• Cancer FULL Moon: 1.13.25
    Jan 12 2025

    Cancer rules long-held emotions, the ones we guard and pretend do not exist because they are messy and inconvenient and it feels so much better to just eat and shop, cuddle up and cook something. But Mars infuses this moon with a booster pack of motivation. The nature of that motivation is highly variable. For some, it's fear and anger. For others, it's sheer blind faith that we're on the right path and doing the right thing, no matter how scary or new it all is.

    Cancer relies on non-verbal communication. Being the sign furthest away from the effortlessly verbose and talkative Gemini and Sagittarius, Cancer receives and sends messages through tone, empathetic resonance, and behaviour patterns. It's prime time to develop your emotional IQ. Tune into the cues.

    Cancer energy needs to feel into a situation or invitation before they can trust it. Practice that this week, as we are confronted with lifelines, out-of-the-blue options, and last resorts, FEEL INTO THESE POTENTIAL REALITIES.

    Our heads are a jumbled box of sharp objects right now. Think instead into the neurons in the heart space and use those to guide your path. Feel into the possibilities that come up. Do they feel like expansion and safety; or do they feel like compromise and shrinking?

    Be kind. It’s OK to retract and not get involved if others around you are fire-hosing their fear and anger into the world. We all just want to feel safe and loved. And we are.

    Cancer energy is also super nostalgic! Reach out to someone, anyone, and just send them a nice happy memory or a sincere message of thanks for something they did that left a lasting smile in your heart.

    Written and recorded by Jess Rose: personal astrologer, ayurveda coach, and QHHT therapist. Questions welcome! Write to me or book your personal reading at Jess@humanhealed.org
    Check out my YouTube Channel for custom meditations and astrological wellness hacks.

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    15 mins
  • Gemini FULL Moon - 12.15.24
    Dec 13 2024

    It’s a recipe for overwhelm. Everything is happening now, yes now!

    The full moon’s weight and pressure upon your local daily to-dos (Gemini) is a fractal parallel of a much bigger turning point and soul choice-point you, me, we all signed up for.

    At the time of this full moon, Jupiter (ALSO in Gemini) squares Saturn in Pisces. So there’s no avoiding it. This whole month is a cosmic order to wrap up, end, rescind, and cash out. It’s the kind of busy where even the wine doesn't work! You have a glass and you still feel the full magnitude of the pile of emails and texts to respond to.

    Saturn is physical karma – AKA actual real-life responsibilities. In Pisces, that means initiating or being faced with endings, especially of emotional cycles, in service of higher spiritual truth.

    Jupiter in Gemini is increasing the speed of thought and communication, expanding what “local” means, and pushing for collaboration across far-fetched obstacles.

    Right now we are being specifically inundated with two categories of things:

    Category 1: Everything we’ve really wanted for a while. Things we’ve asked for, prayed for, manifestation vision boarded, called in, known we were ready for. It’s all coming now.

    Category 2: Everything we need to let go of to make room for items of Category 1. Things were done with, things that have run their course. The ride stopped, you won’t advance, please pack your knives and go.

    PLUS: a channeled message about recent collaborations AND the truth about bell-bottoms!!

    Written and recorded by Jess Rose: personal astrologer, ayurveda coach, and QHHT therapist. Questions welcome! Write to me or book your personal reading at Jess@humanhealed.org
    Check out my YouTube Channel for custom meditations and astrological wellness hacks.

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    22 mins
  • Winter 2024 Horoscope (Sagittarius New Moon!)
    Nov 29 2024

    Big theme: BE KIND, REWIND!
    Mercury retrograde, Jupiter retrograde, Mars retrograde, Oh My!
    This week, we’ve got a new moon in Sagittarius. The stars of Sagittarius form a centaur, a creature forced to reconcile primal energy and passion with higher rationality. It’s the gift of cerebral wisdom and intuitive guidance to direct our physical pursuits. Whether or not we actually use that “wisdom” is up to us

    When Mercury is in Sagittarius, the mouth moves faster than the mind. We say too much, interrupt, declare with no follow through, offer unsolicited opinions ad nauseum. We can also fail to LISTEN and wait for the details.
    Be kind enough to yourself to not repeat or retread in the same paths and routines you've been depleted, limited, and harmed by.
    Where are you withholding love?

    Written and recorded by Jess Rose: personal astrologer, ayurveda coach, and QHHT therapist. Questions welcome! Write to me or book your personal reading at Jess@humanhealed.org
    Check out my YouTube Channel for custom meditations and astrological wellness hacks.

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    42 mins
  • Taurus FULL Moon - 11.15.24 (Bonus channeled message: Dating on the Spiritual Path)
    Nov 15 2024

    Have you ever been hiking and had to cross a stream? And sometimes there’s a few rocks in the stream, and you have to stop for a moment and analyze, “OK, which rock can I step on? Which ones look loose or slippery? Where can I find my footing and make my path across?” It’s exactly like that! We’re taking this arrested inhale to figure out the steps forward. What can I trust will hold me so I can get to the other side?

    We remove ourselves from the old stuff we can’t keep living with, and we stretch a foot out to test the stability of the stepping stones nearby, but it’s difficult to grasp anything dependable, because everyone is doing this. Everyone is on shaky ground feeling for the next move. If you’re counting on someone else and what they have to be a part of your next step, they can’t give you an answer, because they’re in the process of sorting themselves out too and waiting on other people in their network to get back to them with answers. It’s a chain reaction of hold on, let me check, I’ll have to get back to you.

    Thankfully, Saturn and Uranus are very prominently influential this weekend, so the answers will strike you in sudden twists of fate and rude awakenings… specifically concerning your assets and authority figures… specifically concerns that have been accumulating over time or have been put off until push comes to shove.

    Bonus channeled message on why many are still single after so much spiritual work.
    Say ThankYou with a tip/donation. PayPal. Venmo.

    Book or gift a personal reading with me!

    Written and recorded by Jess Rose: personal astrologer, ayurveda coach, and QHHT therapist. Questions welcome! Write to me or book your personal reading at Jess@humanhealed.org
    Check out my YouTube Channel for custom meditations and astrological wellness hacks.

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    30 mins
  • Taurus LUNAR ECLIPSE Full Moon - 10.28.23
    Oct 26 2023

    Taurus and Scoprio are energies of money, property, and emotional entanglement. It gets real messy, real quick. The ugly side of your emotional patterns, and the ugly side of the property you rent, own, and share are in the spotlight. You know the saying “you get what you pay for”? You’ll be confronted with the energetic and empathetic cost of your current relationships and property. Taurus is about financial investment, and Scorpio is about emotional investment. 

    This full moon is ruled by Venus, who always wants the best for our self-love and growth. In Virgo, she’s helping us sort out the pieces. Is there room to grow in what we’re choosing? Take the time to analyze. Are your confines worth the definition? Or is it time to break the chain? This theme is also underlined by Saturn and Neptune’s ongoing transit through Pisces, showing us the realities behind the assumptions we’ve accepted, both individually and as a collective society.

    Written and recorded by Jess Rose: personal astrologer, ayurveda coach, and QHHT therapist. Questions welcome! Write to me or book your personal reading at Jess@humanhealed.org
    Check out my YouTube Channel for custom meditations and astrological wellness hacks.

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    13 mins