
  • Embodying Confidence Through Clothing and Balancing Social Energy
    Dec 12 2022

    Join @Helenajanis as she finds and maintains that zest for life.

    This is Helena's 10th Episode of Lime Juice live on-air!

    This episode Helena talks through:

    • Embodying confidence through clothing. Helena discusses the concept 'Enclothed Cognition' coined by two Cognitive Psychologists Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky after a series of experiments. Where our confidence can even come down to the underwear we choose to wear on a daily basis. 
    • Balancing your social energy. Helena references Millie Ford's 'Cup and Jug Theory' and also discusses Brene Brown's take on compassionate people having set boundaries, avoiding becoming a 'people-pleaser' with a quote from an article by Nspirement, titled 'Brene Brown on Compassion and Boundaries'.

    You can get in touch with Helena about Lime Juice here: @Helenajanis

    This show was broadcast live on Sunday 11 December (Week 10, Syn Season 4).

    The show will be taking a break over the Summer, and will be back in February 2023. 

    Lime Juice wishes it's listeners a wonderful, well-deserved break <3

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    23 mins
  • Ease up on the Self Improvement
    Dec 5 2022

    Join @Helenajanis as she finds and maintains that zest for life.

    We are moving into the Holiday period (best time of year), and now's a good time to relax and recover. 

    This episode Helena talks through:

    • Over-doing Self Improvement. Making sure you live and feel too. We don't have to remove ourselves from society / relationships to 'improve'. Helena touches on an article titled Why Self-Help Might Actually Be Making You Less Happy, by Clay Skipper, which unpacks ideas by Danish Psychologist Svend Brinkmann.Brinkmann basically says our society needs to 'quit being so self-absorbed'. 

    Join Lena, Sundays from 4pm - 5pm for her live broadcast of the show at Syn 90.7 You can get in touch with Helena about Lime Juice here: @Helenajanis

    This show was broadcast live on Sunday 4 December (Week 9, Syn Season 4).

    New podcast uploaded every Monday. 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    15 mins
  • Taking Time to Restore and Letting Go of Challenging Situations
    Nov 27 2022

    Join @Helenajanis as she finds and maintains that zest for life.

    A more casual chat this week, Helena reflects on her need to slow down and actually breathe. 

    This episode Helena talks through:

    • Taking time to restore. We need to be okay with giving ourselves time to just be (full permission to be a chocolate eating couch potato, *once in a while*). Why do flight attendants ask us to put our oxygen mask on first before attending to others? Because if you can't take care of yourself, how do you expect to be able to take care of others. Amen sis. 
    • Letting go of challenging situations. It just feels better. Helena talks about forgiving people who haven't said sorry and not giving challenging situations anymore attention than they deserve. Helena reads out an excerpt from a Headspace meditation titled Sustaining Heartache.


    • Recommendation she will not stop raving about - Imperfects Podcast Episode with Ned Brockmann.
    • If you're interested in finding a park run near you, you can find your closest here.

    Join Lena, every Sunday from 4pm - 5pm for her live broadcast of the show at Syn 90.7 You can get in touch with Helena about Lime Juice here: @Helenajanis

    This show was broadcast live on Sunday 27 November (Week 8, Syn Season 4).

    New podcast uploaded every Monday. 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    22 mins
  • Crafting Your Purpose and Knowing Your People
    Nov 20 2022

    Join @Helenajanis as she finds and maintains that zest for life.

    Another new week, another chance to acknowledge all the value you bring to the world. 

    This episode Helena talks through:

    • Crafting your purpose, over 'finding your purpose'. Taking all that pressure off having 'one soul purpose'. This segment takes heavy inspiration from an article titled You Don't Find Your Purpose - You Build It by John Coleman (Harvard Business Review).
    • Knowing your people. There are some people you will click with and other's you will not. Some people can easily see your potential, while other's cannot.  Growing up involves finding people who understand you, and being okay when some people just don't. Helena unpacks her realisations around this.

    Join Lena, every Sunday from 4pm - 5pm for her live broadcast of the show at Syn 90.7 You can get in touch with Helena about Lime Juice here: @Helenajanis

    This show was broadcast live on Sunday 20 November (Week 7, Syn Season 4).

    New podcast uploaded every Monday. 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    23 mins
  • Toxic Productivity, Meditation and Pomodoro Technique
    Nov 14 2022

    Join @Helenajanis as she finds and maintains that zest for life.

    Happy new week listeners, summer is on it's way, life is feeling lighter. This week is all about being more intentional with time, Helena is real with listeners about her lack of focus lately (prone to distractions) and how she aims to move through this. 

    This episode Helena talks through:

    • Toxic Productivity, drawing on an article titled Are You Actually 'So Busy' or Is It 'Toxic Productivity' by Siobhan Neela-Stock.
    • Meditation benefits for mental, physical and emotional health, drawing on an article titled The Many Benefits of Meditation by the Headspace App.
    • Pomodoro Technique, created by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. This technique was inspired by a tomato (pomodoro) timer and involves breaking tasks into bite-sized chunks.

    Join Lena, every Sunday from 4pm - 5pm for her live broadcast of the show at Syn 90.7 You can get in touch with Helena about Lime Juice here: @Helenajanis

    This show was broadcast live on Sunday 13 November (Week 6, Syn Season 4).

    New podcast uploaded every Monday. 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    29 mins
  • Deep Listening and Planning for the Future
    Nov 4 2022

    Join @Helenajanis as she finds and maintains that zest for life.

    Hello and welcome, so happy to have you here! So excited to share the first Lime Juice podcast episode with you. 

    This episode Helena talks through:

    • Power of listening in relationships, with inspiration from Dave Morris' TedX Talk 'The Way of Improvisation'  .
    • What deep listening means within Aboriginal Australian culture – Dadirri, with an excerpt from Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr.
    • The beauty of anticipation and planning for the future.

    Join Lena, every Sunday from 4pm - 5pm for her live broadcast of the show at Syn 90.7 You can get in touch with Helena about Lime Juice here: @Helenajanis

    This show was broadcast live on Sunday 30 October (Week 4, Syn Season 4). 

    New podcast uploaded every Monday. 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    19 mins