
  • Happily Divorced - Not Once - But Twice !
    Jan 17 2023

    Marriages are considered the singular ultimate event of lifetime, And then there is Divorce which is hard. But imagine doing that twice over. In this episode, Chanel Fernandes - host of the podcast narrates her life altering Divorce that has some funny, heart wrenching and difficult moments. About how she manoeuvres through suddenly being divorced, dealing with family, friends and being alone in different country and also being divorced not once but twice.

    Music By Lexin_Music
    Podcast Theme : Hear Me Out by Hollywood Hippies

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    54 mins
  • Take 2 !
    Jan 6 2023

    Back after a long hiatus of two years and by popular demand, Chanel Fernandes the host of this rather messy and funny show is back at it again. This time with much more spice and all things nice in 2023.

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    3 mins
  • Let's Talk About Sex Baby!
    Apr 5 2021

    This is not all that steamy as you might think it sounds.. no and it’s not about my sex life .. In fact it’s about sex education and sex awareness amongst us INDIAN women. As a young Indian teenager - I was handed a book about sex “growing up gracefully” and Sex Ed at school started and ended about women bits and periods and I am sure for most boys back it was the same. I learnt about sex from my granny ( this could be shocker for my mum) but My grand mum actually was the one who sneakily demanded my sister to once play the movie dirty dancing and blue lagoon whilst my parents were away during one summer vacation .. no one teaches us about our sexuality or the word sex is just considered a taboo .. but it’s more than that .. as I moved to a different country and my first design project involved a “ dental dam” .. that’s when the flood gates of the knowledge began to pour through .. as we talk about toxic masculinity - we also need to draw attention to how unaware most of us Indian women are in the matter of sex . This is controversial - but it needs to be discussed . We are all aware of STIs and UT’s and somehow we ignore the fact these are not just contracted by having a promiscuous lifestyle but actually is as easy as getting one by just sitting on a toilet seat in a public urinal. Hear me candidly talk about my mis-adventures of how I got my Sex Ed... space cow boy anyone!!

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    26 mins
  • Crazy, Bitch & Indian
    Mar 21 2021

    We all glamourize about moving overseas almost like an episode from sex and the city or a scene straight out of Karan Johar's Movies. Rocking that dress with martini in hand, rocking career and dreams of having a fabulous social life. However reality is a bit different, bringing to you in this episode the lifestyle of a crazy bitch Indian.. how moving to new country has numerous highlights and moments you'd want to forget all together.

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    29 mins
  • What's in a name!!!
    Mar 14 2021

    My name is a bit controversial - my parents shudder to the fact that I have a rather glamourous anglicized name - Chanel. But there's a reason why the host Chanel's original name failed. This episode - Chanel talks about the frustrating encounters she has had with people in regards to her name. It's frustrating and rather comical on how a name can either make or break a career. What's really in a name??

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    24 mins
  • My Creatively Messy Life! - Trailer
    Mar 8 2021

    A podcast journal and conversations about all things that mostly failed and sometimes worked for the host Chanel Fernandes, as an Indian female graphic designer and her journey living in Melbourne. It's going to be the not so serious, but relevant life learnings, Chanel had to go through in becoming the CEO of her creatively messy life!!. So tune in as she takes you through narratives of her life's learning as a graphic designer, and as a human and a Indian creative, alongside friendly banter with her famous and not so famous entourage of friends. For Q&A's, topic suggestions and or politically correct amendments, please follow @chanelf29 and @mycreativelymessylife on Instagram.

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    5 mins