• Learn Irish with daily podcasts

  • By: V H
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Learn Irish with daily podcasts

By: V H
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  • 20240927_IRISH_rialachain_nua_maidir_leis_an_mbulai_ollmhor_sinithe
    Sep 27 2024
    jQuery(document).ready(function(){ cab.clickify(); }); Original Podcast with clickable words https://tinyurl.com/2clvtdmk Contact: irishlingos@gmail.com New regulations regarding the signature giant bully. Rialacháin nua maidir leis an mbulaí ollmhór sínithe. Rural and Community Development Minister Heather Humphreys has signed new regulations that will ban XL bully (or giant bully) dogs in this State. Tá an tAire Forbartha Tuaithe agus Pobail Heather Humphreys tar éis rialacháin nua a shíniú a chuirfeas cosc ar mhadraí den phór bulaí XL (nó bulaí ollmhór) sa Stát seo. It will be a two stage process. Próiseas dhá chéim a bheas ann. From next Tuesday, October 1, it will not be allowed to import, breed, sell or give to another person a giant bull. Ón Máirt seo chugainn, 1 Deireadh Fómhair, ní bheidh cead bulaí ollmhór a iompórtáil, a phórú, a dhíol ná a thabhairt do dhuine eile. From 1 February 2025, a person without an exemption certificate would not be allowed to have a giant bully. Ón 1 Feabhra 2025, ní bheadh cead bulaí ollmhór a bheith ag duine gan teastas díolúine. If these regulations are not met, the dogs can be captured and killed. Mura gcomhlíonfar na rialacháin sin, is féidir na madraí a ghabháil agus a bhású. Local authorities are responsible for issuing exemption certificates but dogs must first be licensed and clipped and microchipped. Is iad na húdáráis áitiúla a bheas freagrach as teastais díolúine a lamháil ach ní mór do mhadraí a bheith ceadúnaithe agus gearrtha agus micrishlis a bheith iontu i dtosach. The XL bully is already completely banned in the North and Britain and Minister Humphreys believes that this State should join them. Tá cosc iomlán ar an mbulaí XL cheana féin sa Tuaisceart agus sa Bhreatain agus creideann an tAire Humphreys gur cheart don Stát seo a bheith ar aon bhuille leo. The safety of the public is her biggest concern, she said, especially in light of the recent attacks by massive bullies on people in this country. Sábháilteacht an phobail is mó is cás léi, a dúirt sí, go háirithe i bhfianaise ionsaithe a rinne bulaithe ollmhóra ar dhaoine sa tír seo le gairid. A 23-year-old woman, Nicole Morey, died after being attacked by a massive bully at her home in Fedamare in Co Limerick at the beginning of the summer. Bhásaigh bean 23 bliain d'aois, Nicole Morey, tar éis do bhulaí ollmhór í a ionsaí ina teach cónaithe i bhFeadamair i gCo Luimnigh i dtús an tsamhraidh. Eleven days ago, a man was injured when one of those dogs grabbed him in north Dublin. Aon lá dhéag ó shin, gortaíodh fear nuair a rug ceann de na madraí sin air i dtuaisceart Bhaile Átha Cliath. Last month, a one-year-old girl was seriously injured when she was attacked by a huge bully in Co Kerry. An mhí seo caite, gortaíodh go dona cailín beag bliain d'aois nuair a thug bulaí ollmhór fogha fúithi i gCo Chiarraí. In November 2022, a young boy, Alejandro Mizsan, was seriously injured when he was attacked by a huge bully while playing with his friends in a park in Enniscorthy in Co Wexford. I mí na Samhna 2022, bhain drochghortuithe do bhuachaill óg, Alejandro Mizsan, nuair a d'ionsaigh bulaí ollmhór é agus é ag súgradh lena chairde i bpáirc in Inis Córthaidh i gCo Loch Garman. The new law, however, is a bitter drink for people with massive bullies and for animal welfare organizations. Is searbh an deoch í an dlí nua, áfach, do dhaoine a bhfuil bulaithe ollmhóra acu agus d'eagraíochtaí cúraim ainmhithe leis. Yesterday, a group of them marched as far as Dáil Éireann demanding that the new regulations be amended. Inné, mháirseáil grúpa díobh chomh fada le Dáil Éireann agus iad ag éileamh na rialacháin nua a leasú. Supporting them are Chris Andrews from Sinn Féin and Neasa Hourigan from the Green Party. Ag tacú leo tá Chris Andrews ó Shinn Féin agus Neasa Hourigan ón gComhaontas Glas. RTÉ News and Current Affairs A two-stage ban on the XL bully (or huge bully) in this State
