
  • Inbetween 23.5 - Olga Hepnarová Pt.2
    May 10 2024

    First of all, our sincerest apologies for the delay. If you follow our instagram (nudge nudge wink wink), you might have seen that Lina’s laptop decided to die on us and it took a few days to get everything up and running again. But here it is, finally: part two of the Olga Hepnarová case where we discuss the actual crime, trial and sentencing.

    Story starts at 10:56.

    INFO ON BREAK: We mentioned in the last episode that we are going on a two-week break, but we realized it will be much longer before we can record again so we should be back with a new episode on Monday, June 3. Check out our instagram @murderonsilkroad to stay up to date and who knows, we might even post some travel photos?

    Sources used for today's story:

    • Pantharei - Čestmír Kozar (English translation Štefan Moravčík)
    • Miała 22 lata, gdy z zimną krwią zabiła osiem osób. ''Gdybym mogła, zrobiłabym to samo ponownie''
    • Olga Hepnarová - the last woman executed in Czechoslovakia
    • Motiv: Menschenhass | Radio Prague International
    • Olga Hepnarová - Bad Childhood or Bad Genes? ...or Both?
    • Milada Horáková - Wikipedia
    • Praga RN - Wikipedia
    • r/OlgaHepnarova

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • 23 - Olga Hepnarová Pt.1
    Apr 29 2024

    We're back with another two-parter, this time with Lina sharing the tragic story of Olga Hepnarová, whose struggle with mental health would culminate in a heartbreaking decision in 1973, Czechoslovakia.

    Story starts at 05:48.

    Sources used for today's story:

    • Pantharei - Čestmír Kozar (English translation Štefan Moravčík)
    • Miała 22 lata, gdy z zimną krwią zabiła osiem osób. ''Gdybym mogła, zrobiłabym to samo ponownie''
    • Olga Hepnarová - the last woman executed in Czechoslovakia
    • Motiv: Menschenhass | Radio Prague International
    • Olga Hepnarová - Bad Childhood or Bad Genes? ...or Both?
    • Milada Horáková - Wikipedia
    • Praga RN - Wikipedia

    Intro music:

    "Magic Escape Room" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech – Music and also Graph Paper)

    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

    Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Inbetween 22.5 - The Pulau Senang Prison Riot
    Apr 22 2024

    We came for more Buttrose, we stayed for the prison riot.

    Sources used for today's story:

    • Pulau Senang - Singapore
    • Pulau Senang prison riots - Wikipedia
    • Murray James Benny Buttrose (1903-1987) - Find a Grave Memorial

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    43 mins
  • 22 - Sunny Ang: Conviction without a Body
    Apr 15 2024

    Welcome back to another episode. In this one we tackle the sad disappearance/murder of Jenny Cheok Cheng Kid by her failed teacher/race car driver/lawyer boyfriend Sunny Ang... Thankfully, circumstantial evidence saves the day! Take-away from today's story: if someone wants to make you write a will and leave everything to a person you've never met - RUN.

    Story starts at 02:39.

    Sources used for today's story:

    • ‌The Sunny Ang murder case - Singapore
    • Guilty As Charged: Sunny Ang found guilty of girlfriend's murder though body was never found | The Straits Times
    • A Singaporean case changed Malaysia's law on murder... But how?

    Intro music:

    "Magic Escape Room" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech – Music and also Graph Paper)

    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

    Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    54 mins
  • Inbetween 21.5 - More on Cults and the Huaxing Experience
    Apr 8 2024

    To complement our first cult case, Lina gives some definitions and advice on cults from experts before retelling experiences of ex-members who survived the Huaxing Spiritual Training Center. We also come to find out that Julia knows a suspicious amount about cults... TW: recap of last week's case contain brief mentions of suicide and sexual assault.

    Sources used for today's episode:

    • What makes a cult a cult?
    • How Online Conspiracy Groups Compare to Cults | WIRED
    • Former Cult Member Answers Cult Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED
    • BITE Model of Authoritarian Control - Freedom of Mind Resource Center
    • 【鏡相人間】師父的巨嬰國那些我們被洗腦的日子

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • 21 - Shaolong and the Huaxing Cult
    Apr 2 2024

    Today's episode is one day late, not because Lina procrastinated with editing but because it was April Fool's day yesterday (very convenient indeed)! Strap in for our very first cult story on the podcast about Shaolong, the young dragon of Taiwan, and his cult of 40 years. Brace yourself for some questionable musical numbers and the more sinister sides of this doomsday cult. TW: sexual assault and suicide.

