
  • Live From The Darkness
    Oct 19 2020
    After regrouping from the harrowing events of the day, the gang kicks off the podcast with its first episode and sets a precedent for not being very good at saving the world. Hosted by Thorn Winter Loogutz the Ghoul is played by Joey Starr Detective Donal O'Shaughnessy is played by Manny Silveira Produced by Thorn Winter
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    20 mins
  • Julie the Sex Worker
    Oct 26 2020
    Donal is confronted by a dead hooker accidentally called back from the hereafter by Randy's terrible attempt at summoning his first guest denizen from the darkness. The Host, Randy Aspinwall, was played by Thorn Winter Loogutz the Ghoul was played by Joey Starr Detective Donal O'Shaughnessy was played by Manny Silveira Julie "Irish Fantasy" Smith was played by Samantha Laws live, from the darkness is produced by Thorn Winter randy@livefromthedarkness.com loogutz@livefromthedarkness.com detectivedonaloshaughnessy@livefromthedarkness.com Tweet @randyaspinwall or @detectivedonal
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    27 mins
  • Johnny Moon
    Nov 2 2020
    Randy and Donal make up. Loogutz tells a sex tale. The gang meets a really creepy guy who may become an ally in the battle against doom. Randy Aspinwall was played by Thorn Winter Loogutz the Ghoul was played by Joey Starr Detective Donal O'Shaughnessy was played by Manny Silveira Julie Smith was played by Samantha Laws Our special guest was very well played by Jason Yerex. You can learn more about Jason and his work as a voice actor and improv coach by visiting https://www.jasonyerexvoiceover.com Music by Isaac Ross Edited and Produced by Thorn Winter
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    30 mins
  • Al the Immortal
    Nov 9 2020
    Randy gets his first scheduled guest who is an immortal, concerned that he may in fact be dying. Donal does tests. Julie tries whiskey. Loogutz is chill. Randy Aspinwall was played by Thorn Winter Loogutz the Ghoul was played by Joey Starr Detective Donal O' Shaughnessy was played by Manny Silveira Julie Smith was played by Samantha Laws Al the Immortal was played by Tom Levesque Theme music by Isaac Ross Live From the Darkness was created by and is directed, edited, and produced by Thorn Winter. Email randy@livefromthedarkness Tweet Loogutz @loogutz Tweet Detective Donal @detectivedonal Tweet Randy @randyaspinwall Visit LiveFromTheDarkness.com Follow us on facebook!
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    25 mins
  • Elderberry the Witch
    Nov 16 2020
    Randy, tired from lack of sleep due to nightmares about Donal chopping off Al the Immortal's head, summons Elderberry the Witch to tell him how to get over the trauma of watching Donal kill Al four times. Special Guest Tari Takara as Elderberry Randy Aspinwall was played by Thorn Winter Loogutz the Ghoul was played by Joey Starr Detective Donal O'Shaughnessy was played by Manny Silveira Music by Isaac Ross Produced, Directed, and Edited by Thorn Winter
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    20 mins
  • Luke the Possessor
    Nov 23 2020
    Randy and the gang meet Luke Morales, a serial killer recently escaped from a mental institution who says he has an alien trapped inside of him. Then shit gets weird. Randy Aspinwall was played by Thorn Winter Loogutz the Ghoul was played by Joey Starr Detective Donal O'Shaughnessy was played by Manny Silveira Julie Smith was played by Samantha Laws And please applaud our Mr. Ranon Klein who provided an excellent performance of Luke Morales and the enlightened light being possessing his body. The music was created by Isaac Ross. Live, from the Darkness is Directed, Edited, and Produced by Thorn Winter Go to LiveFromTheDarkness.com for more, and visit Patreon.com/livefromthedarkness, to become a patron of the show for five dollars a month, which gives you access to our bonus episodes, like our holiday extras, and Donal's secret sex track with Elderberry the witch, as well as our mini-series, such as Donal the Dark Detective-Knight. Follow @serenedread, @randyaspinwall, @detectivedonal, @loogutz, and @julietheghost on twitter, and find and like us on facebook at facebook.com/livefromthedarkness This podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, and Google Podcasts and where ever you pick up your feed. Wear your masks. Stay at home if you can. And be safe and good to one another, Gentlebeings.
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    34 mins
  • Sir Simon Crowchuckle Part One
    Nov 30 2020
    Randy's still sick with the vid. Julie, Loogutz, and Detective Donal host Sir Simon Crowchuckle, who has traveled down from his estate near Montpelier, Vermont to warn them of an alien mining colony that has become hostile towards him. Randy was played by Thorn Winter Loogutz the Ghoul was played by Joey Starr Julie Smith was played by Samantha Laws Detective Donal O'Shaughnessy was played by Manny Silveira Sir Simon Crowchuckle was played by Thorn Winter Live from the Darkness is Directed, Edited, and Produced by Thorn Winter Music by Isaac Ross Visit LiveFromTheDarkness.com for more information and merchandise when available. Find, like, and share on facebook.com/livefromthedarkness Follow the show on twitter @serenedread or tweet the gang @randyaspinwall, @julietheghost1, @loogutz, and @detectivedonal
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    34 mins
  • Sir Simon Crowchuckle Part Two
    Dec 6 2020
    Randy is still out with Covid. Sir Simon Crowchuckle, who we had interviewed the day before as an emergency favor to him, is back for round two, connecting with the gang from his estate in northern Vermont. In our most revealing and shocking episode yet, Crowchuckle educates about octogenarian sexuality and alien relations. Randy Aspinwall was sick. Loogutz the Ghoul was played by Joey Starr who you can tweet @loogutz Julie Smith was played by Samantha Laws who you can tweet @julietheghost1 Detective Donal O'Shaughnessy was played by Manny Silveira who you can tweet @detectivedonal Sir Simon Crowchuckle was played by Thorn Winter Music by Isaac Ross Live from the darkness is created, directed, edited, and produced by Thorn Winter Email Randy to be on the show: randy@livefromthedarkness.com Find us on Twitter @serenedread, on Facebook, and Instagram @livefromthedarkness
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    36 mins