OUR PATREON PAGE https://www.patreon.com/NakedNudistsAndNaturists Welcome to "Naked, Nudists, and Naturists", the Official Podcast for the "American Association for Nude Recreation" - and the show that celebrates clothes free living, body acceptance, and removing all barriers to living your best life! Join host Frank Stone and correspondent Lisa Monroe, as they celebrate clothes free living with naturist stories; interviews; nude recreation; accepting your body; developing a positive self body image; and enjoying social naturism for all of the right reasons! (Please note that we are NOT about swinging, sexual activity, streaking, aggressive behavior, or anything else that deviates from the joy of appropriately living without your clothes). From our naturist studio - yes, all employees work each day in the nude (is there any other way?) - to your ears, we are all about bringing the "Naked. Nudists, and Naturists" clothes free lifestyle to all. A new show is all yours every Saturday morning at 6:00 am ET. Join us and enjoy clothes free living! Our show is on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio; and Amazon Music; Find us on Twitter, too! ON TODAY'S SHOW - Part 2 of Frank's interview with GARETH JOHNSON, a journalist, blogger, and host of the "Naked Men Talking" podcast show. - LISA/FRANK - A listener email on the stigma that often surrounds clothes free living - Part 1 of Frank's interview with ANDEE RODGERS, the President of the Northwest Region for the "American Association of Nude Recreation" (AANR-NW) GARETH JOHNSON https://www.gtv.blue/naked-men-talking/ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/naked-men-talking/id1705858829 ANDEE RODGERS https://www.aanr.com/aanr-regions/aanr-northwest-region/ https://www.womeninnuderecreation.com AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR NUDE RECREATION https://www.aanr.com https://www.womeninnuderecreation.com Write to us early and often - Website, Email, Spotify, or on Twitter, and let us know how your clothes free life is going? OUR WEBSITE NakedNudistsAndNaturists.com TWITTER https://x.com/NakedForev69351 We want to hear from YOU, so please EMAIL us at: NakedForeverMore@gmail.com LISTEN ON: APPLE PODCASTS https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/naked-nudists-and-naturists/id1695296974 SPOTIFY https://open.spotify.com/show/66iqJxLBmseAZ6DkFlUdI5 AMAZON/AUDIBLE https://www.amazon.com/Naked-Nudists-and-Naturists/dp/B0CCRL1PDS/ref=sr_1_1?crid=20815BHPQ0ILE&keywords=naked%2C+nudists%2C+and+naturists&qid=1690667273&sprefix=naked%2C+nudists%2C+and+naturists%2Caps%2C164&sr=8-1