• Lesson 12_True joy is found in God’s sacred presence
    Jan 21 2025

    Aim: True joy is found in God’s sacred presence.

    I. Sacred Blood (Lev 17.1-16)

    TR1: True joy comes through the sacred blood of Christ.

    a. How might the reality of Christ’s shed blood on the Cross give you the desire and the confidence to enter God’s sacred Presence?

    b. What changes do you need to make to exalt God as the Supreme Lord of your life?

    c. How might these changes increase your experience of the true joy that is yours in Christ?

    d. Is God the Supreme Lord of your life? How strongly does His true joy register in your life?

    II. Sacred Bodies (Lev 18.1-30)

    TR2: True joy comes through the sacred living God prescribes.

    a. How do you determine what you will and will not do regarding your lifestyle choices?

    b. How seriously do you consider such things? Who or what guides your lifestyle decisions?

    c. What do you need to change to ensure your life is guided by the One True and Supreme God of the Bible?

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    38 mins
  • Lesson 11_In Christ, believers are transitioned into a superior covenant with God
    Jan 14 2025

    Lecture Outline:

    Aim: In Christ, believers are transitioned into a superior covenant with God.

    I. Superior Priest (7.1-28) T1: In Christ, believers are transitioned from wretched sinners to righteous, reconciled saints.

    a. When did you transition from a wretched sinner to a righteous, reconciled saint?

    b. If you have already transitioned from sinner to saint, the question is: How are you living like that is true?

    c. What will you do differently this year to take advantage of the access to God the better hope and better covenant provide?

    d. How will you bring His healing, holy kiss to this broken world?

    II. Superior Promises (8.1-13) T2: In Christ, believers are transitioned into an eternally fresh and superior spiritual life.

    a. What are you trying to accomplish, remedy, or cover up in your own strength?

    b. Which areas of your life do you need to surrender to the Holy Spirit’s power?

    c. Which of your old habits or old ways of the flesh are obsolete in light of all you have learned about Christ’s superiority?

    d. How will you pursue the eternally fresh and superior spiritual life that is yours in Christ?

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    45 mins
  • Lesson 10_Christ’s atoning sacrifice perfects all that sin ruins
    Nov 12 2024

    Lecture Outline:

    Aim: Christ’s atoning sacrifice perfects all that sin ruins.

    I. Priestly Perfection (Leviticus 16.1-14)

    TR1: Christ’s atoning sacrifice restores the paradise of a perfect relationship with God.

    a. What sin are you allowing to rob you of the paradise that is yours in Christ?

    b. How is it hindering your intimacy w/ God?

    II. People’s Perfection (Leviticus 16.15-34)

    TR2: Christ’s atoning sacrifice restores condemned sinners from exile to Eden.

    a. Which specific sin or sins keep you filled with dread and condemnation and exiled from God?

    b. What is drawing you eastward or away from God? What is drawing you westward or toward God?

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    47 mins
  • Lesson 9_God expects His children to grow up
    Nov 5 2024

    Lecture Outline:

    Aim: God expects His children to grow up!

    I. Arrested Souls (Hebrews 5.11-6.3)

    TR1: Spiritually maturing believers crave the meaty food of solid doctrine.

    a. How firm is your grasp on the doctrines or teachings of God’s Word?

    b. How well are you able to explain the elementary doctrines of Christ outlined in Hebrews 6.1-3?

    II. Apostate Souls (Hebrews 6.4-8)

    TR2: Spiritually maturing believers produce God-glorifying fruit in increasing measure.

    a. What evidence do you see that shows you are maturing spiritually?

    b. What specific steps do you need to take to produce more God-glorifying fruit?

    c. Are you living as an effective witness to solid doctrine and the truth of Bible? Or are you giving others a reason to cry: ‘Hypocrite!’?

    III. Anchored Souls (Hebrews 6.9-20)

    TR3: Spiritually maturing believers anchor their souls in the hope Christ provides.

    a. In what ways could you begin to or continue to redefine yourself as a diligent, persevering saint?

    b. How does God’s doubly guaranteed promise to be both your refuge and the anchor of your soul spur you on to grow up in the faith?

    c. Which of the six guardrails in Hebrew 6 will you use to motivate your diligence?

