self-discovery.In this profound conversation, Carol Collins provides a beacon of hope and clarity for those navigating their own spiritual journeys. Her teachings remind us that we are not alone and that we have access to profound wisdom and guidance from the non-physical realm. By embracing this guidance, we can create a life filled with purpose, healing, and joy.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Carol Collins.

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    1 hr and 14 mins
  • BONUS MONDAYS: AMPLIFY Your Brain's Capacity: DAILY ROUTINES for Top-Tier FOCUS & PRODUCTIVITY! with David Allen
    Jul 1 2024
    On today's episode, we welcome the remarkable David Allen, a master of productivity and author of the groundbreaking book "Getting Things Done." In this enlightening conversation, David reveals the spiritual underpinnings of his renowned methodology and shares profound insights into how we can manage our lives with clarity and purpose. His teachings are not just about getting tasks done but about achieving a state of mental peace that allows us to live more fully and authentically.David's journey began in the turbulent 1960s at Berkeley, where he was more interested in achieving personal enlightenment than pursuing a conventional career. "I got fascinated by clear space," he reflects. This fascination led him to drop out of graduate school and embark on a quest for self-discovery. Along the way, he took on various jobs, from running a service station to managing a landscape company, always seeking ways to simplify and improve processes. This eclectic experience laid the foundation for what would become his life's work.David discovered that the key to productivity lies in maintaining a clear mind. He emphasizes that our minds are for having ideas, not for holding them. "Your mind is for having ideas, not for holding them," he asserts. By externalizing our tasks and commitments into a trusted system, we can free up mental space for creative and strategic thinking. This principle is the cornerstone of his Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology, which has helped countless individuals and organizations achieve greater efficiency and peace of mind.David explains that one of the most important steps in his GTD approach is identifying and capturing everything that has our attention. This involves writing down all tasks, no matter how small, and organizing them in a way that allows for easy access and review. "What you need to do is first of all, you need to identify everything that's got your attention. That's not on cruise control," he explains. By doing so, we can ensure that nothing slips through the cracks and that we can engage with each task at the appropriate time.In discussing the practical aspects of his methodology, David also touches on the spiritual dimension of productivity. He believes that being clear and organized allows us to be more present and engaged with our lives. "It's about how you feel," he says, highlighting the importance of inner clarity and focus. This approach not only enhances our productivity but also supports our spiritual well-being by reducing stress and fostering a sense of control and balance.David's insights are both profound and practical, offering a holistic approach to managing our lives. He emphasizes the importance of the "two-minute rule," which suggests that if a task can be completed in two minutes or less, it should be done immediately. This simple yet powerful principle helps prevent small tasks from piling up and becoming overwhelming. "Anything you can do in two minutes that still needs to be done should be done right then because it would take you longer to remember or write it down," he advises.

    1. Clear Mental Space: David's emphasis on maintaining a clear mental space encourages us to regularly declutter our minds, allowing us to focus on the present moment and what truly matters.
    2. Externalizing Tasks: By externalizing our tasks and commitments, we free our minds from the burden of holding information, thereby enhancing our creativity and strategic thinking.
    3. Actionable Steps: Breaking down large tasks into manageable, actionable steps helps reduce procrastination and makes it easier to engage with our commitments.
    In this profound conversation, David offers a wealth of wisdom on how to navigate our lives with greater clarity and purpose. His GTD methodology is not just about getting things done; it's about creating a system that supports our overall well-being and spiritual growth. By externalizing tasks and focusing on actionable steps, we can free our minds to engage more fully with the present moment and our broader life goals.

    Please enjoy my conversation with David Allen.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.
