Midnight Sun

By: Midnight Sun
  • Summary

  • Midnight Sun is a radio programme that seeks to foster the process of social transformation needed to address the social, climate and extinction emergency we are now entering. Our goal: that you put your talents at the service of the Earth and the terrestrial Community of Life. Join the Tribe of Midnight Sun, social media hub of the Rainbow Warriors 3.5 global campaign.
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  • #014 / 07.10.2024 - The Corridors of Power: Memories of a Hunger Strike
    Oct 7 2024
    Between the 28 August and the 29 September 2021, the director and host of this programme, Grian Cutanda, and another Irish activist based in Spain, Karen Killeen, carried out a hunger strike to raise awareness of the climate and extinction crisis, and to demand that the Spanish government take drastic and urgent action on this problem.The hunger strike, organised by the Extinction Rebellion social movement in Britain within the Earth Fast global campaign, began with the fast for the Earth of more than 400 people in 26 countries, and the indefinite hunger strike of 5 activists in Britain in front of the British parliament, joined by 7 more in Germany two days later in a parallel campaign in front of the Reichstag. In the end, only Karen and Grian remained with their indefinite hunger strike around the world, a hunger strike that culminated, after 33 days without any food, with a meeting with the Vice-President and Minister of Ecological Transition of the Spanish Government, Teresa Ribera.Three years after that hunger strike, Grian brings together his memories of that long summer month to see it from the perspective of time, just when Teresa Ribera has just been appointed Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Competition and Ecological Transition by President Ursula von der Leyden.Directed and hosted by: Grian CutandaTune: Greensleeves, by Kim Robertson, with express permission for its use in this programme (Kim Robertson@BMI)Our thanks go to Cassandra Vieten and Fernando Berlin, on whom we have based a key part of the strategy for this programme.RAINBOW WARRIORS 3.5 LINKSWebsite: www.rainbowwarriors35.orgPresentation RW3.5 - The Social Forest: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF6ifxBnp0/USIi4_5a39Mv4_T9jP6Wmg/viewTo register with Rainbow Warriors 3.5:Individual registration: On the website, at the bottom of the pageRegistration for Tribes: https://rainbowwarriors.fillout.com/t/2vCfwn3nD3us Interview to Grian Cutanda on Ishakumi México (Graciela Ibarra) about the basic ideas of Rainbow Warriors 3.5 (in Spanish): https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8pleF3v3s0/Video of the RW3.5 online presentation (at the moment, just in Spanish): 'Moving mountains: How to challenge the climate and extinction crisis from our own smallness': https://youtu.be/S2_7HwJDGngREFERENCES ON WHAT WAS COVERED IN THE EPISODE* Macy, J. [Spirit Rock Meditation Center] (2015, February 24). The Kingdom of Shambhala Joanna Macy) [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/Y2Y10cdOE3M* Joanna Macy (2014). ‘The Shambhala Warriors’. The Earth Stories Collection website. Available on https://theearthstoriescollection.org/en/the-shambhala-warriors/* Earth Fast Global Campaign (Extinction Rebellion) on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/extinctionrebellion.earthfast* Earth Fast videos: Grian's lives on Facebook (Spanish only) and videos from the last days of the hunger strike in Madrid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8GPMfo9zXM&list=PLVZx6oU02GnXpK0qhaliJcrrlkUq0tdeS* Grian's Instagram account where lives in Spanish during the Earth Fast campaign were published: https://www.instagram.com/grian.a.cutanda/MUSICMÚSICAS DEL PROGRAMATune: Greensleeves,by Kim Robertson, with express permission for its use in this programme (Kim Robertson@BMI)* Illusions, by Keys of Moon (Serjo De Lua), under license CC BY on https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon/illusions-emotional-melancholic-piano-free-download* The Earth Stories Collection call sign: Might and Magic, by Alexander Nakarada, licensed under Creative Commons CC BY on https://www.serpentsoundstudios.com/royalty-free-music/celtic-fantasy* End or Beginning, by Solas Composer, under CC BY-SA on https://soundcloud.com/solas_composer/end-or-beginning* Radical hope call sign: Flying in the clouds, by AShamaluevMusic, under CC BY-SA on https://soundcloud.com/ashamaluevmusic/flying-in-the-clouds* The Time to Run (Finale), by Dexter Britain, under CC BY-NC-SA on https://soundcloud.com/dexterbritain/the-time-to-run-finale* Flowing Energy, by Keys of Moon (Serjo de Lua), under CC BY on https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon/flowing-energy-inspiring-epic-music-free-download* Warrior, by Solas Composer, under CC BY-SA on https://soundcloud.com/solas_composer/warrior* 3.5% call sign: Celtic Dance, by Alex Chorny, under CC BY on https://soundcloud.com/alex_chorny/celtic-theme-sketch* Take me Home, by LostDrone, under CC BY-SA on https://soundcloud.com/lostdrone/cinematic-take-me-home-free-download-and-creative-commons-license
