• EP 119 | Learn why you may be contributing to conflict in the marriage.. with guests Adam & Cara Nitz
    Jan 28 2025

    Our marriages suffer when we do not have good conflict resolution skills. How we communication to our spouse can either bless our marriage or it could hinder can cause hurt to the marriage. The best thing we can do individually is learn our spouse, learn how to communicate, and learn how to love in all situations by reflecting the love of Christ. Sometimes we may think the issue is our spouse but what if it is you? This is why we need Jesus in our marriages to help us see our contribution to the marriage and how we can best solve our marital conflict and turn it around to have a healthy marriage.

    👉In this podcast, we had the blessing to sit down with Adam & Cara Nitz, founder of @TheWayForLove about how handle conflict in marriage in a healthy way. Their ministry sprung out of the experiences of their own marriage where, in addition to the good times in their marriage, they’ve also walked through some significant lows and spent time in counseling, getting coaching, learning from mentors, and reading tons of books to find healing and restoration. Adam & Cara created an 8-session course to enrich your marriage in whatever season you’re in....healthy or less than healthy season.

    👉This podcast gives an overview of the following:
    - How can conflict be healthy?
    - What does effective communication look like?
    - Ways unhealthy conflict can hurt your marriage
    - Discuss 4 communication styles
    - How triggers can cause arguments and how do deal with them
    - 5 steps to inner healing

    Connect with Adam & Cara Nitz
    Website: https://www.thewayforlove.com/
    Instagram: @cara.nitz & @faith.full.masculinity
    YouTube: @TheWayForLove

    🌟Thank you for your support. You can help us reach more marriages and families for the kingdom of God. Give us a thumbs up and share this with a friend.


    Instagram: / marriagemaniaministry
    Facebook: / marriagemaniaministry

    Visit our shop: https://www.marriagemaniaministry.com/category/all-products

    The Helper, The Role of a biblical Wife: https://a.co/d/bNszjv5
    The Covering, The Role of a Biblical Husband: https://a.co/d/gEswXRG
    The Marriage Covenant, Coloring Book: https://a.co/d/8DOtUXB
    Marriage Gratitude Journals: https://a.co/d/3pwHIVF

    Monthly Newsletters: https://www.marriagemaniaministry.com…

    Marriage Mania Ministry, Michael Koehler, Cara & Adam Nitz, Conflict in marriage, how to have healthy conflict, Conflict resolution, communication skills.

    #marriage #relationship #relationshipconflict #conflictresolution #christianmarriagetips #marriedlife #healthyconversations

    Thanks for listening! Follow us on Instagram and YouTube at @marriagemaniaministry

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    49 mins
  • EP 118 | Stop quarreling and being contentious in your marriage.
    Jan 21 2025

    Are these characteristics in your marriage? Quarrelsome, argumentative, or contentious? These are great questions to ask yourself and how you may be contributing in type of behavior. Anyone can quarrel and just make things difficult in marriage. Wives and husbands can take part in this but we want to look at the part of wives play in this and how it affects a husband in the marriage. This is a deep conflict that many couples deal with because there is a desire to control or get their own way in the marriage.

    👉Biblical roles play an important role in marriage (Check out our Bible studies below) and it is imperative by God’s standards and God’s design of marriage that we understand this roles. It makes a husband and wife’s role compliment one another. In this podcast we will talk about a wife’s part in contributing to quarreling in the marriage. Remember Solomon? Well, he wrote the book of Proverbs and he talked about the quarrelsome wife and the rooftop. This is the type of wife we want to avoid to be. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, we want to strive for godliness and allow God to transform us daily— sanctification. If you are quarrelsome, stop and pray and ask the Lord to forgive you by the repenting of your sin and begin to renew your heart in your marriage.

    👉This podcast gives an overview of the following:
    - What does Quarrelsome mean?
    - Can anyone be quarrelsome?
    - The impact quarreling has on your marriage
    - How to overcome quarreling
    - Understanding your spouse and trusting the Lord
    - Biblical Roles and the importance of this in marriage

    🌟Thank you for your support. You can help us reach more marriages and families for the kingdom of God. Give us a thumbs up and share this with a friend.


    Instagram: / marriagemaniaministry
    Facebook: / marriagemaniaministry

    Visit our shop: https://www.marriagemaniaministry.com/category/all-products

    The Helper, The Role of a biblical Wife: https://a.co/d/bNszjv5
    The Covering, The Role of a Biblical Husband: https://a.co/d/gEswXRG
    The Marriage Covenant, Coloring Book: https://a.co/d/8DOtUXB
    Marriage Gratitude Journals: https://a.co/d/3pwHIVF

    Monthly Newsletters: https://www.marriagemaniaministry.com…

    Marriage Mania Ministry, Michael Koehler, missionary, John Patton, prayerful parent, pray, marriage and family, family discipleship, discipleship, perseverance, faith, sorrow, loss, Christian History, train up a child, family, parenting, Christian parenting, Christian marriage, wife, husband, mother, father, mom, dad, encouragement, daily encouragement, routines, godly habits, habits, strong faith, christian faith.