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    58 mins
  • NLS 462: UNBELIEVABLE Changes Ahead: MANKIND'S Great Shift Explained - PREPARE for 2024 RESET! with Sara Landon
    Jun 29 2024
    In the ever-spinning tapestry of our lives, today’s episode presents an enlightening return of Sara Landon, a revered spiritual teacher and channeler. With an essence that bridges the realms of the mundane and the mystical, Sara brings a unique perspective that resonates deeply with those seeking higher understanding. Her journey, marked by profound insights and transformative experiences, serves as a beacon for those navigating the intricacies of their spiritual paths.In our conversation, Sara Landon delves into the essence of channeling, an ability she believes lies dormant within all of us. "We all have a gift," she asserts, likening the process to the natural flow state experienced by artists and athletes. For Sara, channeling is not an esoteric skill reserved for the few but a natural expression of our higher selves. It's a harmonious alignment with source energy, a state she describes as being "in the zone," whether one is engaged in a creative pursuit or a heartfelt conversation.Channeling, as Sara explains, comes in many forms. Some may find their expression through automatic writing, while others might connect through art or music. There's even a rising recognition of light language, a unique form of communication she touched upon in our last discussion. This diversity in channeling methods underscores a universal truth: each of us is uniquely equipped to tap into and express this divine connection.One might wonder how to differentiate between the mind’s chatter and true guidance from a higher source. Sara offers a simple yet profound insight: "The voice in our head is usually judgmental or critical, condemning at times. When you really start tuning into your Higher Self, it's this unwavering love, this reverence for you, this compassion for you." This loving guidance, she emphasizes, stands in stark contrast to the self-critical voices we often mistake for our own thoughts.As we navigate our conversation, the topic of discernment naturally arises. How do we trust that the guidance we receive is not just a fabrication of our own mind? Sara encourages a practice of tuning in and trusting the messages that come from a place of love and alignment. This, she believes, is a lifestyle—a continuous relationship with our higher wisdom that guides us through both the mundane and the mystical aspects of life.The discussion then flows into the practicalities of living as a channel in today’s world. Sara candidly shares her journey, from the initial skepticism to embracing her role as a verbal channel. Her path, though not free of challenges, is a testament to the transformative power of trusting and following one’s higher guidance. It's a journey that has led her to not only profound personal growth but also to helping others awaken to their own gifts and potential.

    1. Trust the Unwavering Love: The guidance from your higher self is always rooted in love, compassion, and reverence for you. When in doubt, tune into the loving nature of the messages you receive.
    2. Channeling is a Universal Gift: Whether through art, writing, or conversation, everyone has the ability to channel. It’s about finding your unique expression and cultivating a relationship with your higher wisdom.
    3. Integration Over Judgment: Embrace all parts of your journey without judgment. True integration of your experiences, both past and present, leads to wholeness and a higher state of consciousness.
    As we draw our conversation to a close, Sara leaves us with a powerful reminder: "When we really take total responsibility, that we are creating our life, at least from the perspective of creating how we react to things, how we view things, our perspective on things... Now, I would expand that to say we do create our reality." This realization, she explains, is where true freedom lies. It’s an invitation to step fully into our power, to create not from a place of lack or fear, but from a space of love and limitless potential.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Sara Landon.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.
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    2 hrs and 5 mins
  • FLASHBACK FRIDAYS: Use This FORMULA To Achieve ANYTHING YOU WANT! with Mark Victor Hansen
    Jun 28 2024
    On today's episode, we welcome Mark Victor Hansen, a beacon of entrepreneurial spirit and boundless energy. Known globally as the co-creator of the renowned "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series, Mark has dedicated his life to inspiring others to find their unique talents and harness them for personal and collective growth.In our conversation, Mark shares his journey from humble beginnings to becoming a bestselling author. His early years were marked by a series of failures and challenges that tested his resolve. Despite these setbacks, Mark's unwavering belief in the power of storytelling and his commitment to uplifting others propelled him forward. "Everyone has a unique talent," he emphasizes, "and it uniques up on them."Mark's partnership with Jack Canfield led to the creation of "Chicken Soup for the Soul," a series that has touched millions of lives. Their journey was not without obstacles; they faced 144 rejections from publishers before finally finding a home for their book. Mark's determination and vision were pivotal in their success. "I knew this would be a bestseller," he recalls, highlighting the importance of maintaining a positive and persistent mindset.In the face of adversity, Mark discovered the profound impact of spiritual mentors like Norman Vincent Peale and Reverend Ike, who inspired him to transform his mindset and embrace abundance. These experiences reinforced his belief that one's inner world shapes their outer reality. "At the soul level, your rejection-proof," Mark asserts, encouraging listeners to live in the assumption of the wish fulfilled.

