• Do Real Face To Face Conversations Still Happen?
    Jun 1 2023

    This episode may seem like two guys just asking questions of each other, however, the main point of this podcast and the challenge to us all is to put down the phones (after you have listened to the podcast) and have a genuine conversation with someone you love. We often get caught up in our daily fast paced life of work, school, volunteering, extra curricular activities, social media, video games or whatever, that we don't sit down with our friends or family and just have an honest conversation. In this episode, Caleb Davis (yep - my son) and I have a father-son, son-father conversation where we just have a conversation. We ask each other questions about the Bible, life, generational stereotypes and other interesting topics. The fun part is that we didn't share the questions with each other prior to the recording of the podcast. A tidbit for anyone that has children or young adults: Caleb provides his thoughts on how we (adults / parents) should communicate with their generation and provides some insight on their generational mindset.

    As I mention at the end of the episode, the Kingdom Challenge from this podcast is having that conversation with your spouse, children or friends and seek input or advice from them and try to do more listening and not so much talking or defending - you'll be amazed at how your relationship will grow.

    As always - please continue to share the episode and the podcast and also check out the YouTube Channel if you'd like to watch us! Be sure to subscribe to the YouTube Channel - we'll post items that won't be on the podcast so you won't want to miss that!

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN9u36tAInoEd5ULgNAGnGA?app=desktop

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    30 mins
  • Mental Health Awareness - A Must Listen Episode
    May 15 2023

    May is Mental Health Awareness month so we spend this episode on suicide awareness. Pastor Obie Batista is the co-host and brings great wisdom, knowledge and personal experience regarding mental health. If you do not struggle with mental health, first, thank God for that, next, please listen to the episode because there is a good chance you have a son, daughter, spouse, family member, friend, co-worker or just a casual acquaintance that does.

    In this episode we discuss three major topics: 1.) Statistics regarding mental health and specifically suicide, 2.) signs to be aware of that could indicate that a person is struggling mentally and some suggestions on how connect with that individual, 3.) the HOPE that exists for all of us - Jesus Christ. Regardless of your struggle or the stage of the struggle that you are in, there IS hope and that hope comes from Jesus.

    If you are struggling, please don't go through it alone. Reach out to any of the resources below to get help. As we discuss in this episode, asking for help is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength. We all have a story and a testimony, God can use your struggles to help someone else!

    • Suicide Prevention Hotline: 988
    • Lifeline Website: https://988lifeline.org/
    • Mission 22 (Veteran Awareness): https://mission22.com/
    • Shane Davis: Shanedavis28012@gmail.com
    • Obie Batista: obie@citync.com
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    30 mins
  • The Dangers of Progressive Christianity - Part 2
    May 1 2023

    This is part 2 of the discussion on Dangers of Progressive Christianity. If you haven't listened to Part 1, I would encourage you to listen to Part 1 before listening to Part 2; however not necessary. ALSO - Be sure to subscribe to the Kingdom Men Gaston YouTube Channel. Brent and I continue the discussion and dangers of Progressive Christianity but it is only on YouTube - you need to check this out. Subscribe and you will be notified with this video has posted. The YouTube channel information is below.

    As we have mentioned in the past, our goal is to communicate the love of Christ and empower anyone that is listening to us to follow Christ or get to know Him better. Sometimes this can be difficult to communicate as well as difficult to receive, however, the Bible and Jesus himself says that when we choose to follow Him we will suffer rejection as He did. THIS MESSAGE NEEDS TO BE HEARD AND SHARED!

    Listen and share this episode and the podcast channel - this message needs to be heard! Also, check out and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/@kingdommengaston2034/featured). We are going to post video recording of our podcast, other messages, encouraging videos and live stream our events. ***Be sure to subscribe to the channel to get a notification when the YouTube only video is posted.

    ***This episode will be posted to YouTube on May 7th.

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    29 mins
  • The Dangers of Progressive Christianity - Part 1
    Apr 15 2023

    Progressive Christianity 'started' around 2006 and has continued to grow in number of followers and churches over the years. This is a dangerous movement that needs to be discussed in our churches and with our young adults as well as Christ followers that may be early in their walk. This is part one of a two part series there Brent and I discuss not only the guiding principles (per the Progressive Christianity website), but the dangers of the movement.

    As we have mentioned in the past, our goal is to communicate the love of Christ and empower anyone that is listening to us to follow Christ or get to know Him better. Sometimes this can be difficult to communicate as well as difficult to receive, however, the Bible and Jesus himself says that when we choose to follow Him we will suffer rejection as He did. THIS MESSAGE NEEDS TO BE HEARD AND SHARED!

    Listen and share this episode and the podcast channel - this message needs to be heard! Also, check out and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/@kingdommengaston2034/featured). We are going to post video recording of our podcast, other messages, encouraging videos and live stream our events.

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    30 mins
  • Easter Special - Death and Resurrection of Christ
    Apr 1 2023

    Back by popular demand, Brent Hubbard is my guest again on this episode where we discuss the death and resurrection of Christ. As we approach Easter (Resurrection Day), it is extremely important that we discuss the events that led up the resurrection and even more importantly WHY those events had to happen for our benefit.

