• Alina Bonn on Her Journey from Working in our Agency to Launching Effortless Engine
    May 27 2021

    Check out Alina Bonn's experience working as a team member, which set her up to start her own agency serving 7-8 figure consulting firms.

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    17 mins
  • Mark Savant On The Tactics of Podcasting, Common Launch Pitfalls & How to Avoid Them
    Dec 17 2020

    Like any other type of marketing, podcasting is constantly shifting and evolving, and that requires us to continue experimenting and trying new things. More than any other medium, podcasting lends itself to effectively building authority and creating massive reach, especially when the right pieces are in place. 

    How do we decide what to experiment on? What are some of the most important tactics that need to be on our podcast launch checklist? In today’s episode, I’m joined by fellow video podcast producer, agency owner and host of The After Hours Entrepreneur, Mark Savant. 

    We have an in-depth conversation about where podcasting is headed, and how to continue delivering value, authority and curiosity as it evolves. 

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    20 mins
  • Dan Kuschell on the Rise of the Hybrid Consulting-Agency Model & Defining Our Value in an Emerging Category
    Dec 10 2020

    The marketing world hasn’t been able to categorize a service that isn’t just strategy like consulting or just done-for-you like an agency. There isn’t enough in the public consciousness around a service that combines strategy with implementation.  

    How we market ourselves affects how people perceive the value of this service. 

    How can we sell hybrid consulting-agency offerings to a marketplace that doesn’t quite understand this new category, and who will own this new space? 

    In this episode author, thought leader and Business Growth Specialist, Dan Kuschell talks about positioning ourselves in an emerging marketing service category, and why a lot of marketing advice is outdated in today’s world. 

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    47 mins
  • Dennis Volpe on Owning Your Story & Attracting the Right People
    Dec 3 2020

    Anyone who makes a living with the content in their heads and hearts has to overcome internal obstacles to unlock their full potential. 

    There’s so much we have to deal with when we are the product, especially when it comes to leaning into our backstories. Thought leaders steer away from talking about the setbacks, challenges and failures they’ve experienced in the past, but when we go into our work without our whole selves, we impact our effectiveness.  

    We think we can’t talk about the stuff that defines our identity, but those are often the things that make us more human, more relatable and more compelling. 

    How do we overcome the reluctance to own our backstories? Why is this so critical in thought leadership work? 

    In this episode, I’m joined by Executive Performance and Transition Coach, Leadership Consultant and author of Transition on Purpose, Dennis Volpe. He shares the power of leaning into our stories, and why it makes us more effective at what we do and how we market ourselves. 

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    41 mins
  • Why Podcast Downloads Might Be the Least Important Metric w/ Jeff Large
    Nov 19 2020

    People who launch podcasts are often so focused on the downloads their shows can generate they miss out on the real opportunity.  

    This mindset leads us away from our Clear and Compelling Idea, and the people who will actually take the action that hits our goal for the podcast. 

    A narrow focus on downloads also goes against the true purpose of podcasting. We should leverage the medium as a vehicle for converting people’s beliefs over time, not a platform for quick monetization.  

    Whether we’re looking to get in front of more of our ideal clients, or sell our coaching programs and services, the goal is always going to dictate the metrics that matter. 

    How do we make sure we’re launching podcasts that support our business goals? How are podcasters using different formats and feeds to get more granular with their podcast goals? 

    In this episode, I’m joined by agency owner, podcast producer and podcast host, Jeff Large. We discuss how to break the downloads-focused mindset, and why it’s critical to set the right expectations before launch. 

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    37 mins
  • Bruce Eckfeldt on Identifying & Breaking Into a New Niche
    Nov 12 2020

    The trap many salespeople fall into is trying to grow by doing more of what’s worked before, instead of letting an external force dictate their next phase of growth. Tapping into an area where demand is already flowing and lining it up with our skills can be an effective way to successfully break into a niche.

    Once we’ve identified this space, we can get more ROI by reaching our ideal clients through a psychographic profile, instead of a demographic or industry profile. 

    By creating content that speaks deeply to who we can get results for, we can position ourselves to cut through the noise and attract the right people. 

    How do we identify a space with a new demand that we can take advantage of? Where can we find ideas for the kind of content our ideal clients will respond to? 

    In this episode, CEO, speaker, author, and business coach Bruce Eckfeldt shares the strategy he used to break into the cannabis space, and the downsides of going to the market with a broad message. 

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    32 mins
  • Darrell Evans on Joint Ventures, Rev Shares & Other Creative Ways to Monetize a Sales & Marketing Skillset
    Nov 5 2020

    If you’re an emerging thought leader with the ability to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses, a paycheck or retainer isn’t the only way to monetize a highly valuable skillset. 

    There are multiple ways we can capitalize on our marketing, sales and operations skills so we get the most revenue and highest quality of life out of them. From joint venture deals to rev share agreements and consulting deals, it’s worth looking for those opportunities and maximizing them when they come our way.  

    How can we structure these types of deals so that the incentives are lined up correctly and set up for long-term success? 

    In this episode, entrepreneur, digital agency owner and podcast host Darrell Evans shares how we can create long-term mutual value in our client engagements. 

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    31 mins
  • Brad Farris on Masterminds, Peer Learning & Breaking Limiting Beliefs in Your Clients
    Oct 29 2020

    In coaching and consulting, we quickly discover that the biggest hurdles to success are internal. We see the effect that limiting beliefs have on our clients’ ability to implement the strategies, tactics and advice that will get them what they want.  

    Getting better results requires our clients to change what they do and what they believe about what they do. It’s very hard to create any meaningful change if they are still clinging to the wrong set of beliefs. Our marketing and the system we use to help them get results need to address those beliefs. 

    What are the most common limiting beliefs our clients have? How do we get them to buy into the Point of View that will get them results? 

    In this episode, I’m joined by agency coach, speaker, trainer and founder of Anchor Advisors, Brad Farris. He shares how he deals with client limiting beliefs at different stages of the client relationship. We also discuss the methods Brad has used to become MicroFamous in his space, and the importance of data in our businesses. 

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    39 mins