    1. Embrace Your Unique Talent: Everyone possesses a unique gift that, once discovered, can lead to profound personal and professional success. Reflect on your abilities and find ways to share them with the world.
    2. Persist Through Adversity: Mark's journey demonstrates the power of persistence. Facing numerous rejections, he continued to believe in his vision. Remember that obstacles are often stepping stones to greater achievements.
    3. Shift Your Mindset to Abundance: A positive mindset is crucial for success. Mark's transformation came when he shifted his focus from scarcity to abundance, a lesson he attributes to spiritual teachings. Cultivate a mindset of abundance and watch how it transforms your life.
    Mark's stories of innovative marketing strategies for "Chicken Soup for the Soul" illustrate the importance of thinking outside the box. From partnering with chiropractors and the American Red Cross to leveraging cause-related marketing with Coca-Cola, Mark's creative approaches have consistently yielded remarkable results. His concept of "bypass marketing"—finding untapped markets and unique promotional channels—has been a game-changer.Mark's unwavering faith and dedication to his work have not only brought him immense success but have also enabled him to give back to the community. He passionately advocates for literacy and education, believing that books have the power to change lives. "Everybody needs to write a book," he insists, highlighting the transformative power of storytelling.In conclusion, Mark Victor Hansen's life and work are a testament to the power of belief, persistence, and creativity. His journey from struggling writer to bestselling author and motivational speaker is an inspiration to all who seek to make a positive impact on the world. By embracing our unique talents, maintaining a positive mindset, and persevering through challenges, we can achieve extraordinary things.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Mark Victor Hansen.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.
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    1 hr and 28 mins
    Jun 27 2024
    On today's episode, we welcome the remarkable Kaia Ra, a beacon of resilience and spiritual insight. Kaia's journey is nothing short of extraordinary, as she navigated the harrowing experiences of elite human trafficking and emerged as a powerful channel for Ascended Masters. Her story is a testament to the human spirit's capacity for survival, transformation, and the relentless pursuit of truth and healing.Kaia's early life was marked by unimaginable challenges. Born into a military program for psychically gifted children, she was subjected to intense training and exploitation. "I believe that I'm alive by the grace of God," Kaia reflects, attributing her survival to her deep connection with Ascended Masters and the angelic orders. This divine connection not only kept her alive but also guided her through the darkest moments of her life.In her early twenties, Kaia began the arduous process of reclaiming her life. Despite being stalked and monitored by handlers from her past, she found solace and strength in yoga and meditation. "Something told me to get my butt into that yoga studio," she recalls. This practice became a lifeline, helping her heal from the deep trauma and regain control over her psychic gifts. Her dedication to self-healing culminated in a profound kundalini awakening at the age of 27, a transformative experience that solidified her spiritual path.Kaia's spiritual mission is embodied in her work with the Ascended Masters, particularly through her book, "The Sophia Code." This book, channeled from divine beings, offers a roadmap for humanity's awakening and empowerment. The Ascended Masters she channels, such as Mother Mary, Isis, and Quan Yin, bring forward teachings that are both ancient and profoundly relevant to today's spiritual seekers. "Enlightenment is simply the decision to look into the light that you are and to never look away," Green Tara shares in the book, emphasizing the simplicity yet profound commitment required for spiritual growth.

