• Experience 176 - Johnny Ziomek, My Beginnings & State of Humankind
    Jun 9 2017
    Johnny Ziomek, or better known as "Johnny Z" to anyone who has ever had the pleasure of meeting him, is one of my oldest California buddies. We go way back, lived together during the pivotal formation of my eye-opening paranormal experiences, and continue to keep in touch today. Johnny has a keen eye, sharp mind and it is a wonderful chat about all kinds of things, including our long history together. www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.comwww.patreon.com/ryansingerwww.society6.com/mapy818-839-0593 MindlinePlease rate & review on iTunes & Stitcher!
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    1 hr and 22 mins
  • The 7 Forbidden Arts - 3rd Ear Bonus 121
    Jun 6 2017
    The 7 Forbidden Arts are common topics on the mindcast and it was high time that they had their own episode where I discussed them all under one umbrella. The arts are: geomancy, hydromancy, aeromancy, pyromancy, necromancy, scapulimancy, and chiromancy. The Catholic Church banned these practices and one wonders what the motivation was to make them forbidden? www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.comwww.patreon.com/ryansingerwww.society6.com/mapy818-839-0593 MindlinePlease rate & review on iTunes & Stitcher!
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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Experience 175 - Jerry Paulley, Host of Hillbilly Horror Stories & the Path to Belief
    Jun 2 2017
    Jerry Paulley and his wife host a great podcast called Hillbilly Horror Stories and they bring a sense of humor and a wonderful banter to the topics of the paranormal. We dig into what Jerry's history and childhood experiences were and how they shaped his current perspective. Jerry, as a stand up comedian has a special place in my heart as we share the belief that keeping a sense of humor is critical in conveying our beliefs. You'll love this chat and it will be the first of many, certainly. http://www.hillbillyhorrorstories.com/www.ryansingercomedy.comwww.meandparanormalyou.comwww.patreon.com/ryansingerwww.society6.com/mapy - Merch available! Artwork by James Roper818-839-0593 MindlineNow available on Google Play Music!Please rate & review on iTunes! Thanks!
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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Arcturians - 3rd Ear Bonus 120
    May 30 2017
    Arcturians are an ancient alien race that have chosen to help protect and guard the planet Earth from other malevolent alien beings. Their mission is to help humans ascend to a higher dimensional plane. According to certain sources, we are operating currently at the 3rd dimensional plane and Arcturians are at the 4th, 5th and beyond. What is stopping us from ascending or are we already on our way and some of us don't realize it? www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.comwww.patreon.com/ryansingerwww.society6.com/mapy818-839-0593 Mindline
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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • Experience 174 - Carolyn Ogle Returns, 11:11 & Embracing the Signs
    May 26 2017
    Carolyn Ogle returns to chat with me all kinds of things: the beginning of her journey into the paranormal, 11:11 being the signs that the universe is calling, and conversations with the other side. We have a fun chat covering all kinds of ground and I am certain you will enjoy her perspective on the things that remain unexplained to many. www.meandparnormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.comwww.patreon.com/ryansingerwww.society6.com/mapy818-839-0593 MindlinePlease rate & review on iTunes!
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    1 hr and 20 mins
  • Pyramid Power - 3rd Ear Bonus 119
    May 23 2017
    Pyramid Power is not a new concept, in fact it has been around for many years. In the 1970's a book was written by Dr. G. Patrick Flanagan entitled PYRAMID POWER and what followed was an increasing in interest of the mysterious objects and their powers. According to Dr. Flanagan, the book sold 1.5 million copies as of a few years ago and continues to sell today. The powers of the pyramids were originally detailed by a French occultist Antoine Bovis and their mystical and magical capabilities continue to intrigue people today. www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.comwww.patreon.com/ryansingerwww.society6.com/mapy818-839-0593 MindlinePlease rate and review on iTunes & Stitcher!
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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • Experience 173 - Cameron Williamson, Depression & Healing Through Expression
    May 19 2017
    Cameron Williamson aka Zenxienz joins me to talk about his journey through depression to the other side through the help of psychedelics and expression. We chat about how to find what it is that one can latch onto or groove into even when we find ourselves at our darkest moments. It is always easier said than done from the outside looking regarding the tips on how to get through a depression, but he opens up and has candid chat about the methods he's used in his life and its great to hear a young, artistic, truly creative mind share the process.www.ryansingercomedy.comwww.meandparanormalyou.comwww.patreon.com/ryansingerwww.society6.com/mapy - Merch available! Artwork by James Roper818-839-0593 MindlineNow available on Google Play Music!Please rate & review on iTunes! Thanks!
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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • Parapsychology - 3rd Ear Bonus 118
    May 16 2017
    Parapsychology is the field of research that attempts to measure and identify psychic phenomena and other paranormal abilities such as telekinesis, psychokinesis, life after death and more. Many mainstream scientists and professionals dismiss the field out-of-hand without realizing how many of their contemporaries are not only interested in but deeply involved in researching these topics until later in their careers. Some claim as professors, one must get tenure before divulging their interest as to maintain their stability in career. Why is the genuine search for answers that science has failed to produce such a career-killer? We dive into a bit of the big names today, its history and some of the fields under the umbrella of parapsychology.www.ryansingercomedy.comwww.meandparanormalyou.comwww.patreon.com/ryansingerwww.society6.com/mapy - Merch available! Artwork by James Roper818-839-0593 MindlineNow available on Google Play Music!Please rate & review on iTunes! Thanks!
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    1 hr and 16 mins