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    44 mins
  • Lesson 8_Our sin must die for holiness to thrive
    Oct 29 2024

    Lecture Outline:

    Aim: Our sin must die for holiness to thrive.

    I. Sinful Consumption (Leviticus 11)

    TR1: Holiness thrives when we separate ourselves from all God calls unclean.

    a. What are you consuming that God calls unholy or impure?

    b. What unclean thing or things do you fail to resist and habitually allow to take up residence in your spiritual body?

    c. Will what you consume delight or disgust God? Will it hinder or help your growth in holiness?

    II. Sinful Contamination (Leviticus 13-14)

    TR2: Holiness thrives when we separate ourselves from soul-contaminating worldliness.

    a. What unclean things of this world are you allowing to contaminate you?

    b. In which areas of your life do you look more like the world than like Jesus?

    III. Sinful Condition (Leviticus 12, 15)

    TR3: Holiness thrives when we separate ourselves from heart impurities.

    a. What impurities are lurking in your heart?

    b. How are they flowing out of you?

    c. What could you do to purify your heart?

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    41 mins
  • Lesson 7_Jesus, our Great High Priest, ushers us into the fullness of God’s presence
    Oct 22 2024

    Lecture Outline:

    Aim: Jesus, our Great High Priest, ushers us into the fullness of God’s presence.

    I. Sympathetic Priest (Hebrews 4.14-16)

    TR1: As our Great High Priest, Jesus accomplished all that is needednfor us to confidently come to His throne of grace.

    a. When was the last time you drew near to God’s throne of grace?

    b. How confident are you that this privilege belongs to you?

    c. Which current need or struggle would be best addressed at God’s throne of grace?

    II. Superior Priest (Hebrews 5.1-10)

    TR2: As our Great High Priest, Jesus accomplished all that is needed to gift us with countless benefits.

    a. What benefits do you acknowledge are yours through Christ’s work on the Cross?

    b. How might a fuller understanding of the Cross and all its benefits deepen your love for God?

    c. Which of your failings or sufferings are keeping you from fully comprehending the love letter Christ wrote for you on the Cross?

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    41 mins
  • Lesson 6_Believers are God’s ministers of the holy
    Oct 15 2024

    Lecture Outline:

    Aim: Believers are God’s ministers of the holy.

    I. Priestly Duties (Leviticus 6-7)

    TR1: As God’s priests, believers have a duty to rightly worship Him through sacrificial giving.

    a. In what specific ways are you offering yourself and your ‘treasures’ to God to support His Church?

    b. How sacrificial is your offering or giving? What could you do differently to ensure your offering rightly

    worships God?

    II. Priestly Dedication (Leviticus 8-9)

    TR2: As God’s priests, believers are consecrated to serve as His ministers of the holy.

    a. How fully are you devoted to serving God wherever and whenever He calls?

    b. What changes do you need to make to consecrate yourself to Him to do as He pleases instead of what

    pleases you?

    III. Priestly Dangers (Leviticus 10)

    TR3: As God’s priests, believers are entrusted with the care of ‘holy things’.

    a. Which ‘holy things’ are you desecrating through your own carelessness or negligence?

    b. What do you need to change to properly care for the 'holy things' God has entrusted to you?

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    44 mins
  • Lesson 5_True Sabbath rest is found in union with God
    Oct 8 2024

    Lecture Outline:

    Aim: True Sabbath rest is found in union with God.

    I. Rest-LESS Rebellion (Hebrews 3.1-19)

    TR1: Sabbath rest found in union with God is a present and eternal reality for believers.

    a. Which sin or sins are keeping you from resting in the Lord?

    b. How might your unbelief or disobedience be interfering with the true Sabbath rest God intends for you

    to experience?

    II. Rest-FULL Relationship (Hebrews 4.1-13)

    TR2: Sabbath rest found in union with God is His highest goal for believers.

    a. Where are you about to give up on God and fall away from your faith in Him?

    b. How might your fear, doubt, anger, dissatisfaction, or suffering be causing you to harden your heart

    against the Living God?

    c. What is causing you to miss the Sabbath rest that is God’s highest goal for your life?

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    42 mins