    Story starts at 08:30.

    Sources used for today's story:

    • 新聞挖挖哇:危險仙女養成班!淫教主少龍落網,靈修專挑處女下手?20200618|來賓:許常德、周映君、廖美然、高仁和、林裕豐
    • 少龍涉非禮教徒遭逮!查獲贓款8千萬藏家
    • 【時事焦點】熊抱襲胸誘女信徒獻身 武肺神棍少龍爆性醜聞|鏡週刊
    • 【迷信邪教女信徒遭教主洗腦 謊稱雙修晉升仙女結局曝光...】| @mystery2018
    • 【鏡相人間】師父的巨嬰國那些我們被洗腦的日子
    • 【淫教主少龍遭逮6】亂開仙丹誤人就醫少龍住院痛到鬼哭神號嚇跑信眾
    • 淫邪教主5億資產曝光!創「仙女班」拉年輕處女當後宮噁吻、襲胸6女信徒⋯瞎辯「道」在親你-風傳媒
    • 邪教爭產1/淫亂教主病危交保前妻攜兒跨海搶20億教產
    • 邪教爭產2/誆信徒賣地、貸款捐獻荒唐教主少龍驚人資產曝光
    • 獨/為何迷信少龍?前信徒曝:一杯水

    Intro music:

    "Magic Escape Room" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech – Music and also Graph Paper)

    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

    Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0

    Shaolong's music:

    Extracted from the following videos, which both source the inactive YouTube channel "少龙歌声闢天下":

    • 少龍涉非禮教徒遭逮!查獲贓款8千萬藏家
    • 【時事焦點】熊抱襲胸誘女信徒獻身 武肺神棍少龍爆性醜聞|鏡週刊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    1 hr and 50 mins
  • Inbetween 20.5 - Dieter Zlof, the Oetker Kidnapper
    Mar 25 2024

    Dive back into the story of the 1976 Oetker Kidnapping. This time Julia gives us more on our perpetrator and what he did with the ransom money... Hint: there's some fire involved (ouch). If you ever meet a man with the name in the episode title, remember: it ain't slander if it's true! :)


    • ‌Oetker-Entführung: Wo sind die 21 Millionen Lösegeld? - Bayern - SZ.de
    • OETKER-LÖSEGELD: Millionen durch den Kamin gejagt - FOCUS online
    • Kriminalfälle (19./20. Jahrhundert) Dieter Zlof und die Entführung von Richard Oetker - Historisches Lexikon Bayerns
    • Fall Oetker: Der Entführer inszenierte sich als Opfer, der... | DiePresse.com
    • „Jenke. Crime“: Ex-Drogenbaron verrät Details zum Entführungsfall Oetker

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    39 mins
  • 20 - The Kidnapping of Richard Oetker
    Mar 18 2024

    Have you asked yourself how many CEOs of multi-million dollar companies have been kidnapped? Well, the answer is at least two... In this episode, we unravel the abduction of Richard Oetker in 1976. Dive into the tale of a young man snatched and shoved into a box, the then highest ransom payment in German history, and the search for the kidnapper.

    Story starts at 05:01.

    Sources used for today's story:

    • ‌Richard Oetker: Das ganze Drama seiner Entführung | Wunderweib
    • Richard Oetker - Bilder & Fotos - WELT
    • Jetzt als Podcast: Die Entführung des Richard Oetker | nw.de
    • Richard wird entführt und unter Strom gesetzt | Lange schweigt Richard Oetker über seine
    • 45 Jahre nach Entführung in Freising: Richard Oetker ohne Hass | BR24
    • Industriellensohn: Die Entführung, die Oetker nie mehr losließ - WELT

    Further Reading / Recommendations:

    • Entführung im Jahr 1976. Der damalige Student wird in eine enge Kiste eingesperrt und 47 Stunden lang unter... | By Nachtcafé - Die SWR TalkshowFacebook

    Intro music:

    "Magic Escape Room" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech – Music and also Graph Paper)

    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

    Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Show More Show Less
    1 hr and 11 mins