
  • A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
    Aug 22 2022
    Why award-winning book, magazine, web, and app designer Barbara deWilde left the city behind to forge a new identity as a bookseller in small-town New Jersey.
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    38 mins
  • Detroit Still Works
    Apr 13 2022
    How (and why) architect and educator Bryan Boyer left Brooklyn and found life (and Work) in the Motor City
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    48 mins
  • Is “The Great Resignation” a Myth?
    Feb 23 2022
    From Boom Towns to Zoom Towns, Upwork chief economist Adam Ozimek has studied the numbers and is here to tell you how to think about the changes caused by remote work and why The Great Resignation is a myth.
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    42 mins
  • The Pittsburgh Test
    Dec 6 2021
    If you go to Pittsburgh expecting Rust Belt malaise, you haven’t been paying attention. The city is on the rise, tech companies have set up shop, and native sons like renowned designer Joe Zeff are moving back after years away. In Zeff's absence, Pittsburgh has become a hub of innovation and a place where economic transformation is possible. He’s deliriously happy to be back. And he’s also proud—and willing—to be the city’s newest cheerleader, celebrating a place that is busy creating, as he says, “new heroes.”
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    38 mins
  • It’s Bigger Than Walmart
    Nov 15 2021
    Why did 33,000 people apply to move to northwest Arkansas in the last year? Spoiler alert: It wasn’t just the free mountain bikes.
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    29 mins
  • Relocation, Relocation, Relocation
    Oct 19 2021
    As cities, regions, and countries around the world vie to attract Soloists, they’re coming up with all sorts of incentives: free burgers, free bikes, and lots and lots of cash.
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    32 mins
  • The Future of Cities Is Flat
    Oct 3 2021
    Sure Soloists are on the move, but not everyone is moving halfway across the country. Some of them aren’t moving far away at all. But even these small moves will bring big changes to our cities. And our suburbs. (Oh, and the world.)
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    33 mins
  • People Without Borders
    Sep 15 2021

    Middlemiss' Website: Healthy Happy Homeworking

    17 Countries Welcoming Remote Workers

    Middlemiss' Latest Books

    Virtual Not Distant: Helping those working apart feel closer together 

    Harvard Business Review on Corporate Remote Policies

    Proximity Bias is Real. Returning to the Office Could Make it Worse 

    BBC: How Proximity Bias Can Lead to Favoritism

    Estonia’s E-Residency Program

    The Guardian: Deloitte’s UK Employees to Decide ‘When, Where and How they Work 

    Maya Middlemiss on Medium, and Twitter and LinkedIn and Authory and her website

    Medium: Estonian e-Residency: From Freelancer to Global Enterprise

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    39 mins