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    12 mins
  • 20240926_IRISH_an_liobain:_caint_ar_shos_comhraic_ach_maireann_an_bhuamail
    Sep 26 2024
    jQuery(document).ready(function(){ cab.clickify(); }); Original Podcast with clickable words https://tinyurl.com/24lom9kg Contact: irishlingos@gmail.com Lebanon: talk of a ceasefire but the bombing continues. An Liobáin: caint ar shos comhraic ach maireann an bhuamáil. Israeli military forces are continuing their bombing of Lebanon since the beginning of this week despite requests from the United States and France to implement a ceasefire. Tá fórsaí míleata Iosrael ag leanúint den bhuamáil atá siad a dhéanamh ar an Liobáin ó thús na seachtaine seo ainneoin iarratais ó na Stáit Aontaithe agus ón bhFrainc sos comhraic a chur i bhfeidhm. The Government of Lebanon indicated that thirteen people were killed in bombing attacks carried out by the Israeli air force on parts of the east and south of the country during the night. Thug Rialtas na Liobáine le fios gur maraíodh trí dhuine dhéag in ionsaithe buamála a rinne aerfhórsa Iosrael ar áiteanna in oirthear agus i ndeisceart na tíre i gcaitheamh na hoíche. However, that report appears to have been a hoax since it was later reported that 23 people – mostly women and children – were killed when the Israelis bombed a small town in eastern Lebanon. Is cosúil gur maolaisnéis a bhí sa tuairsic sin, áfach, ó tuairiscíodh ina dhiaidh sin gur maraíodh 23 duine – mná agus leanaí a bhformhór – nuair a bhuamáil na hIosraelaigh baile beag in oirthear na Liobáine. The dead were apparently refugees from the war in Syria. Teifigh ón gcogadh sa tSiria a bhí sna mairbh, de réir dealraimh. According to the Israelis, their missiles hit 75 Hezbollah sites - arsenals, rocket launching bases and other military infrastructure. Dar leis na hIosraelaigh gur bhuail a gcuid diúracán 75 ionad de chuid Hezbollah – armlanna, bunáiteanna lainseála roicéad agus bonneagar míleata eile. Yesterday, the bombing killed at least 72 people and injured hundreds. Inné, maraíodh 72 duine ar a laghad agus gortaíodh na céadta de bharr na buamála. The Israelis claimed they attacked Hezbollah positions and destroyed nearly 300 of them. Mhaígh na hIosraelaigh gur ionaid de chuid Hezbollah a d'ionsaigh siad agus gur scrios siad beagnach 300 acu. About 100,000 people have fled the danger zone in the hope of finding refuge in the capital, Beirut, and other towns in northern Lebanon. Tá thart ar 100,000 duine tar éis teitheadh ó bhearna an bhaoil ar shúil go bhfaighidh siad tearmann sa phríomhchathair, Béiriút, agus i mbailte eile i dtuaisceart na Liobáine. In New York, US President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron both expressed concern that there would be an all-out war in the region. I Nua-Eabhrac, dúirt Uachtarán na Stát Aontaithe Joe Biden agus Uachtarán na Fraince Emmanuel Macron araon go raibh imní orthu go mbeadh cogadh iomlán sa réigiún. They called for a three-week ceasefire to be implemented and to seize the opportunity to engage in talks about easing the crisis. D'iarr siad sos comhraic trí seachtaine a chur i bhfeidhm agus breith ar an bhfaill le dul i mbun comhráite faoin ngéarchéim a mhaolú. Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron are attending the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Tá Joe Biden agus Emmanuel Macron ag freastal ar Chomhthionól Ginearálta na Náisiún Aontaithe i Nua-Eabhrac. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to address the Assembly this evening. Tá Príomh-Aire Iosrael Benjamin Netanyahu le óráid a thabhairt sa Chomhthionól tráthnóna inniu. RTÉ News and Current Affairs People watch the bombing of their own village near Tuir in southern Lebanon, 26 September 2024 Nuacht agus Cúrsaí Reatha RTÉ Daoine ag faire ar bhuamáil a sráidbhaile féin in aice leis an Tuír i ndeisceart na Liobáine, 26 Meán Fómhair 2024
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    11 mins
  • 20240925_IRISH_ospideal_leanai:_data_criochnaithe_curtha_siar_14_uair_o_2020