    Thanks for listening! Follow us on Instagram and YouTube at @marriagemaniaministry

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    23 mins
  • EP 117 | Lessons for effective parenting you can start today with guest Dr. Randy Schroeder
    Jan 14 2025

    Learn some great tips on how to be an effective parent that you can start today. Having a healthy marriage is key to raising godly children in the Lord. If our marriages are healthy, then we have healthy parenting skills to raise our children. Healthy habits passed down from our marriage/parenting also affect how we parent. We must learn how to implement healthy habits so we can build healthy relationships with our children. Let’s resolve to apply biblical truth in our lives and be grateful in our roles as parents.

    Join us as we talk with Dr. Randy Schroeder has been on Focus on the Family speaking on his books called Simple Habits for Marital Happiness and Simple Habits of Effective Parenting. This is PART 2 of a two-part series where we talk about Simple Habits for Effective Parenting. If you missed the first podcast PART 1, check out “Learn to Start Healthy Habits in Your Marriage."

    👉This podcast gives an overview of the following:
    - What is the goal of parenting?
    - Expecting your child to act older than his or her age
    - Qualities that strengthen your child
    - The four “R”s in parenting: Relationships, Routines, Responsibilities, and Rules
    - Avoiding extremes in parenting (controlling, overprotective, permissive)
    - Setting expectations
    - Parents and their leadership role
    - Grama’s law

    🌟Thank you for your support. You can help us reach more marriages and families for the kingdom of God. Give us a thumbs up and share this with a friend.

    Connect with Dr. Randy Schroeder.
    Website: https://www.drrandyschroeder.com/
    Instagram: @drrandyschroeders
    YouTube: @dr.randyschroeder

    Instagram: / marriagemaniaministry
    Facebook: / marriagemaniaministry

    Visit our shop: https://www.marriagemaniaministry.com/category/all-products

    The Helper, The Role of a biblical Wife: https://a.co/d/bNszjv5
    The Covering, The Role of a Biblical Husband
    The Marriage Covenant, Coloring Book: https://a.co/d/8DOtUXB
    Marriage Gratitude Journals: https://a.co/d/3pwHIVF

    Monthly Newsletters: https://www.marriagemaniaministry.com…

    Marriage Mania Ministry, Michael Koehler, Dr. Randy Schroeder, Focus on the Family, Habits, New Years Resolution, Resolve to make a healthy habit, Marital Habits, Marriage and Family, Christian Marriage, Husband, Wife, Conflict Resolution, Disagreements, Sleep in the Same bed, Communication, Effective habits, Parenting, Simple Habits for parenting, Child and parent relationship.

    Thanks for listening! Follow us on Instagram and YouTube at @marriagemaniaministry

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    59 mins
  • EP 116 | Lessons that impact your faith, marriage, and parenting. The life of John Patton
    Jan 7 2025

    Apply lessons from the life of John Patton, a man from Christian history who stepped out in faith when it seemed crazy. John Patton’s parents surrendered their fear trusting God’s calling and plan for their son John Patton as he would become a missionary to a place of cannibals. His story reflects deep honor for his beloved father who was a prayerful man. This parent and son relationship should encourage us to pray, surrender, and trust our children in God’s hand. Also, learn not to stand in the way of God’s calling on one’s life. John Patton life impacted many in the name of Jesus.

    👉This podcast gives an overview of the following:
    - Learn about a famous missionary named John Patton
    - Not to hinder God’s calling
    - Walk by faith even when difficult
    - Overcoming loss
    - Honoring parents
    - Prayerful parents who dedicate their child to the Lord
    - Apply truths to your own family
    - Encouragement to be fervent and teach God’s word to your family
    - Leave a godly legacy

    🌟Thank you for your support. You can help us reach more marriages and families for the kingdom of God. Give us a thumbs up and share this with a friend.


    Instagram: / marriagemaniaministry
    Facebook: / marriagemaniaministry

    Visit our shop: https://www.marriagemaniaministry.com/category/all-products

    The Helper, The Role of a biblical Wife: https://a.co/d/bNszjv5
    The Covering, The Role of a Biblical Husband
    The Marriage Covenant, Coloring Book: https://a.co/d/8DOtUXB
    Marriage Gratitude Journals: https://a.co/d/3pwHIVF

    Monthly Newsletters: https://www.marriagemaniaministry.com…

    Marriage Mania Ministry, Michael Koehler, missionary, John Patton, prayerful parent, pray, marriage and family, family discipleship, discipleship, perseverance, faith, sorrow, loss, Christian History, train up a child, family.

