In this episode, we dive into the intersection of faith and politics, exploring how a biblical perspective can inform our expectations and strategies as we approach the upcoming election. Pastor Luke discusses key scriptural principles that guide our civic engagement, the importance of setting realistic expectations for candidates and outcomes, and practical ways to maximize our influence in our communities. This conversation will provide actionable advice to navigate this election season with purpose and integrity. This episode will empower you to engage thoughtfully and effectively in the democratic process.
Join Pastor Luke in praying for seven critical items in this election season.
Pray for:
1. Truth to dominate. Pray for truth and transparency to be held in high regard. And ask the Lord to expose spin, cover ups, and falsehood. Pray for these imperfect candidates (which includes all men and women) to acknowledge their lies and falsehood, seek forgiveness for their sinful choices, and choose to speak truth and live in truth.
2. The Hearts of all candidates. Pray for the grace of God to be poured out on the hearts of all of our potential leaders, knowing that God’s kindness leads men and women to repentance (Romans 2:4). Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal the Good News of Jesus Christ to their hearts.
3. Esthers and Daniels. Regardless of who wins the presidential race and other elections, much of the governing will be handled by secondary appointed leaders. Scripture shows us the power of courageous secondary leaders such as Esther and Daniel, who will have tremendous opportunities to influence the future course of our nation. Ask God to raise up many Esthers and Daniels to serve under those who are elected in November.
4. Humility. “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6).” Pray for our future leaders to humble themselves before the Lord and not be found arrogantly setting themselves up against the Lord, publicly or privately (Psalm 2:1-2). Pray for God to use each leader to “do justice, and to love kindness, and walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8).”
5. Wisdom. Ask the Lord to give wisdom to our nation as we go to the polls and choose thousands of leaders at many levels of government. Pray for God to give supernatural wisdom to our future leaders as they prepare to face many highly complex issues, both internationally and domestically.
6. Military veterans and families. Ask the Lord to cause our newly elected leaders and those they appoint to fully care for our military veterans and their families, especially those emotionally and physically scarred as a result of their courageous service on behalf of our country.
7. Spiritual healing. Ask for God to give us leaders who can grasp the precarious spiritual condition of our nation. Pray for these leaders to turn to God as the source of hope in broken communities, simmering racial divisions, and the political atmosphere of antagonism. Pray for our nation to see Christ as the hope for healing and lasting peace.
Life Between Two Ditches is a Podcast from Vertical Church in Columbus, Ohio.
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