• #6:新移民家长如何带孩子找到归属感并融入荷兰社会 🌸How New Immigrant Parents Can Help Their Children Find a Sense of Belonging and Integrate into Dutch Society
    Oct 3 2024

    专家访谈】: 荷兰华人儿童基金会创始人和理事采访第二部分




    🌸 如何通过华人社区活动帮助家长和孩子找到归属感

    🌸 家长如何克服语言障碍,与孩子共同融入社会

    🌸 加入微信群、志愿者活动和社区支持的重要性

    🌸 嘉宾分享的实用小贴士,包括如何善用当地市政厅和中文学校的资源

    🌸 通过文化适应和情感支持,家长和孩子如何一起成长




    您可以通过以下平台收看和收听MEEEI播客 :

    💻YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Etc141-tVeoadyKNKCBkA

    💻 Bili Bili: https://space.bilibili.com/3546712297703848?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0

    🎧 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4GEJqw9hK0jEpG8NJcXuIn

    🎧 Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/%F0%9F%8C%B8meeei%F0%9F%8C%B8-podcast-for-overseas-chinese-parents-of-teenagers/id1744126436?i=1000654148499

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    17 mins
  • #5:当孩子发出挣扎的信号时,家长如何支持孩子战胜挑战🌸 How Parents Can Support Their Children in Overcoming Challenges When They Show Signs of Struggle
    Sep 26 2024

    【专家访谈】: 荷兰华人儿童基金会创始人和理事采访



    在这个专辑的第一部分中, 我们谈到了如何有效地识别孩子早期的情感信号,如何创造一个支持性环境,专家们提供了一些在跨文化冲突中的实际解决方案。

    🌸 荷兰华人儿童基金会成立的初衷和三位创始者与理事的背景故事
    🌸 分享专家们在实际工作中的案例和个人的经验,提供实用的育儿技巧和方法。
    🌸 识别青春期孩子情感困境的早期信号,及早干预,防止问题恶化。
    🌸 如何在跨文化背景下,为孩子创造一个安全、温暖且支持性的成长环境。


    您可以通过以下平台收看和收听MEEEI播客 :

    💻YouTube: https://youtu.be/2AvhcX6wVYY
    💻 Bili Bili: https://space.bilibili.com/3546712297703848?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0
    🎧 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4GEJqw9hK0jEpG8NJcXuIn
    🎧 Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/%F0%9F%8C%B8meeei%F0%9F%8C%B8-podcast-for-overseas-chinese-parents-of-teenagers/id1744126436?i=1000654148499
    🎧BuzzSprout: https://meeeipodcast.buzzsprout.com

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    30 mins
  • #4: 与青春期孩子建立有效沟通的第三步: 如何通过提问引导孩子解决问题 🌸 How to Use Open-ended Questions to Guide Your Teen to Find Solutions
    Sep 19 2024


    LSD(Listen/倾听,Summarize/总结,Dig Deeper/深度挖掘)沟通法,不仅是一个简单的沟通技巧,它更是你与青春期孩子重新建立信任、理解和爱的桥梁。作为一名在荷兰开展青春期家长工作坊的导师,我见证了无数家长通过这一方法,重新找回了与孩子的深度连接。我希望通过这系列的小视频,将这一珍贵的方法分享给更多家长。


    L - Listen 倾听👂:用心倾听孩子的声音,哪怕是短暂的沉默,也是他们表达的一部分。别急着回应,让他们知道你在全神贯注地听。

    S - Summarize 总结📝:温柔地总结孩子的想法,确认你理解了他们的意思。这不仅是对他们表达的尊重,也是避免误解的关键。

    D - Dig Deeper 挖掘🔍:通过提问,进一步了解孩子言语背后的情感和需求。只有深入挖掘,你才能真正理解他们的心声,走进他们的内心世界。



    🌸MEEEI YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Etc141-tVeoadyKNKCBkA

    🌸 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4GEJqw9hK0jEpG8NJcXuIn

    🌸 Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/%F0%9F%8C%B8meeei%F0%9F%8C%B8-podcast-for-overseas-chinese-parents-of-teenagers/id1744126436?i=1000654148499

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    18 mins
  • #3: 与青春期孩子建立有效沟通的第二步: 如何利用总结与孩子共情🌸 How to Use Summarizing to Empathize with Your Teen
    May 16 2024