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  • #013 / 05.08.2024 - Community of Life: A Deep Perception for a Necessary Worldview Shift
    Aug 5 2024
    Unlike other supposedly ecological and sustainable documents and initiatives developed by international organisms, the Earth Charter is the only document that conveys the worldview that can lead us away from the climate and extinction quagmire into which, according to the French philosopher Bruno Latour, the prevailing modernist, anthropocentric, mechanistic and materialistic worldview has plunged us. An example of the much-needed alternative systemic worldview is found in one of the paradigmatic concepts of the Earth Charter: the Community of Life on Earth.Directed and hosted by: Grian CutandaTune: Greensleeves, by Kim Robertson, with express permission for its use in this programme (Kim Robertson@BMI)Our thanks go to Cassandra Vieten and Fernando Berlin, on whom we have based a key part of the strategy for this programme.LINKSWebsite: www.rainbowwarriors35.orgPresentation RW3.5 - The Social Forest: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF6ifxBnp0/USIi4_5a39Mv4_T9jP6Wmg/viewTo register with Rainbow Warriors 3.5:Individual registration: On the website, at the bottom of the pageRegistration for Tribes: https://rainbowwarriors.fillout.com/t/4gy6jrTZxgus (this is in Spanish by now, if you don't read Spanish, please make an individual registration and ask how can you register a tribe. We'll be glad to reply you.)Interview to Grian Cutanda on Ishakumi México (Graciela Ibarra) about the basic ideas of Rainbow Warriors 3.5 (in Spanish): https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8pleF3v3s0/Video of the RW3.5 online presentation (at the moment, just in Spanish): 'Moving mountains: How to challenge the climate and extinction crisis from our own smallness': https://youtu.be/1h9yXHQgQFAReferences of what was covered in the programme:About the Gregory Bateson's Theory of Learning Levels and Social Change:Bateson, G. (1987). Steps to an Ecology of Mind. Northvale: Jason Aronson.Sterling, S. (2007). Riding the storm: Towards a connective cultural consciousness. En Wals, A. (ed.), Social Learning: Towards a Sustainable World. Wageningen (Holanda): Wageningen Academic.About the 2021 UN IPCC's leak and on the final IPCC report in 2022 (in Spanish):Cutanda, G. y Ventura, M. (2021 Agosto 26). La Entrevista: Elena González Egea / Las filtraciones del IPCC. Midnight Sun - El Sol de Medianoche [Vídeo en YouTube] https://youtu.be/iqrjViyyeW4Bordera, J. y Prieto, F. (2021 Agosto 7). El IPCC considera que el decrecimiento es clave para mitigar el cambio climático. Contexto. Dispinible en https://ctxt.es/es/20210801/Politica/36900/IPCC-cambio-climatico-colapso-medioambiental-decrecimiento.htmBordera, J. et al. (2022 Abril 8). Sobre cómo los ‘lobbies’ diluyen el informe climático más importante del mundo. Contexto. Disponible en https://ctxt.es/es/20220401/Firmas/39348/ipcc-juan-bordera-cambio-climatico-combustibles-fosiles-decrecimiento.htmOther references:Naess, A. (1989). Ecology, Community and Lifestyle: Outline of an Ecosophy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.Bateson, G. (1979). Mind and Nature: A Necessary Unity. New York: E. P. Dutton.Meadows, D. H. (2001). Dancing with systems. Donella Meadows Institute website. Disponible en http://www.donellameadows.org/archives/dancing-with-systems/.Meadows, D. H. (2009). Thinking in Systems: A Primer. London: Earthscan.Meadows, D. H; Meadows, D. L.; Randers, J.; & Behrens III, W. (1972). The Limits of Growth. New York: Universe Books.Wilber, K. (2017). The Religion of Tomorrow. Boulder, CO: Shambhala Publications.To read and know the Earth Charter: https://earthcharter.org/read-the-earth-charter/The story about Francis of Assisi can be downloaded at The Earth Stories Collection on https://theearthstoriescollection.org/en/love-for-all-the-creatures/
