• #1 Stress in times of Covid-19
    Nov 27 2020

    Frieda and Anya talk about stress in lawyers' life, especially in these Covid-19 times.

    We discuss: how stress works, what's a normal stress response and what isn't one, striving for control, top tip for building resilience, the study on the power of positivity. We finish off with an EXPERIMENT to try at home. All listeners are invited to take part in the experiment and click here to report back on the results: https://forms.gle/GChc4kJf9wWenf159.

    Please subscribe, like and share.

    Click here to leave us a review and suggest topics: https://forms.gle/d9SZKGJZjo8bbnbEA.

    Reach out to us: Anya at www.postnatalrecovery.co.uk and Frieda at www.bravingboundaries.com.

    Thanks to tedefame from Pixabay for the music.

    We love hearing how experiments work out for you. Email us at and .

    Please rate, review and subscribe.

    (Thanks to tedefame from Pixabay for the music.)

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    16 mins
  • #2 Routine as a tool for work-life balance
    Dec 5 2020

    This week’s topic is Routine

    ! Do you have a strict daily routine or do you take each day as it comes? Does your current routine make room for everything you want to do? Is your current routine a conscious choice or merely a habit you’ve fallen into? Join us as we explore the pros and cons of routines, Rafael Nadal’s routine and how to use routine to build in more of what you love and want in your life.

    EXPERIMENT: Each episode has an experiment to try at home. Click here to report back on the results.

    YOUR THOUGHTS: Click here to leave us a review and suggest topics.

    REACH OUT: We love helping lawyers. Contact Frieda here and contact Anya here.

    Subscribe, like and share.

    Thanks to tedefame from Pixabay for the music.

    We love hearing how experiments work out for you. Email us at and .

    Please rate, review and subscribe.

    (Thanks to tedefame from Pixabay for the music.)

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    26 mins
  • #3 New Year resolutions that work!
    Dec 17 2020

    In this episode, Frieda and Anya reflect on how we usually make NY resolutions and let's be honest most of the time give them up by Feb, and how to make sustainable NY resolutions that really work and make our boat go faster towards happiness and success.

    00.25 - results of the previous experiment
    05.20 - NY resolutions discussion
    18.30 - hypothesis
    21.30 - NY resolutions experiment

    EXPERIMENT: Click here to report back on the results of your experiment: https://forms.gle/GChc4kJf9wWenf159.

    YOUR THOUGHTS: Click here to leave us a review and suggest topics: https://forms.gle/d9SZKGJZjo8bbnbEA.

    REACH OUT: Anya at https://postnatalrecovery.co.uk and Frieda at https://bravingboundaries.com.

    Subscribe, like and share.

    Thanks to tedefame from Pixabay for the music.

    We love hearing how experiments work out for you. Email us at and .

    Please rate, review and subscribe.

    (Thanks to tedefame from Pixabay for the music.)

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    25 mins
  • #4 Your New Year vision. Maintaining the motivation.
    Jan 16 2021

    In the last episode we mused on how to create New Year Resolutions that actually work! In this episode we take it one step further and discuss how to maintain the motivation throughout the year.

    00.25 - what we've learnt from the last experiment on creating the vision for the year ahead
    08.50 - what are the obstacles to sticking to the new year vision
    12.50 - how to manage those obstacles
    14.30 - hypothesis
    14.40 - experiment on maintaining the motivation and going into action

    EXPERIMENT: Click here to report back on the results of your experiment: https://forms.gle/GChc4kJf9wWenf159.

    YOUR THOUGHTS: Click here to leave us a review and suggest topics: https://forms.gle/d9SZKGJZjo8bbnbEA.

    REACH OUT: If you are stuck in a rut, reach out to us for a no-obligation chat to clarify your issues and see if coaching is for you. Reach out to Anya at https://postnatalrecovery.co.uk and to Frieda at https://bravingboundaries.com.

    Subscribe, like and share.

    Thanks to tedefame from Pixabay for the music.

    We love hearing how experiments work out for you. Email us at and .

    Please rate, review and subscribe.

    (Thanks to tedefame from Pixabay for the music.)

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    21 mins
  • #5 Managing toxic relationships
    Jan 29 2021

    With Valentine's Day around the corner, we thought February would be a good month to explore relationships: the good, the bad and the ugly! So, of course, we decided to start with the toxic ones!