    1. Embrace the Light Within: Enlightenment is not an external achievement but an inner journey of recognizing and continually focusing on the divine light within oneself.
    2. Forgiveness as Liberation: Forgiving oneself for choosing a challenging life mission is crucial for inner peace and spiritual progress. It allows one to move forward without being shackled by past traumas.
    3. Commitment to Sovereignty: The path to a new Golden Age of Ascension requires a collective commitment to live in alignment with our divine sovereignty. This involves not only creating but also sustaining and expanding new paradigms of light and truth.
    Kaia's story is a profound reminder of the resilience and transformative power of the human spirit. Her journey from the depths of trauma to becoming a beacon of spiritual light offers hope and inspiration to all who are navigating their own paths of healing and awakening.In the words of Kaia Ra, "The greatest thing you can offer this world is to love yourself." This love, nurtured through deep spiritual practice and self-forgiveness, becomes a wellspring of strength and light that can transform not only our own lives but also the world around us.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Kaia Ra.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.
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    1 hr and 24 mins
  • NLS 460: IT HAS BEGUN! The Spiritual BATTLE Between DARK & LIGHT Forces for MANKIND'S SOUL! with Paul Selig
    Jun 25 2024
    In the kaleidoscope of life, each soul embarks on a unique journey, weaving through the ebbs and flows of existence. On today's episode, we welcome the enigmatic Paul Selig, a man who has traversed the realms of the unseen, channeling profound insights that speak to the very core of our being. This conversation delves deep into the spiritual struggle for humanity, touching on themes that resonate with our collective journey toward higher consciousness.Paul's path began with a moment of profound surrender. "I actually got on my knees because I thought that's how you were supposed to do it," he recalls. This simple act of devotion led to an extraordinary encounter, as a voice responded to his plea for guidance. This marked the beginning of his journey into the mystical realms, where he discovered that our thoughts and perceptions significantly shape our reality. Paul's insights challenge us to move beyond the victim mentality and embrace accountability for our perceptions, whether they concern the government, the bank, or any other societal construct.In this profound conversation, we explore the nature of divine realization and how it can transform our lives. Paul shares that praying for someone is not merely about wishing them well but realizing the divine presence within and around them. This realization can elevate situations and individuals to higher states of being, fostering change from within. It's a journey of seeing beyond the surface, lifting the veil to perceive the divine octave that resonates through all existence.As we navigate the challenges of modern life, Paul's teachings remind us of the power of perception. "How you think about something contributes to the thing itself, and informs the thing itself," he emphasizes. This perspective invites us to reconsider how we interact with the world, encouraging a shift from reinforcing darkness to recognizing and nurturing the inherent divinity in every aspect of our lives.

    1. Embrace Accountability: Understand that our perceptions shape our reality. Moving beyond the victim mentality allows us to take responsibility for our thoughts and actions, fostering positive change.
    2. Realize the Divine: Recognize the divine presence within and around you. This realization can elevate your consciousness and transform your interactions with the world, fostering a higher state of being.
    3. Shift Your Perspective: How you think about situations and individuals significantly impacts their reality. By shifting from reinforcing darkness to recognizing the divine, you contribute to a more positive and transformative experience.
    Throughout our discussion, Paul highlights the importance of not becoming attached to the structures and meanings imposed by society. He encourages us to see things as they are, without the biases and judgments shaped by history and culture. This detachment allows for a more profound understanding and connection to the divine essence that permeates all existence.Paul's journey is a testament to the transformative power of spiritual awakening. From a life shrouded in fear and uncertainty, he has emerged as a beacon of light, guiding others toward their own divine realizations. His teachings challenge us to look beyond the superficial and embrace the deeper truths that lie within.As we conclude this enlightening conversation, we are reminded of the importance of inner work and the continuous journey toward higher consciousness. Paul's insights serve as a guide, illuminating the path for those who seek to understand the deeper mysteries of life.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Paul Selig.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.