    掌握沟通技巧:第二步 - 总结

    简介: 在今天的节目中,我们深入探讨了三步沟通策略的第二步:总结。在上周关于积极倾听的讨论基础上,我们探讨如何有效地总结对话,以确保清晰和相互理解。本集特别适合有青少年的父母,提供实用工具来弥合沟通差距,增强亲子关系。


    • 总结的重要性: 理解总结在有效沟通中的重要性。
    • 积极倾听回顾: 快速回顾第一步,积极倾听。
    • 总结技巧: 学习如何准确总结孩子的思想和感受的实用方法。
    • 情感验证: 如何验证青少年的情感,培养同理心和联系,与孩子共情。
    • 探索缘由: 通过与孩子总结验证你的理解是否到位,避免误解
    • 挖掘内心智慧:通过总结、概况前因后果,去挖掘孩子的感情层面,带她们去发现自己的内心智慧



    Mastering Communication: Step Two - Summarize

    Description: In today's episode, we dive into the second step of our three-step communication strategy: summarizing. Building on last week's discussion on active listening, we explore how to effectively summarize conversations to ensure clarity and mutual understanding. This episode is particularly valuable for parents of teenagers, providing practical tools to bridge communication gaps and strengthen relationships.


    • Introduction to Summarizing: Understand the importance of summarizing in effective communication.
    • Active Listening Recap: Quick refresher on the first step - active listening.
    • Summarizing Techniques: Learn practical methods to accurately summarize your child's thoughts and feelings.
    • Emotional Validation: Tips on how to validate your teenager's emotions, fostering empathy and connection.
    • Common Pitfalls: Avoiding misunderstandings by verifying your summaries with your child.

    This episode is a must-listen for parents struggling to communicate with their teenagers. By mastering the art of summarizing, you can create a more open and trusting environment, where your child feels truly heard and understood. The practical advice offered will not only improve your communication skills but also strengthen your relationship with your teen.

    If you found this episode helpful, please share it with other parents who could benefit from these communication strategies. Don't forget to tune in next week for the third and final step: asking the right questions to foster deeper conversations.

    🌸MEEEI YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Etc141-tVeoadyKNKCBkA

    🌸 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4GEJqw9hK0jEpG8NJcXuIn

    🌸 Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/%F0%9F%8C%B8meeei%F0%9F%8C%B8-podcast-for-overseas-chinese-parents-of-teenagers/id1744126436?i=1000654148499