    Thanks for listening! Follow us on Instagram and YouTube at @marriagemaniaministry

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    28 mins
  • EP 115 | New Years Resolution to make Godly Marriage a habit with Dr. Randy Schroeder
    Jan 1 2025

    Learn how to make godly marriage a habit by establishing daily routines with your spouse. Healthy habits are necessary to maintain good health to our bodies so why not establish healthy habits to maintain our marriages. We must resolve to apply these biblical truths in our lives and be grateful for our marriages.

    Join us as we talk with Dr. Randy Schroeder has been on Focus on the Family speaking on his books called Simple Habits for Marital Happiness and Simple Habits of Effective Parenting. This is PART 1 of a two-part series where we talk about Marital Habits and PART 2 is Simple Habits for Effective Parenting.

    👉This podcast gives an overview of the following:
    - What is a habit and marital habits?
    - The four stay in love habits
    - The four daily essentials
    - Quick connects
    - Appreciation vitamins
    - Couples sleeping in the same bed
    - The importance of eating together
    - Conflict Resolution Principles

    🌟Thank you for your support. You can help us reach more marriages and families for the kingdom of God. Give us a thumbs up and share this with a friend.

    Connect with Dr. Randy Schroeder.
    Website: https://www.drrandyschroeder.com/
    Instagram: @drrandyschroeders
    YouTube: @dr.randyschroeder

    Instagram: / marriagemaniaministry
    Facebook: / marriagemaniaministry

    Visit our shop: https://www.marriagemaniaministry.com/category/all-products

    The Helper, The Role of a biblical Wife: https://a.co/d/bNszjv5
    The Covering, The Role of a Biblical Husband
    The Marriage Covenant, Coloring Book: https://a.co/d/8DOtUXB
    Marriage Gratitude Journals: https://a.co/d/3pwHIVF

    Monthly Newsletters: https://www.marriagemaniaministry.com…

    Marriage Mania Ministry, Michael Koehler, Dr. Randy Schroeder, Focus on the Family, Habits, New Years Resolution, Resolve to make a healthy habit, Marital Habits, Marriage and Family, Christian Marriage, Husband, Wife, Conflict Resolution, Disagreements, Sleep in the Same bed, Communication, Effective habits,

    Thanks for listening! Follow us on Instagram and YouTube at @marriagemaniaministry

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    56 mins
  • EP. 114 | How to appreciate something you just don’t like from your spouse and/or family.
    Dec 17 2024

    Learn how to be grateful and receive gifts from your spouse and/or family with a thankful heart (Gratitude). There is no need to be abrupt about it and just hurtful when you receive a gift you just don’t like. Gifts are given from people out of the kindness of their heart. Sometimes we feel more vocal in our marriages and take it for granted to actually tell them you don’t like it. But, how do you receive a gift with a thankful heart? That is the big question. Also, how do you teach your children to receive gifts and not just throw them to the side or disregard someone’s heart when giving. The Lord teaches us how to be giving people and also to receive with a grateful heart.

    In this podcast we will talk about how to receive a gift and how to communicate with words of kindness to our spouse, to our children, and to others who are in our lives.

    👉This podcast gives an overview of the following:
    - Receiving Gifts from our Spouse
    - The Receiver and the giver of the gift
    - Kindness, thoughtfulness, loving; Remembering that we were a thought in the person’s mind
    - Communication
    - Teaching our children how to receive a gift; if they like it— how to express their love; and/or if they don’t like it— how to express their heart kindly
    - Gifts of all seasons; Christmas, Birthday, Graduation, Anniversary, any occassion
    - Building up strong marriages and family


    🌟Thank you for your support. Please consider subscribing to your channel here on YouTube and all other podcast outlets such as iTunes or Spotify. Your support helps our ministry grow and touch the hearts of families. We want to see marriages thrive in the name or Jesus. Give us a Thumbs up!

    Instagram: / marriagemaniaministry
    Facebook: / marriagemaniaministry

    Visit our shop: https://www.marriagemaniaministry.com/category/all-products

    The Helper, The Role of a biblical Wife: https://a.co/d/bNszjv5
    The Covering, The Role of a Biblical Husband
    The Marriage Covenant, Coloring Book: https://a.co/d/8DOtUXB
    Marriage Gratitude Journals: https://a.co/d/3pwHIVF

    Monthly Newsletters: https://www.marriagemaniaministry.com…

    Marriage Mania Ministry, Michael Koehler, Tania Koehler, Gifts, Communication, Do not complain, Be grateful, Gratitude, love, kindness, cheerful heart, family, friends, children, marriage. Be grateful in all things, your church, your pastor, worship, and just be a cheerful Christian.