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    1 hr and 31 mins
  • BONUS MONDAYS: How I Broke Into Hollywood & Survived with Edward Burns
    Jun 24 2024
    Today's guest is a writer, director, producer, actor, and indie filmmaking legend, Edward Burns.Many of you might have heard of the Sundance Film Festival-winning film called The Brothers McMullen, his iconic first film that tells the story of three Irish Catholic brothers from Long Island who struggle to deal with love, marriage, and infidelity. His Cinderella story of making the film, getting into Sundance, and launching his career is the stuff of legend.The Brothers McMullen was sold to Fox Searchlight and went on to make over $10 million at the box office on a $27,000 budget, making it one of the most successful indie films of the decade.Ed went off to star in huge films like Saving Private Ryan for Steven Spielberg and direct studio films like the box office hit She's The One. The films about the love life of two brothers, Mickey and Francis, interconnect as Francis cheats on his wife with Mickey's ex-girlfriend, while Mickey impulsively marries a stranger.Even after his mainstream success as an actor, writer, and director he still never forgot his indie roots. He continued to quietly produce completely independent feature films on really low budgets. How low, how about $9000. As with any smart filmmaker, Ed has continued to not only produce films but to consider new methods of getting his projects to the world.In 2007, he teamed up with Apple iTunes to release an exclusive film Purple Violets. It was a sign of the times that the director was branching out to new methods of release for his projects.In addition, he also continued to release works with his signature tried-and-true method of filmmaking. Using a very small $25,000 budget and a lot of resourcefulness, Burns created Nice Guy Johnny in 2010.Johnny Rizzo is about to trade his dream job in talk radio for some snooze-Ville gig that'll pay enough to please his fiancée. Enter Uncle Terry, a rascally womanizer set on turning a weekend in the Hamptons into an eye-opening fling for his nephew. Nice Guy Johnny's not interested, of course, but then he meets the lovely Brooke, who challenges Johnny to make the toughest decision of his life.The film debuted at the Tribeca Film Festival. While he was releasing that film, Burns wrote, starred, and directed Newlyweds. He filmed this on a small Canon 5D camera in only 12 days and on a budget of only $9,000. Newlyweds Buzzy and Katie find their blissful life disrupted by the arrival of his half-sister and news of her sister's marriage troubles.In his book, Independent Ed: Inside a Career of Big Dreams, Little Movies, and the Twelve Best Days of My Life (which I recommend ALL filmmakers read), Ed mentions some rules he dubbed “McMullen 2.0” which were basically a set of rules for independent filmmakers to shoot by.Actors would have to work for virtually nothing.The film should take no longer than 12 days to film and get into the canDon’t shoot with any more than a three-man crewActor's use their own clothesActors do their own hair and make-upAsk and beg for any locationsUse the resources you have at your disposalI used similar rules when I shot my feature films This is Meg, which I shot that in 8 days, and On the Corner of Ego and Desire which I shot in 4 days. To be honest, Ed was one of my main inspirations when I decided to make my first micro-budget feature film, along with Mark and Jay Duplass, Joe Swanberg, and Michael and Mark Polish. Ed has continued to have an amazing career directing films like The Fitzgerald Family Christmas, The Groomsmen, Looking for Kitty, Ash Wednesday, Sidewalks of New York, No Looking Back, and many more.Ed jumped into television with the Spielberg-produced TNT drama Public Morals, where he wrote, directed, and starred in every episode.Set in the early 1960s in New York City's Public Morals Division, where cops walk the line between morality and criminality as the temptations that come from dealing with all kinds of vice can get the better of them.His latest project is EPIX's Bridge and Tunnel is a dramedy series set in 1980 that revolves around a group of recent college grads setting out to pursue their dreams in Manhattan while still clinging to the familiarity of their working-class Long Island hometown. He also pulls writing, producing, and directing duties for all the episodes.Ed has continued to give back to the indie film community with his amazing book, lectures and his knowledge bomb packed director commentaries. Trust me to go out and buy the DVD versions of all his films. His commentaries are worth the price of admission.When I first spoke to Ed he told me that he had been a fan of the podcast for a while. As you can imagine I was floored and humbled at the same time. Getting to sit down and speak to a filmmaker that had such an impact on my own directing career was a dream come true. Ed is an inspiration to so many indie filmmakers around the world and I'm honored to bring this epic conversation to all of you.Please enjoy my conversation ...