    Sep 25 2024
    jQuery(document).ready(function(){ cab.clickify(); }); Original Podcast with clickable words https://tinyurl.com/2ank5lhk Contact: irishlingos@gmail.com Children's hospital: completion date postponed 14 times from 2020. Ospidéal leanaí: dáta críochnaithe curtha siar 14 uair ó 2020. The completion date of the new children's hospital has been pushed back fourteen times by four years by building contractors BAM, the Joint Oireachtas Committee for Health was told today. Tá dáta críochnaithe an ospidéil nua leanaí curtha siar ceithre huaire dhéag le ceithre bliana ag na conraitheoirí tógála BAM, a dúradh leis an gComhchoiste Oireachtais um Sláinte inniu. Speaking before the committee, the chief executive of the hospital's board, David Gunning, said that BAM now thinks the hospital will be completed by June next year, which is 31 months later than last indicated. the issue was discussed with the company. Ag labhairt dó i láthair an choiste, dúirt príomhfheidhmeannach bhord an ospidéil, David Gunning, go gceapann BAM anois go mbeidh an t-ospidéal críochnaithe faoi Mheitheamh na bliana seo chugainn, sin 31 mí níos moille ná mar a tugadh le fios an uair dheireanach a pléadh an cheist leis an gcomhlacht. David Gunning claimed this was not good enough and said the board could not accept the endless postponement. Mhaígh David Gunning nach raibh seo maith go leor agus dúirt nach bhféadfadh an bord glacadh leis an gcur siar gan deireadh. He admitted, however, that there was no contractual arrangement regarding a completion date set out in writing and he did not provide any information about what the board intended to do to resolve the problem. D'admhaigh sé, áfach, nach raibh socrú conarthach maidir le dáta críochnaithe leagtha amach i scríbhinn agus níor thug sé aon eolas faoi cad a bhí ar intinn ag an mbord a dhéanamh chun an fhadhb a réiteach. David Gunning informed the committee that the Government allocated a capital budget of €1.88 billion for the hospital last February and confirmed that a total of €1.478 billion had been spent on the project to date, including value added tax. Thug David Gunning le fios don choiste gur lamháil an Rialtas buiséad caipitil de €1.88 billiún le haghaidh an ospidéil i mí Feabhra seo caite agus dhearbhaigh gur caitheadh €1.478 billiún san iomlán ar an togra go dtí seo, cáin bhreisluacha san áireamh. The quality and timeliness of the construction and fitting out work at the hospital is being questioned. Tá amhras á chaitheamh le hatha ar fheabhas agus ar thráthúlacht na hoibre tógála agus feistiúcháin san ospidéal. Despite this, BAM said yesterday that the company was committed to completing the hospital "as soon as possible for the children of Ireland". Ina ainneoin sin, dúirt BAM inné go raibh an comhlacht geallmhar ar an ospidéal a chríochnú "a luaithe ab fhéidir ar son leanaí na hÉireann". According to Sinn Féin's health spokesperson, David Cullinane, different parties are ready to blame each other for the delay and asked both the hospital board and BAM to loosen this knot. Dar le hurlabhraí sláinte Shinn Féin, David Cullinane, gur réidh ó dhreamanna éagsúla an milleán faoin moill a chur ar a chéile agus d'iarr ar bhord an ospidéil agus ar BAM araon an tsnaidhm seo a scaoileadh. He also claimed that the Government was sending the pooch from their own house because they only had the foal part of the lattice and that they had no responsibility for the whole inefficiency. Mhaígh sé freisin go raibh an Rialtas ag cur an phúca óna dteach féin i leith is nach raibh acu ach cuid an tsearraigh den chléith agus nach raibh aon fhreagracht orthu as an mí-éifeacht ar fad. It must also be taken into account, said David Cullinane, that it was Taoiseach Simon Harris who signed the "flawed" contract with BAM on the first occasion when he was Minister for Health. Ní mór a chur san áireamh chomh maith, arsa David Cullinane, gurbh é an Taoiseach Simon Harris a shínigh an conradh "lochtach" l...
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    13 mins

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