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  • #012 / 01.07.2024 - Metamorphosis: Building an Alternative Future
    Jul 1 2024
    In order to awaken the world's civil society to the danger of the climate and extinction crisis, it was necessary to warn of the possible collapse of civilisation towards which we could be heading, according to the global scientific community. But recent studies by prestigious universities show that around 8-9 out of 10 people in the world are already demanding drastic and urgent measures against climate change. With most of humanity already aware of the problem we are facing, is it advisable to continue working on the narrative of collapse, however plausible that scenario may be? What advice could be offered from psychology and the social sciences, and, above all, from Jerome Bruner's Theory of the Narrative Construction of Reality?Directed and hosted by: Grian CutandaTune: Greensleeves, by Kim Robertson, with express permission for its use in this programme (Kim Robertson@BMI)Our thanks go to Cassandra Vieten and Fernando Berlin, on whom we have based a key part of the strategy for this programme.LINKSWebsite: www.rainbowwarriors35.orgPresentation RW3.5 - The Social Forest: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF6ifxBnp0/USIi4_5a39Mv4_T9jP6Wmg/viewTo register with Rainbow Warriors 3.5:Individual registration: On the website, at the bottom of the pageRegistration for Tribes: https://rainbowwarriors.fillout.com/t/4gy6jrTZxgus (this is in Spanish by now, if you don't read Spanish, please make an individual registration and ask how can you register a tribe. We'll be glad to reply you.)Interview to Grian Cutanda on Ishakumi México (Graciela Ibarra) about the basic ideas of Rainbow Warriors 3.5 (in Spanish): https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8pleF3v3s0/?igsh=enhpaTYxb2NyZGI3Video of the RW3.5 online presentation (at the moment, just in Spanish): 'Moving mountains: How to challenge the climate and extinction crisis from our own smallness': https://youtu.be/1h9yXHQgQFAReferences of what was covered in the programme:* Ritchie, H. (2024 March 25). More people care about climate change than you think. Our World in Data. Available on https://ourworldindata.org/climate-change-support* Andre, P.; Boneva, T.; Chopra, F. & Falk, A. (2024). Globally representative evidence on the actual and perceived support for climate action. Nature Climate Change, 14, 253-259.* PNUD (2024 Junio 20). 80 percent of people globally want stronger climate action by governments, according to UN Development Programme survey. UNDP website. Available on https://www.undp.org/press-releases/80-percent-people-globally-want-stronger-climate-action-governments-according-un-development-programme-survey* Steiner, A.; Flynn, C. et al. (2024). People’s Climate Vote Report 2024. New York: UNDP and University of Oxford* Bruner, J. (1991). The narrative construction of reality. Critical Inquiry, 18(1), 1-21.* Bruner, J. (2004). Life as narrative. Social Research: An International Quarterly of Social Sciences,71(3), 691-710. MUSICTune: Greensleeves,by Kim Robertson, with express permission for its use in this programme (Kim Robertson@BMI)* Under the Sun, by Keys of Moon (Serjo De Lua), under license CC BY on https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon/under-the-sun-inspiring-epic-music-free-download* Radical Hope Ad: Flying in the clouds, by AShamaluevMusic, under CC BY-SA on https://soundcloud.com/ashamaluevmusic/flying-in-the-clouds* Flying in the clouds,by AShamaluevMusic, under CC BY-SA on Vopna, by Alexander Nakarada, licensed under Creative Commons CC BY on https://www.serpentsoundstudios.com/royalty-free-music/celtic-fantasy* Research 3'5% Ad: Celtic Dance, by Alex Chorny, under CC BY on https://soundcloud.com/alex_chorny/celtic-theme-sketch* The Earth Stories Collection Ad: The Holy Innocents, by Science Teheran, under license Creative Commons on Might and Magic, by Alexander Nakarada, licensed under Creative Commons CC BY on https://www.serpentsoundstudios.com/royalty-free-music/celtic-fantasy* Celtic Dream, by Damiano Baldoni, under license Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA on https://soundcloud.com/damiano_baldoni/celtyc-dream* The Earth Charter Ad: Closer to Your Dream, by Keys of Moon (Serjo De Lua), licensed under Creative Commons CC BY on https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/track/6kTIfnikG1vBhpyEbDfn56* Hym of Light, by Anton Shilo, under license CC BY, on https://soundcloud.com/mrhumble/hymn-of-light
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