I started the Atheist Addiction project in 2020 during the pandemic. This project has allowed me to manage my substance addictions in a way that 12-step programs never could. I never believed in a god, despite feeling I should due to lifelong social construction. Giving away gods cleared my head and allowed me to discover the joy of unbelief! I now manage my addictions through philosophy. Download it for FREE on Patreon, there's no paywall to read it, I want to make this a collaborative project with other atheist addicts and I'm DYING for feedback!
I listen to a multitude of dangerously militant Christian Nationalist podcasts every day, this podcast is dedicated to my favourite crazies and I use the philosophy I have learned from Atheist Addiction and my deconversion journey to analyze them. Enjoy!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/atheistaddiction
Twitter: @atheist_addict
Substack: https://atheistaddiction.substack.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1453870325101515
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@atheist_addict