    00.25 - what we've learnt from the last experiment on maintaining motivation and taking action with our New Year resolutions
    04.35 - what constitutes a toxic work environment and our experiences
    21.35 - The role of HR / your boss in resolving a toxic environment
    25.35 - hypothesis
    27.15 - experiment on identifying toxic environments in your work and life.

    Click here to download the worksheet for this experiment (or copy-paste this in your browser: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_8c1AVfqxaHEhkbS2OEmOrhvZcWniyyl/view?usp=sharing).

    EXPERIMENT: Click here to report back on the results of your experiment (or copy-paste this in your browser: https://forms.gle/GChc4kJf9wWenf159).

    YOUR THOUGHTS: Click here to leave us a review and suggest topics (or copy-paste this in your browser: https://forms.gle/d9SZKGJZjo8bbnbEA).

    CONTACT US: If you are stuck in a rut, reach out to us for a no-obligation chat to clarify your issues and see if coaching is for you. Reach out to Anya at and to Frieda at .

    Please rate, review and subscribe.

    Thanks to tedefame from Pixabay for the music.

    We love hearing how experiments work out for you. Email us at and .

    Please rate, review and subscribe.

    (Thanks to tedefame from Pixabay for the music.)

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    30 mins
  • #6 Relationships: assets or liabilities?
    Feb 12 2021

    Continuing February's theme of relationships, today, Frieda and Anya take a look at the impact our personal relationships (with our friends, our family and our loved ones) have on our lives. Relationships are powerful things: Good and healthy relationships (our assets) support us and gift us with renewed energy. Toxic relationships (our liabilities) empty our energy tank and drain us. Today we look at how to identify the relationships in our lives which are assets and liabilities; how to find a balance between the relationships that drain us and the relationships that support us; and how actively working on our supportive relationships will improve our progress and experience of happiness and fulfilment in our lives.

    00.25 - our findings from Episode 5's experiment: how we are triggered in toxic situations and strategies we use to cope with them
    07.10 - introducing the concept of a system of relationships, transforming relationships from liabilities to assets + an 80-year long study on happiness
    19.20 - a mini-guided coaching session to help you explore your system of relationships and clarify which are assets and which are liabilities (Frieda bravely volunteered to be coached)
    32.15 - hypothesis
    32.55 - experiment on exploring your system of relationships

    EXPERIMENT: Click here to report back on the results of your experiment (or copy-paste this in your browser: https://forms.gle/GChc4kJf9wWenf159).

    YOUR THOUGHTS: Click here to leave us a review and suggest topics (or copy-paste this in your browser: https://forms.gle/d9SZKGJZjo8bbnbEA).

    CONTACT US: If you are stuck in a rut, reach out to either of us for a complimentary chat. Reach out to Anya at and to Frieda at .

    Please rate, review and subscribe.

    Thanks to tedefame from Pixabay for the music.

    We love hearing how experiments work out for you. Email us at and .

    Please rate, review and subscribe.

    (Thanks to tedefame from Pixabay for the music.)

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    34 mins
  • #7 Who are YOU?
    Mar 1 2021

    In this last of three episodes on relationships, we talk about the relationship with our Self, how the legal profession influences our identity and how to show up authentically.

    Download the values experiment form here (or copy-paste this in your browser: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10cNrVaciNRqTJfmxhiKtUIkMY_1tNEUw/view?usp=sharing).

    We would love to have your thoughts on our podcast, we are just two lawyers-coaches learning to podcast!

    Reach out to Anya at and to Frieda at .

    Please rate, review and subscribe.

    Thanks to tedefame from Pixabay for the music.

    We love hearing how experiments work out for you. Email us at and .

    Please rate, review and subscribe.

    (Thanks to tedefame from Pixabay for the music.)

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    28 mins
  • #8 What makes a good leader - Covid-19 and beyond
    Mar 26 2021

    How would you describe a good leader? What traits do they have? What characteristics spring to mind? What examples of good leaders do you have in your life?

    This week Frieda and Anya take a look at leadership in the legal profession and discuss what makes a good leader during Covid-19 and beyond. Join them in this week's experiment which seeks to help identify and develop good leadership habits.

    Please rate, review and subscribe.

    If any of the topics discussed on today's episode or on any previous episodes resonate with you and you would like to explore the topics further, then reach out to Anya at or to Frieda at .

    Thanks to tedefame from Pixabay for the music.

    We love hearing how experiments work out for you. Email us at and .

    Please rate, review and subscribe.

    (Thanks to tedefame from Pixabay for the music.)

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    31 mins