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    1 hr and 33 mins
  • NLS 459: BE PREPARED! UK Top Astrologer PREDICTS Who Will Win the 2024 Elections! with Pam Gregory
    Jun 22 2024
    In the tapestry of the cosmos, there are those who can read the stars and decipher the divine language of the universe. On today's episode, we welcome the insightful Pam Gregory, an esteemed astrologer whose journey began with a serendipitous encounter and has led her to unravel the mysteries of the celestial bodies. Pam Gregory offers a profound perspective on how the stars and planets influence our lives and the collective journey of humanity.Pam begins by sharing her belief in an impending metamorphosis for humanity. She envisions a future where we will transform into beings of light, shedding our dense physical forms and embracing a more telepathic and healing existence. This shift, she explains, will not be a gradual evolution but a significant leap in our state of being. "I think we're going to become beings that we have never been before, we're going to change our state of being there's going to be a complete metamorphosis," says Pam, painting a picture of a beautiful, light-filled future.Our conversation delves into the historical and practical aspects of astrology. Pam recounts her early encounter with astrology in Canada, where a chance meeting with a Jamaican astrologer changed her life. This encounter ignited a lifelong passion for studying the stars, a journey that has been as much about self-discovery as it has been about understanding the cosmos. Pam's ability to read a birth chart, which she describes as a unique sheet of music, allows her to provide insights into an individual's psyche and life path.Pam's description of astrology as a language is particularly enlightening. She compares it to learning French or Spanish, emphasizing that it is not about belief but about understanding and interpreting the archetypes and geometry of the planets. This approach demystifies astrology, presenting it as a practical tool for navigating life. "It's just a language," Pam explains. "It's literally a language so it's just like learning French or, or Spanish or whatever."In discussing the future, Pam highlights the significant astrological events shaping our world. She speaks of the transition from heavy earth and water signs to lighter air and fire signs, which will accelerate technological advancements and societal changes. Pam predicts that by 2026, we will witness a significant new beginning, a renaissance of creativity and spiritual awakening.

    1. Metamorphosis of Humanity: Pam foresees a leap in human evolution, where we transform into beings of light with heightened telepathy and healing abilities. This transformation will take place over the next decade, leading us to a more harmonious and connected existence.
    2. Astrology as a Language: Understanding astrology is like learning a new language. It provides a framework to interpret the archetypes and geometry of the planets, offering insights into our psyche and life path. It is not about belief but about mastering a complex and nuanced system of knowledge.
    3. Shift in Energies: The transition of outer planets into air and fire signs marks a shift towards faster, lighter energies. This change will bring about rapid advancements in technology and a shift in societal structures, moving away from top-down hierarchies to more collaborative and grassroots movements.
    Pam's insights extend to the broader societal transformations we are witnessing. She speaks of the Pluto return for the United States, a time of significant upheaval and rebirth, affecting the country's values and political system. This period, she suggests, will lead to a redefinition of what it means to be a nation, emphasizing grassroots movements and community-based governance.In this profound conversation, Pam Gregory offers a roadmap for navigating the complexities of our times. Her wisdom encourages us to embrace the changes ahead with an open heart and a willingness to transform. As we stand on the brink of a new era, Pam's insights remind us that we are all part of a larger cosmic dance, guided by the stars and the divine intelligence of the universe.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Pam Gregory.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.
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    1 hr and 17 mins