    I could spend time typing out the importance of the death and resurrection and why it is the most important event in human history, however I wouldn't do it justice. Brent and I talk about these items in this episode and back it up with Scripture. Please listen to the end (spoiler alert) and if you haven't accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, TODAY is the day. Do not wait, Scripture says that we are not guaranteed tomorrow and life is like a vapor. The main purpose and driver of this podcast is to glorify Christ and encourage anyone listening that may not know Him to take that step of inviting him into your heart.

    Love to hear your feedback on this or any other episodes from the past or topics you'd like to see us discuss - email Shanedavis28012@gmail.com. Also, if this podcast has impacted you in anyway, please share that as well. One suggestion that I have received is to video record the sessions so people can watch the episode on YouTube - This suggestion could become a reality!!!!

    If you don't follow the Kingdom Men Gaston Facebook page, please do so if you are on social media. We communicate upcoming events, new episodes and other news via Facebook.

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    30 mins
  • Stand Up For Christ!!
    Mar 15 2023

    Have you ever been in a situation where 'worldly' actions were taking place around you or you had the opportunity to share the gospel, but failed to take action?  Don't worry, most of us have been in that same situation.  There will be other opportunities when we will have to stand up for our faith and stand with Christ.  That could be in the work place, at school, at the park or playground or even in your own home or at a family function.  In this episode Brent Hubbard and I talk about why it is important for us (as Christ followers) to stand up, speak out and be bold in our faith.  

    Brent and I talk about challenges that we, as Christ followers, face both as an individual and as a church (building).  Not only are we as individuals called to stand up and share our faith against the world, but local churches are also called to do the same.  In some cases standing up (either as an individual or a church) could cause some repercussions, however, the reward WILL be great in heaven.  No where in scripture does it say that following Christ will be easy, it actually says the opposite - one verse in particular is John 15:18, Jesus says "If the world hates you, know that it hated me before it hated you" (Red Letters).

    As Christ followers we should STAND UP, but also be ready to tell others why we believe, just as 1 Peter 15-16 states:

    "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander"

    Finally - Christ is not a donkey or an elephant; listen to the episode to hear what is meant by this!

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    29 mins
  • Let's Have An Honest Conversation
    Mar 1 2023

    This episode we talk about Porn and Sexual addiction with Andrew Reichel.  This is one of the biggest struggles in the world today (for men and women) and is continuously growing.  While this can be an uncomfortable topic to discuss, it is absolutely necessary.  If you are fortunate and do not struggle with porn, PLEASE listen to this podcast and encourage others to do so as well as there is a very high probability that you have a friend, co-worker, son/daughter, spouse or other family member that could be.  Andrew is a Sexual Recovery Coach and shares his testimony as well as valuable information if you or someone close to you struggles with porn.

    Porn is not a race, gender or age specific sin, the evil one uses it to tear down anyone that he can.  In the episode we discuss how much the industry has grown financially, target demographics of the porn industry and also the impacts it has on our emotions and attitudes as well as the physical impacts.

    We also discuss how this is an addiction that CAN be overcome and defeated.  There are multiple scriptures that God's Word tells us about temptations, tests and struggles, we talk about how we can call on the name of Jesus to help us in the battle (and how He will answer that call).  

    Finally - if you do struggle with porn, please know that it does NOT define who you are or whose (God's child) you are.  You are broken, but we all are, that is what makes God's love so amazing.  Don't wait to reach out for help.  Reaching out for help is not a sign of weakness, quiet the opposite, it is a sign of strength and courage.  God's love for you has never decreased because you struggle, He loves you the same today as he always has (which is A LOT!).

    If you or someone you care about is tired of struggling with porn, please call or email Andrew.   

    Andrew Reichel:  704.621.5065 / Andrew@room2heal.org

    Please check out Room2Heal.org.  This is the recovery facility discussed that Andrew and his wife Lisa run.  

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    29 mins
  • Does Sin and Struggles Change from Generation to Generation?
    Feb 15 2023

    In this episode, Elijah Goble and I (Shane) discuss the challenges that face our younger generation and are they that different than the ones my generation (Generation X) faced?  We'll discuss if the sin and struggles are actually different or if they just disguise themselves as something else.  With the rise of the internet and social media, how has that impacted the availability of sin?  We wrap up the episode by discussing what we can do to limit the temptation the evil one throws at us daily and how we are called to walk along side our brothers and sisters in Christ.  We need each other to encourage one another and help each other up when we stumble.

    Take a listen to the podcast and let us know your thoughts.  Does that sin and struggles change?  Does the current generation face a greater struggle than past generations?

    Finally, special thanks to Elijah for being open and transparent in our discussion.  For individuals in their late teens and early twenties, this is not an easy thing to do.  I am encouraged to see how the Lord uses Elijah and his talents to further glorify the kingdom, he is an impressive young man and we are all proud of him.  

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    27 mins