    Thanks for listening! Follow us on Instagram and YouTube at @marriagemaniaministry

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    26 mins
  • EP. 113 | The importance of Love & Respect with Emerson Eggerichs.
    Dec 10 2024

    In this episode of Marriage Mania Ministry, Michael and Tania had the blessing to interview Emerson Eggerichs, author and speaker. Such a blessed and fun conversation. Emerson Eggerichs is well known for his book and conference called Love and Respect. He has helped many couples around the world to center their marriage around God’s Word. He is a man of God who is fun to talk to. This was such an honor and a blessing! Be ready to feel like you are at a conference with all the great things Emerson has to say about your marriage, husbands and wives, and the meaning behind how couples can truly strengthen their marriages with a couple simple words like Love and Respect.

    👉This podcast gives an overview of the following:
    - Overview of the Love and Respect theme
    - Learning the differences of how men and women are different
    - Men are blue and Women are pink - what does this mean?
    - Brief overview of the crazy cycle
    - Making the first move in Marriage
    - Acronyms for CHAIRS & COUPLES - Why are these important

    🌟Thank you for your support. Please consider subscribing to your channel here on YouTube and all other podcast outlets such as iTunes or Spotify. Your support helps our ministry grow and touch the hearts of families. We want to see marriages thrive in the name or Jesus. Give us a Thumbs up!

    Connect with Emerson Eggerichs
    Website: www.loveandrespect.com
    Instagram: @loverespectinc
    Facebook: @loveandrespect

    Instagram: / marriagemaniaministry
    Facebook: / marriagemaniaministry

    Visit our shop: https://www.marriagemaniaministry.com/category/all-products

    The Helper, The Role of a biblical Wife: https://a.co/d/bNszjv5
    The Covering, The Role of a Biblical Husband
    The Marriage Covenant, Coloring Book: https://a.co/d/8DOtUXB
    Marriage Gratitude Journals: https://a.co/d/3pwHIVF

    Monthly Newsletters: https://www.marriagemaniaministry.com…

    KEY WORDS: Marriage Mania Ministry, Michael Koehler, Tania Koehler, Emerson Eggsrich, Love and Respect, Wife, Husband, Conference Speaker, Author, Marriage, Learning about how to Love and honor your wife, Learn how to respect your husband, Ephesians 5, Christian Marriage

    Thanks for listening! Follow us on Instagram and YouTube at @marriagemaniaministry

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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • EP. 112 | Marriage Bedtime routines and why it is important!
    Dec 3 2024

    In this Podcast Michael and Tania talk about Bedtime routines in marriage. Many couples do not sleep together in the same bed because of healthy conditions, children, pets, and just stay up at different times. Cultivating martial oneness is important in marriage and setting bedtime routines truly helps to establish healthy habits one should have in marriage. This podcast talks about the importance of going to bed at the same time and creating a deeper intimacy and oneness in your marriage. This was a fun podcast. We encourage you to take listen.

    👉This podcast gives an overview of the following:
    - The importance of Bedtime Routines
    - Why Couples may not go to bed at the same time
    - Things that could prevent marital oneness; keeping couples from going to be at the same time
    - Establishing healthy habits for your marriage and your family

    🌟Thank you for your support. Please consider subscribing to your channel here on YouTube and all other podcast outlets such as iTunes or Spotify. Your support helps our ministry grow and touch the hearts of families. We want to see marriages thrive in the name or Jesus. Give us a Thumbs up!

    Instagram: / marriagemaniaministry
    Facebook: / marriagemaniaministry

    Visit our shop: https://www.marriagemaniaministry.com/category/all-products

    The Helper, The Role of a biblical Wife: https://a.co/d/bNszjv5
    The Covering, The Role of a Biblical Husband
    The Marriage Covenant, Coloring Book: https://a.co/d/8DOtUXB
    Marriage Gratitude Journals: https://a.co/d/3pwHIVF

    Monthly Newsletters: https://www.marriagemaniaministry.com…

    KEY WORDS: Marriage Mania Ministry, Michael Koehler, Tania Koehler, Marriage Oneness, Bedtime, Routines, Healthy Habits in Marriage, Spending quality time together, Bedtime bio rhythms, Bedroom boundaries, Sleep.

    Thanks for listening! Follow us on Instagram and YouTube at @marriagemaniaministry

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    22 mins