Mooji, whose original name is Anthony Paul Moo-Young is a spiritual teacher hailing from Jamaica. He moved to Brixton (London) in 1969 and lived there for many years. He worked as a street portrait painter to make a living. His life changed after he came across a Christian mystic and after which he travelled to India in 1993. He became of follower of Papaji, who was a devotee of Advaita and studied Advaita Teaching with him.
Mooji has many followers all over the world. He currently lives in Portugal but travels all around the world and hosts satsangs (gatherings) and retreats. He has also authored many spiritual books. Wherever he goes, people flock to hear his teachings and seek blessings.
Mooji has written many inspirational and devotional quotes that focus on finding the “true self” and understanding it. Mooji has called his relaxed philosophical approach, “the lazy man’s way to enlightenment“. His quotes encourage to love yourself first and live a fuller life. Today I will be sharing 100 enlightening Mooji quotes to expand your awareness. I hope you enjoy these quotes as much as I do!
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