Celebrating Fatherhood as fathers — Conversations with fathers about fatherhood and the fathers day webinar Maredi Thema (Maredi Technologies | CEO and MTLI | Founder ) Sibusiso Msomi (Managing Director) SJ Thema (Lawyer) Alex Odiekila (Musician/MC) This episode explores the role of fatherhood, what it means, the importance of having a father, Etc. Maredi also tells us about the success of the #AllAboutDads2020 webinar on Father's Day, themed #TakeYourThrone The concept of #TakeYourThrone is broken down and explained what it means for each father. And each father tells us their experiences or perspective on the importance of having a father in one's life because each experience informs the kind of man you become and ultimately the kind of father you are to your kids.
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