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    14 mins
  • #2: 与青春期孩子建立有效沟通第一步:如何通过倾听进入孩子的世界🌸 How to Unlock the Heart of Your Teen Through Deep Listening
    May 11 2024
    今天我们将深入探讨与青春期孩子有效的沟通交流方法:LSD三步交流法。这一方法是我青春期家长工作坊的核心,已被很多家长使用并验证可以显著改善家庭以及职场的沟通与交流。 Today we're going to dive into an effective communication strategy: the LSD 3-Steps. This approach is at the heart of my Adolescent Parenting Workshop and has been used by many parents and proven to dramatically improve communication at home as well as in the workplace.LSD沟通策略L - 倾听(Listen):真正理解对方言语背后的含义和情感。S - 总结(Summarize):反馈主要点,确保双方理解一致。S - (提问)挖掘(Dig Deeper):通过提问探索更深层的感受和思考。倾听的重要性 倾听是沟通中最困难的部分,需要完全的注意力,避免预设回应。 LSD Communication StrategyL - Listen: Truly understand the meaning and emotion behind the other person's words.S - Summarise: Feedback on key points to ensure both parties are on the same page.S - Dig Deeper: Explore deeper feelings and thoughts by asking questions.The Importance of ListeningListening is the most difficult part of communication, requiring complete attention and avoiding preconceived responses.如何倾听:第一:创造倾听的内在状态完全的好奇有利于创造积极倾听的心理状态,摒弃先入为主的观念和评判。对话题真正感兴趣,即使这些话题看似琐碎或与你无关。清空自己的“杯子”,排除偏见和评判,全心接收新的信息。培养同理心,理解并感受对方的视角,增强连接。第二:创造安全的倾听环境 通过非对抗性的身体语言和舒适的环境设置,让对方感到安全。第三:全神贯注的倾听 在数字时代,尤其强调放下电子设备,给予对方完全的注意力。How to listen:First: create an internal state of listeningComplete curiosity facilitates the creation of a mental state of active listening, letting go of preconceived notions and judgments.Take a genuine interest in topics, even if they seem trivial or irrelevant to you.Empty your "cup" of bias and judgment and take in new information wholeheartedly.Cultivate empathy, understand and feel the other person's perspective, and increase connection.Second: Create a safe listening environmentMake the other person feel safe through non-confrontational body language and comfortable environmental settings.Third: Listen with full attentionIn the digital age, there is a particular emphasis on putting down electronic devices and giving the other person your complete attention.请大家实践所学技巧,并加入我们的社区,参与2024年6月30日周日10:00-12:00 (欧洲中部时间) 的LSD线上社区互动学习和练习,和其他的家长一起学习、练习和交流。Please practice the skills you have learned and join our community in the LSD Online Community Interactive Learning and Practice on Sunday 30 June 2024 from 10:00-12:00 (CET) to learn, practice, and connect with other parents. 如果您希望获取更多信息,请访问我的网站 www.meeei.nl 并加入我的社区。在社区里,您可以参加社区的各种线上和线下活动,与其他志同道合的家长互动,交流,相互支持,共同学习,共同成长,一起为孩子们创造一个充满爱、理解与支持的成长环境。下期节目,我将继续深入探讨新的主题,帮助您和您的家庭一起成长。再次感谢您的收听,期待在下一期节目中与您相遇。再见!If you would like more information, please visit my website www.meeei.nl, and join my community. In the community, you can participate in various online and offline activities in the community, interact with other like-minded parents, communicate, support each other, learn and grow together, and work together to create a loving, understanding, and supportive environment for your children to grow up in.In the next episode, I will continue to delve into new topics to help you and your family grow together.Thank you again for listening and I look forward to meeting you on the next programme. See you soon!您可以通过以下平台收听和收看MEEEI播客:🌸 YouTube: https://youtu.be/tcd8fUSwCu8 🌸 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4GEJqw9hK0jEpG8NJcXuIn🌸 Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/%F0%9F%8C%B8meeei%F0%9F%8C%B8-podcast-for-overseas
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    26 mins
  • #1: 如何调整自己的状态,战胜青春期孩子带来的挑战🌸 How to Manage Your Well-being to Overcome Challenges with Your Teen
    May 1 2024

    Welcome to today's podcast! In this episode, we're going to explore a crucial theme, "Love Our Children, Don't Give Up on Our Children." But how can we remain steadfast in our love for our children and not give up on them as we battle their adolescence? How do we adjust ourselves to overcome the challenges posed by our adolescent children?


    • 深入了解青春期挑战: 探讨青春期孩子所带来的焦虑和挑战,并了解如何通过有效沟通和家庭联系的重要性来应对这些挑战。
    • 个人经历: 我与您分享我的亲身经历和我多年来在实实践中经过验证的有效策略。
    • 实用策略分享: 我在此提供四种实用方法,帮助家长调整自身状态,与青春期孩子建立深层联系,减少焦虑,平和地与孩子互动。

    Highlights of this episode:

    • Understanding Teenage Challenges: Explore the anxieties and challenges brought by adolescence and learn the importance of effective communication and family connections to tackle these challenges.
    • Personal Insights: I share strategies and techniques that I have tested and found effective over many years.
    • Practical Strategies: I provide four practical approaches to help parents adjust their state of mind, establish a deep connection with their teenage children, reduce anxiety, and interact peacefully.

    如果您希望获取更多信息,请访问我的网站 https://meeei.nl/ 并加入我的社区。
    Join Our Community: For more parenting tips and cross-cultural exchange experiences, visit our website: www.meeei.nl. Here, you can join our community to interact with other parents through online and offline activities, grow together, and create a nurturing environment filled with love, understanding, and support for our children.

    您可以通过以下平台收听和收看MEEEI播客 :
    🌸 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwNQ30OhutA&t=5s

    🌸 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4GEJqw9hK0jEpG8NJcXuIn

    🌸 Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/%F0%9F%8C%B8meeei%F0%9F%8C%B8-podcast-for-overseas-chinese-parents-of-teenagers/id1744126436?i=1000654148499

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    26 mins
  • Welcome to MEEEI
    May 1 2024


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    3 mins